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it's not mono. what the heck is wrong with me?

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I'm not looking for a diagnosis here, I'm leaving that for the doctor. I just need to vent some of my worrying.


I've been sick for two weeks, swollen lymphs, sore throat, blah feeling, sleeping for 16 hours a day. I thought it was mono, CERTAIN it was mono. I was on a course of antibiotics that didn't help at all. I've had mono before, when I was 16, so I didn't think I could get again, but like the doctor said "stranger things have happened".


The mono test came back today negative. The doc thinks it might be a thyroid problem, but I was tested not too long ago. She's ordered a few tests other than thyroid to rule other stuff out as well. The blood panel showed it's not an infection, viral or bacterial. So what the heck can it be?


She gave me a corticosteroid for my nose and said wait till the results are back from the lab.


I'm worried now. I wasn't, but I am now. I don't know what I'm dealing with. My mom is scared too, she said for me to just admit myself to the hospital to find out quicker what's wrong with me. I can't do that, I have my animals here I have to take care of. She wants to fly out to take care of me. Right now I can take care of myself, so I told her it's not necessary. I'm supposed to start school this week, but what if I'm still this sick for awhile yet?


Good vibes? Anyone? PLEASE?

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I went through something pretty similar last year, it wasn't mono or a thyroid problem, I was certain it was my thyroid since my hair texture had even changed, but all my tests were 'normal' (I say that since I have a different norm than most people). My doc was baffled so she just had me be careful of what I ate and told me to make sure I got enough water and I changed the time of day I took my anti-depressant. I found changing when I was taking the meds helped a lot and my water intake was a big factor. I get really run down when I'm dehydrated.


I'm still having problems with my sleep pattern even after a year, but I think a lot of it is stress. I'll sleep 12 hours and feel more tired then if I just sleep 8 hours. If I need to be productive that day I will set my alarm for 7-8 hours sleep, if not I sleep. I have to force myself out of bed a lot, but I start my day doing stretches and some crunches while still in bed, it gets the blood going. I have a routine that helps me keep moving so I keep on time, I think that helps keep me from slumping back to bed. I still fall asleep randomly at times when I sit still long enough, so I try to keep myself active by getting up from my comp and walking around for a few min or I'll do dishes and clean a lot.

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Mono is short for mononucleosis, also called "the Kising disease" because it can be transmitted in saliva. It is characterized by swollen spleen, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, and fever. I had it in college, and it was not fun. All I wanted to do was sleep.

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With hypothyroidism it would be unusual to have swollen lymph nodes The swollen nodes usually suggests infection.


Well exactly. I'm just confused. I thought it was an infection, not bacterial since the antibiotics didn't nip it in the butt, so viral. So I thought mono because of the massive amount of sleep I've been getting. I'd check for splenomegaly, but I haven't learned the fine art of self-palpitation


But then I get thrown for a loop when she said that my body is not battling an infection. Ok, fine, I know lymphs can stay swollen for quite some time after infection, but I SHOULD be feeling better right? My throat hurts more today than it has since getting sick, and I still feel woozy if I'm up and about longer than 10 minutes and I'm still getting my 16 hours of sleep a day (or more).


The oreos make me feel better though

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I'd check for splenomegaly, but I haven't learned the fine art of self-palpitation


Did your PCP palpate your abdomen? Is there any tenderness?


But then I get thrown for a loop when she said that my body is not battling an infection

I'm curious as to how she determined this. Did she do a CBC with a differential?


My throat hurts more today than it has since getting sick, and I still feel woozy if I'm up and about longer than 10 minutes and I'm still getting my 16 hours of sleep a day (or more).

Did she do a test for strep throat? Also the test for mono could have garnered a false negative.


The oreos make me feel better though


I know they are good, but this is not what you want to be eating when you are sick. Sugar will supress your immune system and the hydrogenated fats in oreos should never be consumed, ever. They are posion!! Sorry I'm a nutrition freak, probaly one of the reasons why my gf broke up with me .

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PALPATE! I knew palpitate sounded wrongs (palpitate would be a funny heart beat). They didn't palpate, which I did find odd.


Yes, a cbc was done along with the mono test (aptly named Monotest).


No test for strep. My throat was looked at. It was a bit red to begin with, but the subsequent visits both docs said my throat looks clear. It just hurts to swallow, I think something is swollen underneath subcutaneously.


And I do suspect the oreos are PROLONGING my sickness I'm just kidding of course, but they do give me a little bit of happiness. The pierogi and veggies I had for dinner today were MUCHO better.


I'm a nutritional nut too. Don't get me started on animal nutrition

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It hurts (sometimes, depending on the capability of the doc) but I recommend an endoscope checkup (that's the camera that goes through your mouth or nose). I've had it done lots recently. Before that, doctors and health officials thought 'something' was up (because my throat was sheer pain and ended up being virtually unable or eat or drink. I made a thread but nobody cared. Anyways), but had no idea. Within half an hour of an endoscope I was checked into hospital for treatment. Which wasn't fun, but it did cure what ails me. For a week. Then I went back in. And now, two weeks later, I am probably going back in again this week. What fun. I pray your illness does't even come close to this.


So yeah, if they have the capability locally (I guess I was lucky they have an ENT nearby) see if a hospital can get you an endoscope. I'e learned from this escapade that whilst doctors and such can find some problems, persistent ones need decisive action. Don't suffer for 3 months (plus) like I've been doing. Surprisingly, it ain't fun.


Hopefully this is of some help. Makes us even, if so.

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Thanks Proactive. I'm sorry to hear about your troubles.


With my own health, I'm a lot like I am when it comes to animal health: if they're sick, FIND OUT WHAT'S WRONG AND FIX IT! It alarms me that the first doctor didn't even FEEL my lymphs, just threw antibiotics at me. When I went back to him because it was 2 weeks later and I didn't feel well, he felt my lymphs, said maybe it's mono and sent me for a cbc and monotest. The last doc I saw about the test results was more interested in diagnosing. She wants to "dig deeper".


If this doesn't clear up in the next week or so, I will take matters into my own hands and demand some more tests, an endoscopy sounds like a good plan. When I can't even swallow some water to take some pain meds because it hurts so bad, it sucks.

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I had something similar a few years ago. I had extremely swollen lymph nodes, sleeping 16+ hours a day (still tired when awake), pus in the back of my throat, body aches, loss of appetite. The doctors were almost positive that it was mono. The tests and throat swabs came back negative. I had that for about 2 months.


I never did find out what it was. This was around the time all that anthrax business had occurred. I thought I had that hahaha. Whatever it was, it went away eventually. Some sort of virus no doubt.


I hope you feel better soon. Take lots of vitamins and eat well.

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  • 2 months later...

From looking at the symptoms you have posted, it seems to me that you have the same thing that I had for many years while I was at University. I traveled overseas in that time and came back and I still had it!


I went to many doctors etc. None could find anything wrong with me. I had pills, special diets etc. It's just 'theory of the week' for doctors, believe me. You do have real physical symtoms, you know that.


Hopefully you will come back onto this forum so that I can establish if you do have the same thing, and if so the steps that you can take to recovery.

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I wonder also how things are. I had very similar symptoms. Swollen lymph nodes, sore throat for about 2 weeks, fever 101, slept at least 12-15 hours per day for more than 2 weeks. Terrible cough.


Test for mono came back negative. Sinusitus is what my original doc said. Antibiotics seemed to clear that part up, but there was an underlying virus.


My newest doctor told me that there are more than 200 little viruses that can last up to a month. They never try to identify one in particular. Treatment is the same regardless.


I am not sure how the doc in this case could have ruled out all viruses. The doc problably ruled out bacterial infection and a few viruses. Symptoms sound like a virus to me.

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