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2 social problems


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another bunch of cliched problems waiting to be read from a shy freshman.

1)i dont know how to speak infront of the class. because of what they might think. and kids these days are cruel. i tell myself to relax, but i only get more nervous. i dont know what to do if i didnt have any friends in the class, and its most of it. some people say they dont judge others, especially the groups(preps, skaters, etc) but i still believe they are laughing at others' embarrassing moments. how do i act natural without the presense of friends?


2)the worst person i think to try to converse with is a person you like. i used to like this boy in 8th grade, now its highschool and i have 3 classes with him. but he is usually with a friend from the class. i was a coward by waiting til hes alone. which rarely happens. this year i have a class where i didnt know anyone but him. so what am i supposed to say to this person without being awkward and embarrass myself? i have trouble talking to the opposite gender.


also some advice on making friends. and sorry if i cant describe the problems well. any advice will be helpful.

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my signature helped me a bit when i ran into awkward moments in my life...


also, you'll never get comfortable with something unless you've done it before and u know what to do. i find it easier to speak in public when i know exactly what i'm doing and how i should do it. it's almost exactly like testing, except for the obvious reasons.


the worst person to try to converse with is the one you want to talk to the most? that's common for many people, so don't feel left out


a great way to start a conversation is with a 'hey, wats happenin?' or 'how's it goin?'


he'll never notice you if he can't notice you, and it's always a bit harder to notice that cute looking girl in the corner of your eye that wants to talk to you but is afraid to because you're talking to a friend.


one of the best ways to carry on a conversation is by saying something. i usually have nothing to say myself, but today i've had a bit more to talk about because i was hangin out with my friends and was at my high school's first football game.


i ask myself constantly how i made these friends, and the answer is always 'because i was involved in the same things they were.' that gave me ground to walk on because we automatically had something in common. we'd talk about things we'd like and whatnot cause we were all thinking the same thing: i need a friend.


let that settle down in yourself and try to read nottogreen's journal (work in Progress) in the journals section on this forum.


hope that helps! i know it was a lot to read, but take it slow and you'll get it down fast.

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I am a pastor's kid and I've had to fill in for readings for services a lot. I still get nervous whenever I have to speak in public.


Some tips:

1.) Look at the persons forhead, not their eyes.

2.) If you can be behind a podium, have a rubber band you can play with to take away your nervous energy.

3.) Focus on your points.

4.) Use notecards.


Hope this helps.

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i left out alot of details for my second problem. i had half of my classes with him in eighth grade. and i knew some of his friends. well sometimes he'd come to me with his friends or alone and start talking and saying funny things. one time he said he wants to pick a fight with me. but all we did was pushing around. i once commented his project in english class, then we talked a little. then he often says that im his buddy. one time he said that, one of his friends said "no shes not", that hurt me a little. eventually he starts saying i love you to me, i think he is joking around since we were friends. now i have trouble trying to talk to him because i dont know if he also changed over the summer like some of my other friends. was that confusing? overall the probem is trying to talk to a familiar person but not sure in what way.

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