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When will it end?

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I'm tired. I've been working as an RA for about two weeks now and prettty soon at about 8 am there will be close to 1200 Freshman moving in. But that isn't worrying me. It's this damn love. It feels like so many people have found it or have had sex and I am out of the loop. I'm pretty sure I should just quit this whining as there are many people who haven't had it...but that's them. This is me. I'm just tired of always trying to become stronger and yet this damn weakness keeps getting in my way. No matter how hard I work, it always comes back...WHY?? It's not fair! I shouldn't be feeling this. I've always wanted to be me and become stronger. I know have a great opportunity and am definitely going to work hard as an RA, but no matter what, I will always be haunted by this feeling...I hate it.

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I have also felt the same way as you recently. I walk down the halls of my school and look at all the couples and how happy they are. I have had glimpses of love before myself, but never really truly experienced it. I also feel a emptiness inside of me from time to time, wishing to have someone who I can actually love. All you can do is keep waiting and holding out for that special someone. It will come.


Love is like a mountain,

hard to climb,

but once you get to the top

the view is beautiful.

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