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Question for ladies - piercings


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Hey ladies....i would like you to all give me your opinion on a what you think about a guy or boyfriend having their tongue pierced. I was thinking of getting it done cause my girlfriend has one. I am not worried about if it hurts or not and i know that it can seal up if i leave out long enough if i want to get rid of it...but id like some input before getting one cause i know my grandpa will try and rip it out when he sees it

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Are you getting it just because your gf has it?


I think it's actually not a good idea,


Imagine going to job interviews and having your ring be noticeable,


It really depends on your reasons behind getting,


I have heard it is very painful to get one,


And my friends who did get one,


Ended up taking it out rather fast,


Since they weren't happy with one.


Edit to add: If a guy has any piercings or tattoos, I scratch him off my list, and lose interest immediately, but that's just me.





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I've had two boyfriends who had their tongues pierced when we were together and to be honest, it doesn't seem to make much of a difference in any kissing/sexual way. I had mine pierced for a long time and the only thing it accomplished was it broke a couple of my teeth. It can also rub your gums away from your teeth, so be careful (warning from my dentist).


Other than that, I thought they were pretty cool. However, one of my boyfriends played with his in his mouth all the time and it really bugged me. He'd like, stick his toungue out a little and have it roll on his teeth and I thought that looked and sounded so stupid. But I think they're cool if you just leave them alone.


But it doesn't really change my opinion of anyone.

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If you only want to get one because your girlfriend has one then I'd sit on the idea for a while and then see how you feel about piercings.


Don't get pierced because you think you should, get pierced because you really want to and are comfortable with the care it will require, pretty much as long as you keep it.


The hole does close up but never goes away. (Piercing cheese - ick)


I have piercings, I like some piercings, I dislike some piercings. I got mine because they make my body feel like it should.


If you do go for it though, make sure you go to a reputable piercer - registered and liscenced to do it and preferably with a portfolio or have friends who have been pierced by them. And don't shirk the aftercare.

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I agree with the above posters that your motives might be questionable.


My boyfriend has some peircings (and he works in management, so not everyone looks upon is badly). I like the tongue ring... heck I like them all (and I used to not be into that at all). It is fun. I don't know if there is much of a difference (it had been a long time in between my non-pierced and peirced experiences). So yeah,.... if you really want to do it (for yourself) I say go for it!

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My ex husband had his toungue pierced. I always made him take it out for oral. It hurt!


Also, as a dental hygiene student I have to say that it isn't the best idea from a medical standpoint. Many people develope a habit of playing with it and this is terrible for your teeth. It can chip them and wear them away over time. When my ex bites down there is a perfect little circle formed between the corners of his top and bottom front teeth from biting on the rod. Also, the ends of the barbell provides a perfect little area for plaque and calculus (tartar) to build up. Gross!


And BornToResist is right, it could very well wear away your gums. Typically this happens more with lip and labret piercings as the backing is constantly against the gumline but if someone with their tongue pierced ran the ball along the gumline of the backside of their teeth it would have the same effect.


On a side note I used to have my tongue pierced. I made it a point to NEVER play with it. My gums and teeth are fine. I made sure I had a plastic ball on the end. BUT I have also swallowed the entire barbell. Yes, the entire thing went down with a mouthful of speghetti. (A noodle wrapped around it and I pulled it off with my teeth, pulling off the top at the same time.) Let me tell you, that was fun the next day.. Also, I bit it once somehow and ended up tearing my tongue a little bit as I jerked it back. I dunno. They just aren't professional and not worth the risks and so I took it out with no regrets doing that.

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My opinion is: that it's pointless and icky. I would not want to kiss a guy with that because I would think it might be germy. Plus you can break teeth. And also, I've seen certain guys and girls with their tongue pierced, and who are always sticking their tongue out and making all these ugly faces that make them look really moronic, I think they're doing it without realizing what they look like. Yeah, my opinion: icky.

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