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New school-bad feelings

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I am attending a new school this fall. I went to a community college for three years and I finally transfered. I was excited about going because I would meet new people, and have more fun. So I started on Monday... and I hate it. I feel depressed about it. I don't know anyone. I am stressed out because the financial aid office is a total nightmare.. (they KEEP messing up my aid and I can't even get my freaking id). I only know two people.. Thats because I knew them before I transfered. I don't live in the dorms because I wanted to go to school somewhere close to my house (plus there are other problems at home so I have to be home for those particular reasons) and it cost way too much. I guess thats why a lot of people are getting a head start and I am just behind? I tried talking to some people.. I got alittle conversation out of it but it wasn't like a real one. I just want to make some friends so life wouldn't feel so lonely. I hardly see my boyfriend anymore because I've been working so much (at a suck place which I am quitting soon and hopefully getting this other job) and he has his stuff like he works full time during the day and other stuff at night. Also I hardly see the friends I have now anymore.. everyone is busy or off to their college, or they have a full-time job working for a living, or are with their "boyfriends". I feel very very depressed. I thought the whole new school thing would get me out of this deep depression I've been in since the summer started. I can't seemed to find a way out of it. God, I feel * * * *ty for only being there for four days. I have a facebook and I only have one friend that attends the same school as me and everyone else are from other schools. For some reason that really upsets me. Help?

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My first week was pretty crappy too. I was depressed and tired. My second week has been much better. I try to make new friends by smiling and being friendly during class. Look for study budies, some of my best friends started out as classmates. Its going to be lonely for a little while and not living in the dorms will make it a little harder to meet people, but you can still have fun. Try talking to people who sit near you before class. A lot of times people are just as lonely as you are and will like the chance to make a new friend.

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transferring can be difficult - you already know the whole deal about college, but now you're at a new one and don't know any of the people. I called my sophomore year at my current school "freshman year part 2". what's worked for me is just plain old meeting new people. i got involved with greek life and met a ton of people through that. i met people my roommates sophomore year knew and i still see them around and talk with them. i've also met a ton of kids through classes which helps because we have a lot of them together.


i know it sucks right now, but keep your chin up and you'll get through! don't be afraid to introduce yourself as a transfer student - you'd be amazed at the people who are interested in your story and willing to help!

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