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Ms. Babydoll

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I don't want to hurt

Any longer

Before I met you

I was stronger


Sometimes I want to cry

Let all my emotions run free

But I've cried so much tears

That there's barely anymore left in me


I wish I had someone to hold

Just one person who'd always be there

But everyone we love leaves us sooner or later

So why should I even bother to care?


I lock myself away from reality

And block out the empty stares

People see me sitting alone

Letting out the last of my precious tears


But what happens when they are finally gone?

When they've dried up and disapeared

Maybe I'll feel nothing

Like I've always feared


What's the point in trying

I feel as though I've tried it all

If I give up will it matter

Will you hear my call?


You don't seem to be hearing me now

Because I won't allow myself to be weak in your eyes

I'd rather hide behind a mask

Until I've run out of all the lies


But when I break I promise you

You will see it all

My fears, my weakness and my tears

The day I finally fall

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Beautiful... and sad.


I remember those tears, they werent long ago

That I cried for one who could just pack up and go.

She meant the world when I thought she cared

But alone in the dark, feeling nothing but scared,

I found my own stregnth to look for me and move on.


Will you lie down now, and break down?

Give in to the dark that seems to surround?

You have the chance to take what you have and get better,

Some are still out there, who believe in forever...

The hunt is on... are you prey, or predator?








Sorry... a few cheesy lines there, but not bad for impromptu

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babydoll, are things not going well with your Alex?


Well this past week has been a rollercoaster of emotions for me, things weren't going well and just yesterday I felt like I couldn't take it anymore and I was so close to ending things with him. But then I started thinking about all the good times we've had and all the good times we are going to have and I didn't wanna throw that away, so this morning I went to his house and we had a long chat and everything is great now. Thanks for your consern though hon.

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