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Now I know why she suddenly shifted last month from being open to working things out to closing the door. She's seeing someone else. At least she was finally honest about it, after I insisted she just tell me the truth. I guess my intuition is dead on. Too bad it wasn't dead on about having a baby with her a year ago.


So much for strength in difficult times and trusting the universe. I just feel beaten up right now.

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Trusting the universe is tricky because people tend to think that the universe provides happy roses and pretty smelly things. That's not the case. the universe provides obstacles and challeneges.... it's what *you* provide that counts. It's how you overcome those obstacles and challenges.


I can totally understand your disappointment... however, shouldn't you be happy you have a child? or am I missing something?


There is a little glimmer there I hope. There is domething to be said for trusting the universe... the universe brought you your baby.

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i'm so sorry to hear that you're sad.


Trusting the universe is tricky because people tend to think that the universe provides happy roses and pretty smelly things. That's not the case. the universe provides obstacles and challeneges....


i completely agree. that's why i hate the line "everything happens for a reason." it's assigning an order to the universe that simply isn't there. if everything happens for a reason, why did people die in hurricane katrina while you are still alive? did you deserve to be saved, and they didn't? or did they die to teach us all a lesson? i don't think so. sometimes the universe frickin' sucks, and there's nothing we can do about it but decide to make the best of our lives.


i agree with njron, i hope your baby brings you joy.

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same thing happened to me dude.


NJRON-that is the best posting i have seen in a long time


and he is correct, the challenges and obstacles help us to grow...believe me, you are going to hurt for a while. It hurt me knowing she was screwing another, but now i say let that guy deal with her crap


take time for yourself...go on a trip(i got in my car drove 5 hours through the night to vegas...stopped at the hoover dam, very peaceful, no one was there)

trust me it will get better.

then you will meet someone new

you dont need someone who wold callously play you like that give you a false hope then immediately see someone new while keeping you on the back burner.


just take it one day at a time and keep busy

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u know its so true ^^ when a woman is seeing another man ^^ and she falls for someone else. There is no way back because someone else owns her heart. AND if that guy happen upon to break her heart . TRUST ME, she will miss you. And but THEN... you have moved on.. just think of it this way.

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