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Gosh..Now I remember why I usually try to avoid "catching up" with people in the past...Now I remember why I don't let myself get too close to "friends"...Girls are such hypocrites and all they do is gossip. Why don't I gossip? I guess its the way your parents raised you or maybe its because I have no sisters so I never had someone to gossip with...I don't know but I'm just appalled right now.


Well, here's the story...I have this friend (well I have a few friends) but this girl is my friend from high school and she's been contacting me for 3 years and asking me to hang out but we never had the opportunity until today...well we hang out, go to the mall, have a good time...whatever..then she invites me to her house for a bit and I go and start talking to her and her sisters. Then that's when the gossip starts...Somehow, an old roommate of mine from college is brought into the subject which is a sensitive subject for me because she simply left one semester without telling me anything and we were roommates for three years so that hurt because we were friends. And when the current friend started to talk about her, they said that she was coming back to my college because she went to register with her friend. Now why is this gossip? Becuase that old roommate of mine contacted me via email and told me that she was goign to move to Georgia but here she is going back to the college I'm at. And when they said that gossip, they all looked at each other and the conversation was changed...Ugh...It's obvious that my exroommate must have spread gossip about me or whatever.


I just don't want people like that in my life. I'm so tired of it. It's just something that isn't necessary. One thing my stupid ex and I used to agree on is that it really is hard to find true friends and that's why he holds his friends in such high regards and holds them as his first priority (most of his friends have been friends since kindergarten). I actually respect that about him...he's a good friend but lousy boyfriend material. I was also not able to hold onto friends from my past because of the way my parents raised me...they isolated my brothers and I from the people in our city which was both good and bad, considering that there is a lot of crime in our city.


Well, does anyone have any advice or anything please?

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Thanks PRSOV and thanks melrich. You're righ melrich...I guess I should rephrase that because it is true...not all women are hypocrites and gossips but why are a lot of them that way...or even a lot of the ones that I have met? Yeah this thread is probably difficult to follow...I can understand that...I just feel really crappy that people love to gossip, and it sucks when its about you when you don't even bother wasting your time gossiping.

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It would be nice if you continued to just say people instead of women. It bothers me when women stereotype other women. I know just as many men that gossip as I do women.


And actually I think guys are more visious about it, because most guys like to see each other fight...

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All of you guys are right. I guess I said women because I'm actually able to see women gossiping because I have more female friends than males. But I'm sure males gossip as well. So yes, I'll say people in general...People are "gossip queens" (or kings)...not all, but some.

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I was friends with a lot of girls who gossip. I found out they weren't my friends at all. I also realized they were insecure, jealous, mean people, and felt good when they could put others down in some way.


Don't give up on finding true friends. I didn't find any until I get to med school. If I didn't stay friends with someone from my past, then our friendship wasn't strong enough to last time and that includes people from high school.

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Guys gossip, I hear most of the gossip around my school from men! I don't spread it though, I prefer to be impartial and take every thing I hear with a grain of salt. Unless an individual tells me something specifically I'm not going to hold any gossip info against them.


So please don't say all women are drama queens and gossips, its really a poor way to start off asking for advice by insulting half of your audience.


As for what to do, don't hang out with them. You are responsible for choosing your friends, if you don't think someone is of friend material don't hang out with them. Simple.

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I think that sounds like a good plan, if they call you out on it be prepared to be a little uncomfortable. I've had people want to gossip and say nasty crap and I've flat out said not in front of me. They can be nasty about it, but if you stand your ground and make it clear that its not interesting and you don't care they'll eventually get the picture. I say eventually, because it can take a while to get through.

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