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why do i still feel the same


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So its been 3 weeks since me and my ex broke up and there has not been any contact since. Here is the problem i still miss her. I cant get over her and cant get over that i dont have her all i keep doing is rethinking about the memories we had over the past year. Why do i feel like this? i should be getting better not getting worse! I dont know what to do. I want to contact her and tell her how i feel but i have a huge feeling that she doesnt want me still and i would just be wasting my time.

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Depending on how long you were with her i believe this has somewhat of an effect on the amount of time you need to heal. Spend time with friends, go out and do all the things you always wanted to do but couldnt because you werent single. If you think you have lost touch with yourself then this would be a great time to get yourself sorted out. Don't be sad, be thankfull for the opportunity and experience. Memories are always good to have but you might want to keep them in a safe place in your mind for now and go back to them when you healed in the future.


If I were you I would not contact her, it usualy just makes things worse and harder for you. If she was the one who broke up with you well then maybe she will realize how much you ment to her and possibly come back on her own. Im not telling you you should wait for her but go on with your life, meet new people/friends, date new people and if she decides that you ment alot to her then she might come back later on in your life when you least expect it.


Keep your chin up high and move forward not backwards.


Good luck buddy

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Survival21, it's been almost 2 months since my ex broke up with me and it still hurts like crazy. You've gotta keep urself distracted and let it go. Things will get better soon. For me it's taking a bit cause she's back in my life and keeps screwing with my head but people heal differently. It will be ok.

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I know the feeling, my ex dumped me in December. I made the mistake of staying friends and hoping she would come around. Now she started seeing a new guy a couple of weeks ago and its really hard still. It would have been much easier if I would have not contacted her starting in December rather than waiting for her to come around. I would have forgoten about her by now and her new guy thing wouldn't have bothered me so much. Who knows maybe I would have someone of my own. Just keep positive and take it day by day. I try to keep myself busy and better myself. Hit the gym more often and make absolutly no contact.


Good luck

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Survival21, it's been almost 2 months since my ex broke up with me and it still hurts like crazy. You've gotta keep urself distracted and let it go. Things will get better soon. For me it's taking a bit cause she's back in my life and keeps screwing with my head but people heal differently. It will be ok.


the more you hold on to your ex the more control she will have on your emotions and well when you are completely out of her life then and only then will she reflex on if she wants you in her life or not. Its not good to keep hurting yourself for something that might not even be worth it, might seem like she is worth it now but try not seeing her for 3-4 months and then see if you still think the same.

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If you haven't gotten a final answer that you believe, now is the time to go and get it.


Call her up. Lay it all out to her. Tell her you want her back and no "let's just be friends" or "maybe, but not right now" will do. As a matter of fact, nothing other than a yes will do. If you hear anything other than a yes, it is her way of saying "no, i'm not interested in getting back together with you" and you should believe it. Then you would want to go NC, once you've let your true feelings be known.

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