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Vigourous Sex Brings Period A Day Early?

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Hey all,


this is my 3rd month on Yasmin and it's worked brilliantly. The last two periods Ive had started at 5.30pm every 4th monday...like clockwork, basically.


I'd finish the 21 day pack, then have my 7 days without pills, my period would start on Day Three of that (at 5.30).


So...my next period was/is due to start tomorrow afternoon.


But...it just started! And im curious as to why..then I remembered..


I've had vigourous sex (sorry if TMI) four times in past 24 hours and I wondered if that induced it early, somehow?


Just wondering. . . .

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Well, when you have sex the cervix will take a lot of pressure depending on how vigorous it is. The cervix is thickened by the hormones in BC, which is part of the simulated pregnancy, when you are on the blanks the cervix will thin and just needs time to breach and menstrual fluid pass before your period actually begins. Pap smears and other probing of the cervix are known to cause periods to start early since it ruptures the membrane.

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As you remain on birth control pills, your cycle can change gradually, so it is not so unusual that you had your period come early. Especially the first few months as your body adjusts to the hormones. I've been on the pill for 14 years now and my period has slowly gone from coming on a saturday afternoon to arriving tuesday morning.


It's possible that the contractions associated with orgasms contributed- since your uterus also contracts during the expulsion of the lining, but it can also happen on it's own.

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