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They said i couldnt do it.


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From a young age, many people didnt believe in me. They would question everything i did and the goals i had i always was told that i would never get to them because they were to high.

Its been 10 years since the first person told me that and only a couple of months since the last person. Being told that made me feel like i was crap and that i had to prove myself.


Im older now and have a very good grip on what i want in life and know how to get it. I do not like to be told what they think I am limited to do, especialy from family.


Today is a special day for me because i have achieved everything that they said i couldnt... and not only did i pass them all but with flying colors.


My whole family knows what ive achieved but they are too stubborn to admit it.

I don't care really, i know what ive accomplished and im very proud of it.




thanks for reading

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Sometimes the best victory celebrations are the silent ones in our minds where we know what we have really achieved. You certainly don't have to have anyone's pat on the back to know that you have accomplished a great feat! Sometimes you can be held down by those who either are intimidated by your abilities or can't stand the fact that you are good and successful at what you do. Don't let these people ever change who you are or your goals. What did you do BTW?



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Sometimes the best victory celebrations are the silent ones in our minds where we know what we have really achieved. You certainly don't have to have anyone's pat on the back to know that you have accomplished a great feat! Sometimes you can be held down by those who either are intimidated by your abilities or can't stand the fact that you are good and successful at what you do. Don't let these people ever change who you are or your goals. What did you do BTW?




your right, i certainly dont need a pat on the back for everything i accomplish but one or two every now and then mean alot to me.


I just got promoted to the rank of Master Corporal in the canadian forces. Ive been in the forces for 3 years now and i remember the day i left for my first training my father said that id be back within 2 months because he said i wouldnt be able to take the physical training/beaten. Im in the land/infantry part which is known to be one of the toughess mentaly and physical trades.

I finished my first qualification with being top of my class in basically everything (not to sound too "cocky"). I just recently got off my leadership course which was long and tough but i got through it. If anyone is familiar with the canadian forces you would know that there arent many people with my rank at my age (probably about 1%-2%). For me to have been told that i couldnt do it and end up being in one of those tiny ods is pretty great.


Other then that I also just signed (4 months ago) a civil contract with a fairly big company. The company yearly profits average in the 7 figures. My contract includes a huge %20 of its shares/profits.


For those people who ask my why am i in the military if i already have a good job, here is my answer.


Well, its no secret what money can do to peoples heads. I don't ever want to feel above or better then someone just because i have more money then them. The military is a way to balance this (in my opinion), its a place where it doesnt matter how much money someone has its what they do and what theyve trainned for. Ive seen to many people that once they started earning alot of money that they think that they were superior and better then everyone. I don't ever want to have this happen to me. Plus, i love my country so i why wouldnt i want to serve for it?

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Good on you brother! Keep that attitude of personal victory, but don't rub it in anyone's face either. Don't stop achieving.


the only kind of face rubbing was towards my grand parents and father, the only thing i told them was " see, i told you i could do it" I will only ever tell him that once, but i hope they remember it forever

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What a great accomplishment! I commend you and let me tell you as a leader you'll get 1 or 2 pats on the back for every 50 you give! I love your attitude and I think you have a very bright future ahead of you. Your company and your country is lucky to have you.




Thank you for your kind words rc, it is greatly apreciated

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