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Condoms are so unreliable


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I can understand that condoms do decrease the sensation somewhat- but think of the alternative.


STI's don't exactly make you feel sexy. Many include swelling, itching, an ugly, blistery rash, pustules, bumps, open sores.... and those are some of the ones that aren't fatal.


It hardly seems worth the risk NOT to wear a condom knowing that so many people are carrying an STI and are not even aware of it. Particularly because bruce it sounds as though you are having multiple partners and are not in a monogamous relationship- the risk is increased that much more.


Perhaps you can do a little more research and try different kinds of condoms, have a little fun with it and go on a mission to find one brand or type that works better for you.


I repeat: death and disease is not sexy.

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Uh. Just a suggestion, don't have sex if you dont want to use condoms and avoid stds?


Heh, anyway. I agree with the beer through a sock guy. I normally last a long time in bed (30 minutes+) and with a condom (that is IF it doesnt break) i can't orgasm, i get physically exhausted before i get there.

So, in a list:


-Like having sex with a pair of pants on your johnson stimulation wise

-They tend to break alot, and in the heat of the moment it's hard to notice

-For me, difficult to get on

-Ever tied a zip tie around your leg with a pair of pliers? Yeah.

-Turn off: *smooch smooch* "oh yeah" *smooch smooch* *zip* *tustle* "Oh wait hold on, lemme put a balloon over my privates...k, where were we?"

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Perhaps you can do a little more research and try different kinds of condoms, have a little fun with it and go on a mission to find one brand or type that works better for you.


Thanks for the suggestion Hope. You've given me... er hope.


Particularly because bruce it sounds as though you are having multiple partners and are not in a monogamous relationship- the risk is increased that much more.


But please don't call me a hussy. Besides I'd prefer to get a disease from sex instead of from bad food or something. Death by snoo snoo all the way heh. (You're right really


Anyhoo. You know what really gets on my nerves - when people suggest abstaining as means of preventing STDs. People as a whole, enjoy sex (me especially Abstaining only suceeds if you didn't really want to have sex in the first place.


Nowdays I find the most reliable method of contraception is being too drunk to have sex heehee.



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I enjoy driving fast and street racing. Does that mean i should figure out some way to avoid police officers, other cars and so on? What if i dont like radar detectors, they take away from the 'in the moment' of street racing.


"This one time i was cornering at 60 on a rural road and i passed a state patrol car, this radar detector i had is absolute garbage, anyone have any suggestions as to how to not get caught?!"

"How about not street racing?"

"But i like street racing!"


That's rediculous, right?


What's the difference between that, and multiple unprotected sex partners? People enjoy alot of activities, the fact that they enjoy them has nothing to do with whether they are safe, healthy, etc.


Instead of debating condom brands, morality, and so forth let's short circuit the entire ordeal and simply say this: no sex means no stds, pregnancies and so forth. Either do it and deal with the consequences, or dont do it and dont have any consequences.

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Thanks for the suggestion Hope. You've given me... er hope.




But please don't call me a hussy. Besides I'd prefer to get a disease from sex instead of from bad food or something. Death by snoo snoo all the way heh. (You're right really


Anyhoo. You know what really gets on my nerves - when people suggest abstaining as means of preventing STDs. People as a whole, enjoy sex (me especially Abstaining only suceeds if you didn't really want to have sex in the first place.


Nowdays I find the most reliable method of contraception is being too drunk to have sex heehee.






If you read what you quoted from me again, you will see that no where did I call you, or even imply, that you are a "hussy", or any other such term. What you do sexually is your own business, and I am in no place to judge it, nor have I. I am merely stating what you yourself said- that you have had several partners and that you "can't" use condoms.


So, having multiple partners and not using condoms to protect yourself puts you in a high risk catagory. That's a fact- not a judgement. As a medical professional I can tell you that without a doubt this puts you at high risk-and anyone who does a little homework can tell you the same thing.


It's a shame that you'd "rather die" from a disease contracted during sex that can be easily prevented using barrier methods. However, if that is your choice, only you will live with the consequences, not me.

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Wowee seems like I've stirred something up on this post...


I enjoy driving fast and street racing. Does that mean i should figure out some way to avoid police officers, other cars and so on? What if i dont like radar detectors, they take away from the 'in the moment' of street racing.


That's rediculous, right?


I disagree, I think that analogy is ridiculous. The point you're making is that 'instead of partaking in a potentially hazardous activity without using adequate protection, don't partake at all'.


Perhaps in the context of 'street racing' this is valid - but for something like sex, saying 'oh don't do it in the first place' isn't a option. You may not want to have sex, but I sure do buddy. The logical thing to do would be to take proper precautions (I'm working on this) before engaging in a bit of slap and tickle.


Instead of debating condom brands, morality, and so forth let's short circuit the entire ordeal and simply say this: no sex means no stds, pregnancies and so forth.


In essense your message is 'hey guys let's just give up instead of trying to find a solution'. I think Homer would be proud.


Hope, thanks alot for your post. I think you misunderstood mine - I was joking about you calling me a hussy and the same goes to my comment about dying from an STD. Perhaps 'You're right really' was a bit too subtle.


My bad. Much respect as I have for you Hope, I was a tad worried that you presumed that I had 'multiple partners' from when I said 'Last week I went home with this girl and I was about to bone her'. How do you know she wasn't my first sexual encounter, and the experience left me scarred for life. As a fellow 'health professional' giving the person in question the benefit of the doubt seems like the more 'professional' option.



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Read my post more carefully, every statement is perfectly logical and reasonable.


I enjoy driving fast and street racing. Does that mean i should figure out some way to avoid police officers, other cars and so on? What if i dont like radar detectors, they take away from the 'in the moment' of street racing.


"This one time i was cornering at 60 on a rural road and i passed a state patrol car, this radar detector i had is absolute garbage, anyone have any suggestions as to how to not get caught?!"

"How about not street racing?"

"But i like street racing!"


That's rediculous, right?


That's what i said, read it in context.


The only true 'solution' to avoiding pregnancy and std's is to not have sex. I don't see what's complicated about that.


The point you're making is that 'instead of partaking in a potentially hazardous activity without using adequate protection, don't partake at all'.

I didnt say that.


but for something like sex, saying 'oh don't do it in the first place'


Or that.


You may not want to have sex, but I sure do buddy


Or that.


your message is 'hey guys let's just give up instead of trying to find a solution'.


Or that, and


I think Homer would be proud.


Personal attacks arent appreciated.

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I dont know if there are laws about AIDS and spreading them, but I know if you knowinly spread AIDS to another person you can be punished accordingly.


Yeah, I think there are laws saying that if you know that you have AIDS and don't use precaution for spreading it, you can be punished or something like that. I'm not too sure but I saw something about it in a movie.




Anyway. I'm going to be different in what I'm going to say.


Yeah, you should use condoms but that's your choice. I might let other teens that are trying to get pregnant how hard it is to be a teen mom (and I haven't even had my baby yet!), but does that mean they're going to listen? No. Some may, but others won't.


People are stubborn but that's life. I may agree with some decisions other people make and the next person may disagree. That's life and I feel we just have to accept that.


(I have a feeling people are going to disagree with what I just said, but I honestly don't care. That's how I feel and everyone is entitled to their own opinion.)

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There is a man here whom recently was charged for sleeping with several women and girls (including some 14 and 15 year olds) without disclosing his positive AIDS-status. He did not use condoms in any of these cases.


He also raped a couple of these girls. So far one of the women he slept with (she consented but without knowing his status) has tested positive for HIV, and while others are negative there are more women out there that may not even know they were exposed to it yet.

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I was a tad worried that you presumed that I had 'multiple partners' from when I said 'Last week I went home with this girl and I was about to bone her'. How do you know she wasn't my first sexual encounter, and the experience left me scarred for life. As a fellow 'health professional' giving the person in question the benefit of the doubt seems like the more 'professional' option.



You're right- this could have been your first sexual experience except that you had said this before:



As for condoms... I JUST CANT USE EM. I don't know if anyone else has this problem but I just can't. It completely ruins sex for me, it's like drinking beer through a sock. It gets so bad sometimes even just putting one on makes me lose my wood I hate condoms soo bad.


Last week I went home with this girl and I was about to bone her, so I put on a rubber and... whaddya know. I was floppy as anything. ARGGHHH.*

Which led me to believe that this was not your first sexual experience. And since you referred to her as "this girl" and not, "my girlfriend", it is suggestive that you weren't involved with her seriously, which led me to say:


Particularly because bruce it sounds as though you are having multiple partners and are not in a monogamous relationship- the risk is increased that much more.

This could certainly be a leap in judgement, and I apologize if that is the case- but read over what you wrote again and tell me if it sounds as though you are in a monogamous relationship with a single partner, who you know well, and who has been tested as well as yourself for STI's.


And, as a fellow health care professional, I'm rather surprised, that knowing the risks involved, you would suggest that you "can't" use condoms. Does that mean you actually don't?

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I cannot believe how unreliable these things are. In my experience, they have broken on me and fallen off more times than they haven't.


Boy, I sure wonder what people do that have so much trouble with condoms. I used them for years and NEVER had a problem (hundreds of times).


Use the directions the mfr recommends, make sure they fit properly, and are not beyond their expiration date. Again - read the directions for use!

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Boy, I sure wonder what people do that have so much trouble with condoms. I used them for years and NEVER had a problem (hundreds of times).


Use the directions the mfr recommends, make sure they fit properly, and are not beyond their expiration date. Again - read the directions for use!


unfortunately, I'm a girl and I'm not the one putting them on. What I've been doing lately is checking 3 or 4 times during the act to make sure it's still on and still intact. It spoils the moment but it gives me peace of mind. The guy I'm currently sleeping with is really careful too, so it doesn't matter.

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Since I had ONE break on me I stop and check to make sure as well. Better safe than sorry. As for you being a girl...well girls can put the condom on a guy. Most males find it a big turn on. You can out it on with your hands or with your mouth....


If you go the mouth way then I suggest being HIGHLY careful since you can punch a hole in the condom with your teeth. I think all females should know how to put on a condom, not saying you dont


Lotsa Love

Rain Gate


I've tried a number of times, but I figure, he's probably had more experience doing it than me. I'll let him take control.

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  • 5 months later...

Condoms may protect against STDs, but not always against AIDS. The AIDS virus is so small that it can pass through the microscopic pores of the condom! (thank you advanced placement biology for this wonderful piece of information!)

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I guess it was more of a rant than anything else. I'm not really looking for a solution because I don't think there is one. Sex is an important part of my life and I wish there were something more technologically advanced.


Surely I'm not the only one who feels this way.


Sex is an important part of my life but only if I can live disease-free or with a minimal risk - i.e. the "life" part comes first. I do that by making sure my partners have been abstinent for at least 6 months before being with me and are tested and that we are monogamous.


Why not try double condoming?

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I don't know if it's just me, but condoms seem super hard to actually put on. I think I must be somewhere between average and large as far as girth is concerned, cause it hurts trying to put on a regular one and the larger ones tend to slide off. It's VERY annoying.

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Condoms may protect against STDs, but not always against AIDS. The AIDS virus is so small that it can pass through the microscopic pores of the condom! (thank you advanced placement biology for this wonderful piece of information!)


I believe the information you received was inaccurate. Condoms are not 100% effective against AIDs (because they break, leak, etc) but I don't think the reason you were told is accurate.

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