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A cloudy day

I sit in a room full of emptiness

White shadows floating along the corridors

They fight... but what?

This morgue where souls depart

For another world...


The hands on the wall

Click to the rhythm of time




I am carried back on its wings

To where it all started

To a memory far away

Lost in the fire...


Her smile... oh,

Her laugh...


I was blind


Letting life pass me by

Without a second thought

Lost Horizons...

Forever gone with the wind


A butterfly began to grow

in my heart


Two years passed without a sound

I came to realize

The memories I had missed

I came to realize

I had woken up


She said goodbye



I chased the sun

But it was fading fast

Into the west


In the west...

I sat and pondered

The chaos

Oh, the chaos...


Dark shadows gripped my soul

Stone clouds filled the sky

I cried out her name,

Bleeding from the mouth

Save me

But she couldn't hear me



I remembered the whispered words

Of an old man I used to know

Love everyone,

but keep them far from your soul...


No, no...

I wouldn't let it go

that way

I began a pilgrimage

To the place her spirit had found


and Happiness...

But I found

No place for me...


Spies discovered my crimes

And they came for me,

A crowd with their pitchforks

Servants of the machine

I saw the fire in their eyes

Carried me to a hole in the ground

They offered me


My soul coughed

and spat it out

So they left the life in me

to burn


I was clinging to the legs of a butterfly

I held on

Held on

For my life

The only thing I had left

Her face painted so beautifully in my mind's eye


I tried to make them see it

I tried to help them feel it

But it was lost...

No hope for these zombies

Whose minds clanked with the gears

of the machine


The butterfly

Struggled to survive the fire

It withered and died

On a sunday morning


My mind went numb

Days passing like hours

Never a second thought

I had become.....

one of them.


Now the door opens

I am brought back to the slow ticking

Of the hands on the wall


A white shadow leads me inside

Ten gray shadows stand beside a bed

Watching me closely


I walk to her side

She has been waiting for me


I see her face:

Still beautiful after all these years


Her chest heaves with difficulty

I see the lump on her breast

Our eyes meet

Sweetness flows through her big brown eyes

Into my heart

She cannot speak

I feel everything she says


I take her in my arms

Embrace her

Emotion flow between two bodies

I pour the last of myself into her soul

The most blissful moment of my life...


The butterfly comes to life again


Her arms go limp

Her eyes begin to close

I hear her sigh


She is gone


I feel the butterfly tug itself loose

And see it flutter to the heavens

Where my love has gone to rest


It will live on


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I chased the sun

But it was fading fast

Into the west


A butterfly began to grow

in my heart


Love everyone,

but keep them far from your soul...




Some nice imagery in your poem...


just a question though... have you tried rewriting it?? maybe making a bit shorter, more concise, you may even find a second poem with some editing.

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just something i learned a while ago about rewriting. Taking some time and walk away from the poem, and then look and read it again, and see where some chnages can be made.


I am just trying to be constructive, not destructive Gecko..i hope you realize this.


And i dont want to reply it is good...i hatd that comment from others. It meant to me they didnt read or listen to a poem i wrote, and the did not know what to say.


No poem or story were ever written straight out in one sitting, except maybe of course "On the Road" by Keourac...there is a story about that of details that are vague to me now.


be well,


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