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A wrote this a couple days ago, just venting, trying to hold on, stay here...


don't put your faith in me

i'm a fake smile on a suicide

and i'm not sure this can last

i'm fading fast

and i've fallen once again


i'm bleeding in a smoky haze

drugged up and reckless

push the pedal to the floor

turn the music up

let's wreck this

close my eyes

take a drag, a hit

wait for the big crash

i'm bleeding in my hands


(are you bleeding thanks to me?

i'm sorry)


they all run together

their words all sound the same

truth or lie

buit it's all good enough because none of it matters



so pretend for just a little while

take my hand

tell me everything you dreamed of, everything you wanted me to hear

and then please

just finish me

finish me off...

(oh, we both know you wouldn't)


i can't make the choice

so i'll let the odds make it for me


i wanted you



but i couldn't last

so it's

eyes closed

music up






and here's something i wrote yesterday on a different subject


so crush me daily

with your words

your tone

your ********

i don't feel the slightest emotion

but rage

i hate you

and everything you are

this isn't teenage angst

where i'll forgive you one day

this is where it stays

i'll always feel this way

your ****'s not justified

so take every word you screamed

and choke on it all

all you gave is rage and insanity

i needed something else

you'll die alone because you made it that way

but the sad thing is

i will too.



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