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Girls That Don't Want to Be Eatin' out..


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I'm sure my g/f is not the only one, but can someone tell me why some girls think it's so "weird" to be eating out?


That is probably my favourite sexual act to perfom, and my g/f doesn't want me to do it to her.


Here's the thing that I can't understand, she's never had it done before. There is no bad expience or anything, she just doesn't want me to do it. She just keeps saying it's too weird.


I was wondering if there is anything I can say to at least give me the chance, to go down on her, and also if there are any girls that feel the same way as my g/f does, can they shed some light on why you guys feel this way.


Thanks a bunch.

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In some ways, a man going down is even more intimate than intercourse or kissing. It's a vulnerable state to be in. She may be nervous about it, which is understandable.


Can you get her to open up a bit more about how she feels about it? 'weird' is very vague! You could try gently bringing it up every so often, when appropriate (and not pushing the issue) to see if there is something that can be worked on to make the idea less 'weird' to her.

Only she can say why this isn't an option for her right now, so you do need to talk to her.


Other than that, I would suggest the regular old good bf stuff: listening to her, make her feel special and secure, respecting her, taking it slow and following her cues with solid encouragement along the way. Maybe she is not willing to have you go down on her right, but she might be up for something 'smaller' that would lead up to it.


And if she's young, it may just be timing. Patience, grasshopper.

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This situation comes up fairly often it seems. I know I would have a very difficult time dealing with it also as it is my favorite thing to do too.


For better or worse, I would probably have a talk with her about honesty in your relationship. If someone is not comfortable enough with themselves to be open and honest, what often happens is they lie. Not necessarily intentionally, but at least they will give you a lie of omission. Or in this case an answer that makes little to no sense.


Looking at the bigger picture that would frustrate me more than anything. If she will lie about this, she will lie about other things that make her insecure and she won't end up opening up to you and communication channels will suffer.

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  • 5 months later...
I am uncomfortable with it and I wish i wasn't..


So true!

I dunno, it hard to explain. We have grown up with being taught that these are our private parts, and for our whole lives we have covered up this area of our bodies (forget infancy and such), and now to finally expose it... it takes some getting used to.

I thin kthat it also has to do with being self conscious about our bodies.

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It freaked me out too...as pesh said, it's always referrred to as your 'private' parts. The whole vulnerability thing is spot on, I thought I just wouldn't know what to do with myself while he was down there. But...then he was and all sense of decorum flew out the window along with any sense of who or where I was.

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That's exactly how I feel!!


My first instinct is to clamp my legs shut (what can I say, it's strange to have my man's face up in my muff). But once I lay back, take a deep breath and relax, my oh my, does it feel good.


Oh my yes... Im very glad my bf enjoys giving as well as reciving.

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I'm the same. As much as I love having it done to me, I always stop them after a few seconds. I'm scared they might have a problem with the smell or taste even though they tell me otherwise.


Just try and reassure her.


i agree, i love getting it done... but a lot of the time i am sitting there freakign out over how i taste or smell.. i am scared that he is doing it to make me happy and is hating every min of it.. i want to know he enjoys it as much as i do



so yep reassure her

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Besides the obvious (worried about smell and taste) maybe she was raised to believe that kind of sexual act is "wrong". Talk to her about her reasons. Don't push, but find out if there is a way to work it out where both of you are happy.


On a side note, Am I the only woman who has no problem getting orally satisfied? I've never had any hang-ups about it. As a matter of fact I LOVE IT!

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Oh no I do love it! Just before I'd experienced it I was just a bit..."AGH!!" but then that sort of merged into "ooh.."


I was the same about giving him oral too. Before, it freaked me out, but after the first few seconds I just relaxed and found I enjoyed it too.

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