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What I Want In A Woman

Habibti Inti

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My woman has to be a virgin.

My woman has to be a neat freak who can't stand a dirty home.

My woman has to be physically fit.

She can't drink alcoholic beverages or caffeine.

She can't be a smoker or a drug user.

She has to be a woman who wakes up no later than 5:00 a.m.

She has to be a woman who eats and drinks on the kitchen table

Not in the car! No eating on the run! No eating in bedrooms or living room.

My woman has to hate cats and dogs.

No pets allowed! I will not have our home turned into a sh*t hole.

My woman has to not care about material things such as vases, statues, paintings, lamps. I will not have our home turned into a storage room or a museum. All the lights in our home will be installed in the ceiling.

My woman has to like spending a lot of money on clothes and dressing up.

My woman has to hate watching television

My woman has to like sex and want do it with me every morning and every night. My woman and I will spend all our time, energy and money on each other.

My woman has to want children and understand that once we have children, it's not about us anymore. Their health and education is the most important thing. When our children wake up every morning the only people they will see in their home are their parents. No grandparents sleeping over and no aunts or uncles sleeping on the floor or on the couch in the living room.


Man, wife and child! That's the home!


My woman has to have at least a Master's Degree.

Our children will have parents who go to work and earn money; not parents who go to school and study.

If she has brothers or sisters, they better have their own careers and their own money and homes because they are not living with me.


They better have lives.



If I think of any other things I'll post them later.

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I do not mean to sound harsh, but it sounds like you are looking for a job applicant rather than a spouse and loving partner! I hope you find happiness in your life, but do realize one thing, Marriage is a work in progress, full of giving and taking and compromise. A wife is something to treasure, love and enjoy as her own person, not a possesion.

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sorry to add this notice to you but this woman that you are talking of (in my eyes machine) has yet to be created. i feel that us women have a better life than to hang around with someone who controls rules such as that we are of much higher societal status and now have our own opinions, and we deserve.

enjoy your time searching and post to let us know if you can find her.

thanks for the post though.

the most decent bit was that you desire us to spend vast amounts of money on our selves, clothes and shopping!

just give us a life!


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Sorry, but I had to laugh out loud when I read this list. I also would like to know what YOU can offer such an accomplished woman? Why should she want to be w/ you? Could you live up to HER list? -I don't think genetic research is advanced enough to make your model wife yet. -Wouldn't life be perfect if all the attributes we wished for could be present in our life partner? (Perhaps attributes we ourselves lack.) -Such strangling control only produces stress leading to strokes & heart attacks. -Do you also expect your child to adhere to such stringent standards? Children have minds of their own & to enforce such 'Stepfordesque' control would surely stunt their growth as individual thinkers, cause repressed feelings & could be considered a form of child abuse. -I suggest you spend some time in the real world & lighten up or else only have your list to keep you company. Oh, BTW here's my list: My perfect man would have to be a virgin yet be great in bed, have a handsome face & fine physique, hate all sports, have an impressive, high-paying job from which he could never be laid-off or surplused yet still spend quality time w/ the kids, be a gourmet cook, be extremely nurturing esp. when I'm sick, love my family as much as I do & be willing to help them whenever they really needed it as I'm sure they would for us if a crisis arose, be imaginative, creative & love art, be romantic minded remembering every anniversary, birthday & holiday w/ gifts & flowers, watch all the same tv shows I like, go to all the events I want to attend, go shopping (no whining) & of course never correct me even if I'm wrong.

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  • 2 weeks later...

you're too picky. no one's perfect. accept that fact. they should be worth loving because to your eyes they're perfect the way they are..not the other way around. i think the woman that you're looking for is a saint...which probably you wont be able to date since they've mostly dedicated their lives to pleasing God and his ways of life. anyway, good luck in trying to find your mate...you'll really need it...

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  • 4 months later...

You described a robot. No one is the same everyday all the time, you must be mad. Variety is the spi.ce... you know the quote. But don't you think that that would be one of the dullest people on earth if she were that predictable? The blow up doll response was pretty spot on. She would have the personality of a bag of hammers. I'm slitting my wrists right now just thinking about being with someone like that. It's not life, it's a death sentence. Yuck, get out and meet some really women, you'll see for yourself that we are not from Stepford.

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