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Yeast infection...???


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Redness and itchyness with cottage cheese like discharge CAN be a sign of a yeast infection... but it can also be alot of other things as well- which is why Annie is right- your friend should see her gyno since she have not had a yeast infection before, get diagnosed, and IF is it a yeast infection, she can treat it herself with over the counter meds. If not, her doctor may prescribe something else, depending on what's causing the redness and itching.

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Yes, I fully agree with the other posters, it could be a yeast infection or an STI (sexually transmitted infection). It's best your friend checks with her M.D. before she can self-medicate with over the counter yeast treatments, because the cause is unknown to her.

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i went through a bad bout with this earlier in the year. you can get on a cycle. i got a new gf and changing sexual partners sometimes can cause yeast infections (i don't know why - i've just read that). at the same time, i was on antibiotics for a cold virus.......i kept alternating between bacterial and yeast infections. i mostly had itching with the yeast with cottage cheese like discharge and with the bacterial, i had an unpleasant odor and a more runny discharge. bacterial infections are more common than yeast infections, but there are no over the counter remedies for that. however, as another poster said, it might not be either of these but it might be a condition related to a std - depending on if she has had any sexual partners recently. as everyone here said, it's best to go to the gyno the first time you have one.

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See, if I had a vagina this is why I would never bake with it. Why some women feel the need to do so is beyond me.


Redness and itchyness with cottage cheese like discharge CAN be a sign of a yeast infection...


Cottage cheese? I'm not a virgin, yet the female anatomy just keeps getting more and more confusing

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It can be very discomforting and may need an oral antibiotic if it is quite severe, which can only be described from your doctor.


I have found that drinking probiotic yogurt drinks good at keeping these things away. It hasnt happened to me that much, maybe once or twice in my life! Thanks be to God! But the symptoms can take time to disappear.


As a natural remedy I was told that douching with natural yoghurt (from the fridge) can help the itching and relieve the burning. I did try this and it did relieve the itching.


Hope this helps you!

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These STD's present with redness and itching:






75% of women and 50% of men have no symptoms


-Milky discharge


-Unusual bleeding after intercourse


-Mild, dull, lower abdominal pain


-Redness, itching and burning of the urethra


-Painful urination




-Vaginal swelling, itching and burning.


-Bleeding between periods


-Greenish-yellow discharge from the cervix.


-Pain or tenderness in abdomen, sometimes w/fever or nausea


They can be treated with antibiotics.

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She should check if there is white stuff between the labia or if the discharge is white (yes, like cottage cheese). But it's better to see her MD. I have had my share of yeast infections, they are really horrible but I found that gynomic cream really helps well. Here in Holland it's not over the counter for 'down there', but if it is she can at least try.


Redness and irritation can also occur if she's allergic to latex condoms, is prone to eczema, or had sex while not 'wet' enough.



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It can be very discomforting and may need an oral antibiotic if it is quite severe, which can only be described from your doctor.


If it is indeed a yeast infection an oral antibiotic would be the absolute LAST thing to be prescribed. In the vagina live a delicate balance of bacteria and yeast, when at the right levels, live naturally and normally and don't cause any problems. When yeast gets over run and dominates the environment and upsets the bacteria balance, that is when a yeast infection occurs. An antibiotic kills the bacteria that normally live in the vagina and allow yeast to overgrow, resulting in a yeast infection. That is why when some women are on antibiotics, they get yeast infections.


Yes, there are a few STI's that cause itching- as Rose pointed out. It is not something that can or should be diagnosed at home- she should see a gyno as soon as she can.

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If it is indeed a yeast infection an oral antibiotic would be the absolute LAST thing to be prescribed. In the vagina live a delicate balance of bacteria and yeast, when at the right levels, live naturally and normally and don't cause any problems. When yeast gets over run and dominates the environment and upsets the bacteria balance, that is when a yeast infection occurs. An antibiotic kills the bacteria that normally live in the vagina and allow yeast to overgrow, resulting in a yeast infection. That is why when some women are on antibiotics, they get yeast infections.


Hope is right. However doctors do prescribe and oral antifungal medication that is extremely effective. I went through a bad spell where I was sick quite often and prescribed antibiotics, which would always mean yeast infections. This oral antifungal was the only thing that worked for me, and there was no messes with all those creams and such.


Like all other posters, talk to your doctor first. They will be able to have a look and tell you exactly what it is and prescribe appropriate medication. Also do not take a shower right before you go...they want to see exactly has been going on.

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The oral antifungal that BTR is talking about is fluconazole (Diflucan). There are also over the counter creams that can be used to treat yeast- once she is diagnosed if it is yeast.


I hope you will keep us updated on your friend when she goes the the doctor!

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Hey guys

she jsut called me, it IS a yeast infection, she was on antibiotics for strep so that prolly helped it along


yeast infections sound sucky


Yep- I'm sure it did.


Hopefully she will find relief medication. It's certainly not fun!


Glad you updated us.

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Hey guys

she jsut called me, it IS a yeast infection, she was on antibiotics for strep so that prolly helped it along


yeast infections sound sucky


Yeah, it probably did cause the yeast infection. I got sick with a bunch of stuff 2 months ago, and after a while, my doctor told me not to take anymore antibiotics because she was afraid that i would wind up with a yeast infection. It really is a vicious cycle once the balance is broken.

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My doc has decided that since I had such a bad time with the creams that any time I'm on antibiotics I get a script for Diflucan too, just in case. I felt worse after starting the OTC stuff, it got rid of the yeast but I had some serious problems, it was like my vagina shed all the tissue along the cannel, I was in a lot of pain. I kinda wished I just toughed it out. I drink cranberry juice every day (helps maintain a good pH) and I'm very careful about washing.

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See, if I had a vagina this is why I would never bake with it. Why some women feel the need to do so is beyond me.

It's not too easy to be a woman.

Cottage cheese? I'm not a virgin, yet the female anatomy just keeps getting more and more confusing

Such is the beauty of life. Well Son, you got to develop your taste you know. And you do have plenty of time. I think about you pos(t)ing here in 28 years.

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