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Johnny only really looks good as a pirate, something about that pirate...


Hehe, I think you're right!


A couple of cliches: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder", and "variety is the spice of life." It keeps things interesting imho.

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that's so great. I have never gone for traditional handsomeness. Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, creep me out. Johnny only really looks good as a pirate, something about that pirate... OP- you're a cutie. I love your eyes and hair. like the other poster said, post a pic w/ you smiling


Hehe I don't think I'll be posting any more pictures. I hate to seem like an attention * * * * * after all. I've received many unexpected and very nice comments pertaining to my looks and I appreciate it lots, so thank you! And yeah...I suppose I should just not take what people say less seriously, though that's very hard for me.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Kid, you ain't ugly!


Watch the movie "Just one of the Guys" a few times, girls want CONFIDENCE!!!


True..Confidence makes a WORLD of difference. If a girl sees that you dont have confidence.. most likely its gonna turn her off. BUT theres girls out there who would like to help guys boost their confidence..i dont know how healthy that is... but i also dont always believe people when they say im "beautiful" or "sexy" because i lack self confidence i play little tapes in my head that say "your not smart enough to have conversations" or "your ugly...eww look at those lips", luckily i have someone that knows my self esteem level is low and hes helping me to develop a higher love for myself. I have to realize thats its not always about looks. Its about your strengths in your mind..im trying to replace those tapes with words worth saying....people want to be around people that are confident and the first thing they notice is how you present yourself. Im with myself 24/7 and i need to find love in here somewhere or ill go crazy..how can i expect other people to like me if i dont..Id rather be in love with myself before i would want to be beautiful....I want to know what it feels like to have so much love for oneself. any whoo...


Nobodies perfect. I hate my lips...someone else might say they love them. That goes to show you that you HAVE to love yourself because you cant depend on someone else loving YOU for YOU. I guess what my twisted mind is trying to say is nobody thinks alike...so you cant worry about what other people think about you. Before you can believe what people tell you...you have to believe in yourself and NOT believe what people think of you. i think i confused myself...i think u get the ideat though

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Whoa! I'll tell you what's wrong with your appearance. You look whipped! Get your manhood out of her purse brotha! Lose the pouty lips. Straighten your shoulders and lift your head up. Don't slouch. Why are you fishing for compliments on a forum? Put a pic of yourself on a dating site, at the very least. You look fine. So what if you have a big nose? That means you can sniff things better than other people. It's a blessing. Now go out and meet some chicks!

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Some people may say plastic surgery changes a persons confidence in more profound ways than all the approval in the world.....but personally to change your face is a waste. Don't change what makes you..you.


The fact that you had a girlfriend means that your good enough. Don't worry about you say, it takes years to realize this and/or getting your heartbroken. You'll see looks are the last thing you should really worry about.


The best looking man in the world may get sex from every woman he wants, but he will still fill empty at the end of the day. What really matters is that you hook some girl on your personallity. That is going to carry you through this life, not someone that wants you for your looks or money. This is coming from a very good looking guy, if I can say that about myself, my friends think the girls I attract are "bomb" anyways.


Forget all this looks stuff, work on confidence. Pretty is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty is in the soul, you can't see it but you know it when you feel it. That's important insight to have, not to say looks aren't what is realistically going to be important to your at a young age. Keep your head up.

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Hi JJ. I agree with everything everyone has said (one extra post wont hurt, right??). I have always had self esteem issues myself, and honestly, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. some may think you are cute (love the eyes and lips btw - and you do look well put together and about the nose, dude im African and we have some wiiiiiide noses) some may not. You cant do much about that. You have to learn not so be so critical about yourself (its hard coz im still learning them myself) and focus on your good points. think of your nose as part of a rich heritage and a hint at your character, for example.it works. and if that dooesnt work, look at all the responses youve got in these posts, we all think you rock

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I suppose I should just not take what people say less seriously, though that's very hard for me.


The belief that something is hard is seriousness. If you believe something is easy, it is. Whether something is hard or easy is completely independent of the magnitude of the task.


There is no need to get serious about anything. There are things that may be important, but seriousness about these things does not make them less or more important; it just makes them less enjoyable.

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Look at celebrities. Most of my friends go GAGA over girls like Jessica Alba & those Maxim models while I find Liv Tyler and Sarah Michelle Gellar absolutely beautiful.


I've heard women who just can't stand guys like Brad Pitt and actors or famous people that are considered as a hunk. Everyone has different taste. If you were able to please everyone's eyes then you're perfect. And no one is & will ever be!

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