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Avoiding razorburn


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This one is for the gents, *lather up*


I remember the day when I use to always watch dad in the bathroom shaving after having a shower in the mornings... I always looked forward to the day I got to start shaving and be a "real man", well that's what I thought at the time... I remember practicing shaving with him by using shaving cream and the opposite side of a real razor. Man what was I thinking lol...


Anyway the day has come, now I get quite thick whiskas on my chin and along my sideburns. They are dark, yet my hair is an ash blond colour... which makes it kinda cool especially when I don't shave for a couple of days.


I am having problems after shaving of coping some pretty severe razorburn, I always use gillette lemon shaving cream, use good gillete razors... although I do have an electric shaver which avoids the burning sensation but it doesn't cut close at all compared to a naked blade and not even close to that baby smooth feel.


I don't know what it is but I always get really bad razor burn after shaving and it can really burn for an hour or two after a shave... I also use cooling gel as well and wash my face properly afterwards.


Does anybody have any suggestions how I can cut this down or avoid such a killer sensation

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Always shave after the shower. Just before you get out of the shower hold your face under hot water for a few seconds to heat it up. This softens the skin and hair, and relaxes the pores. It also ensures your face is clean.


If you are getting rash/burn, exfoliate before you shave. I use an exfoliating glove, in the shower, and I put some dove soap in and lather it over my face. This roughs up the stubble, and separates it from being crushed into the skin.


Always use a pH balanced cream. I don't use shaving creams/foams from cans, they're . I use creams that I lather up, like my old man used too. These creams contain less chemicals and more natural moisturisers. Canned foams focus on lubrication, and if you have followed my above advice, that won't be a problem. So you want a product that focuses on calming and soothing the skin while you shave.


Always moisturise afterwards. Use a quality facial moisturiser. Shaving dries the skin out. Thats a leading cause of razorburn.


Its okay to shave against the grain. God knows where that stupid wives tail came from that shaving against the grain is bad. Shaving against the grain DOES require care, the key is, everyones hair grows in different directions accross their face. Whats good for one side, is not good for the other. Experiement.


Never, ever, use aftershave or deordorant straight after shaving. This is a big no no. Its very bad for your skin. You should wash your face, to ensure its clean, but don't go putting that stuff all over your newly opened pores.


Good luck. Hope that helps. Thats my advice, take it with a grain of salt, I'm not doctor. But I shave, alot.

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Hey Icemotoboy,


Thank you for the tips.


- I always shave once with the grain, and then once against the grain... two strokes to cut away more of the hair because one stroke doesn't quite do it... Do most guys do this?


- Where do you get pH balanced creams from? Are there any brands in particular that you recommend?


- With the soap... one problem, I can't use dove soap because it irritates my skin... Would it be ok to use normal baby soap on the face?


I always use a moisturiser and face clenser from the body shop too.

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I'll repost this... as it was deleted first time around. Hopefully this version makes it through the "censor police" without getting randomly deleted. Its easy to talk about fighting for free speech, but when it comes down to the crunch nobody wants to stand up and let people use language they think is appropriate. So instead of the particular expletive that the admins find offensive, I will use "apple". I mean, its not like these words are all over TV, in the news, on billboards. Its seems deplorable violence is okay, so long as nobody swears.


I've been on the board a while, and I've had posts deleted before. Always without a notice or any sort of message. Is this China? If you're going to delete my post, at least have the deceny to post its been done. I take the time to respond to people, and I don't mince my words. In my books, thats a sign of true character.


Anyway, thats another topic





Originally Posted by PRSOV

- I always shave once with the grain, and then once against the grain... two strokes to cut away more of the hair because one stroke doesn't quite do it... Do most guys do this?


If you exfoliate with a glove (I use a glove cause my hand is warm and I can feel it wrapping around my skin), you negate the need to shave with the grain first. I, personally, find that my skin gets terribly irritated from doing this. Like it gets cut in one direction, then the other. With the hair softened, I find one against the grain run, sometimes two, with my mach 3 turbo razor is enough. You need to experiement to see what is best with you. You will know a method works when it is effective on the the first or second pass.


Why? Because if you haven't cut the whole thing, then you are at the wrong angle. Thats why you have cut the hair in the middle, and have to redo it. The aim is to cut it at the root. How the APPLE can you shave with the grain and cut it at the root? I mean the physics of it are stupid and I want to slap those silly people who told me never to shave against the grain.


You want to shave in different directions for each part, and each side, of your face. For example, on my neck I shave 'up' for the left and 'down' for the right, because the hair grows in different directions.




Originally Posted by PRSOV

- Where do you get pH balanced creams from? Are there any brands in particular that you recommend?


I get all mine from body shop. Experiement. I use Dove soap (unscented) and I swear by the stuff. I spent tens of thousands of dollars on image consultants who advised me to get all sorts of stuff done, but the one thing I have always stuck with is moisturised soap. I wash before (with a glove) with dove, and after with my hand (no glove) and a facecloth.




Originally Posted by PRSOV

- With the soap... one problem, I can't use dove soap because it irritates my skin... Would it be ok to use normal baby soap on the face?


Get the non-soap, soap. Its expensive. I can't remember what its called, but its an alternative to soap for skin. Go to the chemst and ask them. Once again, experiment. If something isn't working, try something else.




Originally Posted by PRSOV

I always use a moisturiser and face clenser from the body shop too.


If you are having problems, try using a base of moisturiser BEFORE you shave, and then lather up some shave cream on top with a brush.


Also, I missed one tip:


Give your skin a break from shaving when you can. Negotiate with your girlfriend for "non shave days", or ideally a series of days, every now and then. This gives you face a break. And lets face it, everyone needs a holiday - the face on your skin is the same.


Also, follow the KEY skin tips:


1. Use a suncream! ALWAYS! Everyday!!!! on your face.

2. Don't smoke.

3. Drink moderately, and not spirits. Wine or beer very occasionally is okay.

4. Keep fatty and sugary foods low.

5. Never, ever, use a solarium.


How do I know all this?


Well, I'm gay.

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Hahahaa classic


As for shaving against the grain on the first go, did it take your skin a while to get used to that or was it instantly good? I think I might give it a try.


Absolutely, it does take a while. Sorry, I forgot to add that.


I have heard the ANGLE you hold the blade at makes a huge difference. Also, some people can get away with shaving WITH the grain, because their hair may be very fine or light coloured. I have course dark hair. If I shave with the grain, I may as well just comb it. Remember "each to his own".


Be careful, and pay attention to your skin. Each time I try a new technique or new blade, I put a base of moisturiser down before I lather up...



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I don't want to hijack this thread to engage in a debate about the rules of this forum. So here is a link to a thread that explains the one about profanity and swearing. If you have any further comments please express them on that thread not on this one - but I suggest you also keep those comments within the rules of this privately owned website.


p.s. a notice regarding the use of that word was sent to the e-mail address that you gave when registering.

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I'll repost this... as it was deleted first time around. Hopefully this version makes it through the "censor police" without getting randomly deleted.


You know if you would only follow the posting guidelines for EnotAlone.com you would not have to worry about your post being removed. Please refrain from putting down the all volunteer moderating team as they are here to help. If you don't know what the posting guidelines then please read the posting guide located on top of the main forum page.

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I don't want to hijack this thread to engage in a debate about the rules of this forum.


You know if you would only follow the posting guidelines for EnotAlone.com you would not have to worry about your post being removed. Please refrain from putting down the all volunteer moderating team as they are here to help. If you don't know what the posting guidelines then please read the posting guide located on top of the main forum page.


To be fair, i can't reply to these without hijacking the thread!


I will say, I never attacked anyone, I voiced the same opinion I do every time I get censored. I'm sure most of the mods are aware of it. Its my verson of peaceful protest. Anyway, I'll send you a PM so we can keep this OT.

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Well, I don't shave very often. My stubble comes in--like clockwork--at the end of every week(Friday at 5 p.m. I kid you not). So, what I do to prevent razor burn is as follows...


1.) Take a nice hot shower. The skin is nice, soft, and clean after being doused with warm water.


2.) Douse my face with loads of water - Even after I get out I make sure to apply warm water to the areas of my face that I'm shaving.


3.) Gel shaving cream - I never use foam. I ALWAYS use Gel. I don't know precisely why it is more effective. It just is...


4.) Keep a new razor - I change my shaving razor every two weeks...


5.) Wash fash thoroughly after shaving...I wash mine using either Noxzema OR Clearasil(I live in a warm climate, so sometimes pesky little heat bumps pop up. Clearasil knocks them right out).


6.) Moisturize! I can't express this enough. Always moisturize your skin after you shave. As IceMotoBoy pointed out the skin does get dry after that...


I used to get razor bumps; however, after following my new ritual I am bump free.

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FoxLocke is my hero! I have heard good things about Noxzema, although haven't used it myself. I aren't troubled by pimples, but rather annoying blackheads on my nose that i spend a fortune getting rid off... but I can't bring myself to wear makeup like the movie stars do...

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I've found that the best way for me to get a comfortable shave is to not do it after my shower, but to do it during my shower. Everything is wet nd warm. I also prefer to sue shaving creams that come in tubes, instead fo the old foam cans. Lately, it's been Noxema, which you can buy in almost any drugstore here in the U.S.


And no disposable razors EVER. Use a good, modern razor. One of the three or four bladed ones work best for me.

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I recommend shaving during your shower also. I have been using a product called link removed for the past 7 or so years, along with a Gillete Triple Blade Razor (Mach series). The combination of these two results in having never had razor burn along with clean, clear skin. I highly recommend using this combination of products.

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Ya know, I did not think I would see conversation about posts being removed in a shaving thread.


I shave once with the grain and once against and then go over any spot I missed. My beard grows in thick and immediate. I think I will try a different type of cream.


My ex's sister's husband is actually very into shaving and shaving tips. He corresponds with some guy on the net. He uses an old fashioned cup, soap and brush to lather up.


His beard is also dark and immediate (actually, WAY darker than mine).


Ya know though, sometimes the stubble looks good.

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Ya know, I did not think I would see conversation about posts being removed in a shaving thread.

Don't worry, just the bleeding heart liberal coming out in me at 2am. After some discussion I realised that it wouldn't hurt too much for me to find other creative ways to relay my latent teenage angst. Its not a real week unless I've caused some trouble!


I shave once with the grain and once against and then go over any spot I missed. My beard grows in thick and immediate. I think I will try a different type of cream.

I think, in using the exfoliating glove and really giving my stubble a workover, I'm achieving the same result as shaving once with the grain.


My ex's sister's husband is actually very into shaving and shaving tips. He corresponds with some guy on the net. He uses an old fashioned cup, soap and brush to lather up.

I've gone back to that, I used a good quality brush. My shaving gear looks VERY out of place in my apartment, where everything is electronic and modern. But it works better than anything else.


Ya know though, sometimes the stubble looks good.

It does, and lets face it, sometimes its really relaxing to let it grow for a bit!

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Anyone ever tried an old fashioned cutthroat razor like barbers stll use?

I would LOVE to find a barber in my city that does those old-style shaves with a blade. Apparently they are great! Very common in some cultures still from what I understand.

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LMAO! To a fellow who's never scraped his undercarriage, this is absolutely hilarious stuff! I'm so glad I'm an old straight guy so I'm not having to exfoliate, moisturize and shave with my yarbles.


Amen to that Dako.


Although I might be persuaded to do something to humor my woman, I know that she'll never ask that of me.

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Has anyone else seen 'Black Books' Tv series? In the first episode the irishman Bernard Black says... 'I thought I was gay once. Then I found out about the prohibitive standards of personal hygine, and all that dancing!'


I actually got most of my shaving tips while I was in the Air Force for five years, rather than from my homo genes.


You think controlling hair on you face is bad... wait till we start talking about chest hair.... or better yet... the frank and beans!

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