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sounds in a sense what im doing with my girl except i do give her some affection and pay attention to holidays although i dont go out of my way as much as before. He may be in my shoes. Not saying its right but he may be questioning if this is truly what he wants anymore. Like in my case Bad fighting situations with the two of you may still be haunting him and scaring him away or he just isnt as interested anymore. You gotta get to the root of it before you decide which way to go.

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My boyfriend and I have been together for two years, and will most likely be engaged very soon. He is a fantastic man, except for one problem: he doesn't ever show his feelings, or do anything thoughtful at all. There is no attentiveness, birthday gifts, christmas gifts, flowers, surprises, the things that make us women feel so special...He claims that he used to be very emotional, and went way out of his way to make a girl feel special, but realized that it was pointless and stopped. Does that mean he's been hurt? He won't ever talk about it. Just gets mad and says that my expectations are too high...that I don't appreciate what he gives. How do I bring out a more sensitive, attentive man in him? Is it even possible?


The way a real man should be

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I am married to a man like that for 10 years- together for 13.


I have wanted out for about 6 years- but we have kids so it makes it hard.



You don't want to spend your life wondering "what is his problem" or "Why don't you have a problem?"


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Hi Jolita


I have a boyfriend same as you...we been together 3 yrs and he also doesnt show emotion...becoz of his past ie. parents splitting up and etc.

I dont get it. It hurts me and its hard to talk about it!

All i can say is you gotta try and talk it thru... thats wat im trying anyway

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