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Moving in together


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Hey people, for those of you that have helped me with my insecurities aned given me excellent advice on my relationship, I wanted to let you know that today he asked me to move in with him. We are going looking at houses tonight. We are sensibly going to rent first before buying. I am so excited and I just wanted to share it with you all!



x x x

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Congrats eleanor! Best of luck to you both


Moving in & living together is a very different experience from the dating thing (even if you always spend the night at one anothers...it's a different level), but I absolutely LOVE it and have had an awesome time, even with the adjustments. He originally moved into my rental for about a year and a half before we bought our own place this Spring - which is another new adventure again!


Just make sure you decide on the division of labour, finances and the relationship goals BEFORE you move in (ie is there a goal to get married one day, or is one of you just planning to stop at living together, who will pay what bills, whom will do dishes, or cut grass). These are VERY good to figure out first!

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Thanks, and yes I have let go of the ghosts from christmas past and I am looking only to the future am feeling 100% confident and trusting in his love for me. We are being sensible and sitting down tonight to go over our income and expenditures to figure out what we can afford and then we are going to start looking. We arent rushing and I think we are doing it the right way.


I can't stop smiling!!!



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Heres a golden rule I live by and I have lived with 3 woman in my life and it worked a treat every time.


As a male I always say.


Every thing inside the house you have the last word on.

That means what it looks like where stuff gos, every thing inside the house yours.


Every thing out side mine, garden, sheads, car i have last word.



many arguments the one with the last word has the final say,

This can be hard any mess ups are yours as well,

(I did get a bumb car one time and it was %100 down to me)


All I have to do as ask where my now wife would like stuff and there it gos.


But that means as well what indoors looks like is all her work and it looks grate, no longer the bachlar pad but a real home and she asks me where I would like stuff, I have my office rooms where she kets me put stuff where ever I like.


When we where looking for a house i looked at the out side, and the untilitys inside she looked at the space and where the house was. This worked as well, shes looking at schools and im looking at power sockets and car parking.


Well for me it has aways worked.


it may for you.

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