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Have you ever contemplated suicide for this reason?


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Suicide has only crossed my mind this year for a few months, went away, and has now come back very mildly. This is the only reason why I even consider suicide: Going thru the rest of my life without finding my true love/soulmate.


I know there's always more than one potential soulmate/true love but all you need to do is find one of them. I have my health, family, friends, stable job with some financial assets. However everything I do is so empty without someone to share it with. Like one huge void in my life. I do have hobbies to keep me occupied but even they don't make me completely happy. I'm missing that one key element that would bring me happiness.


I know people have committed suicide over lost loved ones or break-ups, but anyone out there attempted or thought of it because you think you'll never find love? Seriously I glimpse at my life and wonder if it's ever going to happen. What's the point of living life going it alone? Trying new things is good, but it loses meaning for me without a partner.


To anyone who writes to this thread: If you knew that you would never find love and spend the rest of your life alone, would you just end it?

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First of all, you can't depend on anyone to make you happy. YOU have to be happy for a relationship to work. People can't make you happy, they can only let you down, especially if you depend on them for your happiness.


To anyone who writes to this thread: If you knew that you would never find love and spend the rest of your life alone, would you just end it?


Since there's no way you could ever know that, how about you wait the rest of your life to find out if you ever find someone? Chances are, you will. It only happens for most of the world - you most likely won't be left out.

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Hi AloneAgain,


Welcome to eNotAlone!


I agree wth Paisley's post.


Your first post here:

I'm 34, never ever been in a relationship but I've dated and had sex with a few people. Is this really weird and bizarre?


You got 6 threads and 7 posts. I looked at some of your posts, you do not provide much information. Could you talk a bit about your life, your childhood, your parents, what hurt, angers and bothers you?


I am happy to read.

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First of all, you can't depend on anyone to make you happy. YOU have to be happy for a relationship to work. People can't make you happy, they can only let you down, especially if you depend on them for your happiness.


I agree in whole.


Besides, this is a fractured world. There are so many different types of people, good and bad, that it's nearly impossible to assume just ONE person is right for you. There are certain TYPES of people that are compatible to yourself, but you have to be open and receptive to seek them out.


At worst, exhaust all your options of dating. Internet, friends, local singles clubs, etc. Even if they aren't the prettiest or the smartest, alot of times people at this stage overlook the rough gems.


I know how you feel to think that no matter what you do it's just not completely satisfactory without that one defining person to share it with that isn't related to you by birth.


But as Paisley said, it's up to YOU to make your life one worth living, not anyone else. Besides to me, outside of the relationship aspect your life sounds envious enough. I'd love to have a stable job with extra cash and consistent friends.

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I think its sad to suicide because you won't find love. Unless you have a time machine, travelled into the future, found out that you wouldn't AND that the future couldn't be changed, then you don't know if you'll find love or not.

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If this is sappy, never mind, but it's just one guy's take on the topic.


I've been lonely but never doubted love was out there.

Love is all over the place, whether it's through a lover, friends, involvement with old folks, helping kids or petting a dog. Love is more than the fairy tale romance stuff, it's a substance all around us if you can open up to it in all it's guises.

I don't believe in soulmates, but I'm impressed by the power of generic, magical love. Love is something you give, not a bolt of lightening that zaps you with perfect happiness. You can give it even when it's not returned.


If you wait for the magic person to appear, it'll happen, but it helps to prime the pump by spreading some of your own care and affection.


I warned you.

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With me it only comes when I'm having one of my dark times, same as you this year was one such. I'm older now and know my self and the tricks my bad times play on me

so I'm a lot safer than when I was youg then I had no idear what was going on. doctors and meds help a lot but most of all its knowing your self.

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Actually a lot of us are depressed because we don't have our soul mates. This is a very natural reason to be depressed. Yes if I knew that I would never find my soul mate I would be even more likely to kill myself. Its the only reason worth living, I mean hobbies and all that other entertainment and money are meaningless. They are only really fun when you have your loved one and need something to do.


Read my post to learn more about my theory of depression.



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