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The big dirty question...


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Some women don't get off that much on the RR as it doesn't feel as good to them as there is no love/emotion in it.


Bingo, it's just a masturbation tool.


It can bring you to orgasm, just like manual masturbation would, but there are no emotions, intimacy and closeness involved...or human interaction. So, it really is much less "powerful" because of that in my opinion. Not very good for snuggling with after either.


I pick the real stuff any day, mine only comes out when we are apart due to business trips, and so on! Like I said, it's just to get her over the few days without if she is feeling revved up. Of course, there are lots of non-Rabbits that can do the job too, or hands, etc.

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Bingo, it's just a masturbation tool.


It can bring you to orgasm, just like manual masturbation would, but there are no emotions, intimacy and closeness involved...or human interaction. So, it really is much less "powerful" because of that in my opinion. Not very good for snuggling with after either.


What if they attached a big snuggly thing to it?

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Sex is messy. Or it can be, especially if it's wild and fun and lots of bodily fluids are getting together in the process.

I really think you can say clearly and without apology: I need to have sex 4 weeks a months not 3 or 2 and a half.

Menstral blood is clean and healthy and reminds us we are not pregnant and that our bodies are working as they should. Really, get a boyfriend that can deal with messiness. Emotions get messy, babies are messy, tell him to grow up.

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I don't see why everyone thinks I am pressuring him for sex. What because I asked him for it? Last night his excuse was that I was bleeding (when I wasn't, as clearly stated). TOnight he was too tired before leaving for work.


I see so many guys on here whining about how their women don't give them enough sex, but I whine and suddenly I am pressuring him? I just don't get why people are always jumping to conclusions...

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I don't see why everyone thinks I am pressuring him for sex. What because I asked him for it? Last night his excuse was that I was bleeding (when I wasn't, as clearly stated). TOnight he was too tired before leaving for work.


I see so many guys on here whining about how their women don't give them enough sex, but I whine and suddenly I am pressuring him? I just don't get why people are always jumping to conclusions...


From what I've seen, its been more or less even on both sides, and in all cases the OPs have been advised not to pressure their partner to do something they don't wish to do.


As far as what anyone has said as far as you pressuring your SO to do something he doesn't want to do, it was just assumed you were pressuring him because you were angry at him for not doing it. Also, it was to argue some of the advice offered by other participants in the conversation.

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I don't see why everyone thinks I am pressuring him for sex. What because I asked him for it? Last night his excuse was that I was bleeding (when I wasn't, as clearly stated). TOnight he was too tired before leaving for work.


I see so many guys on here whining about how their women don't give them enough sex, but I whine and suddenly I am pressuring him? I just don't get why people are always jumping to conclusions...


I don't think you were, I was responding to the "tell him to grow up" and the "tell him it's clean and he shouldn't be a baby about it" posters.


Although anger, is a form of pressure. He isn't rejecting you, he is not comfortable doing something in bed. If you didn't want to do something and he got angry wouldn't you feel pressured?


In the end it's really your problem to deal with, either you accept him for who he is and how he feels about it, or you don't. It's not his to fix, it's yours to deal with.

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ok everyone. Let's say you had a SO and they weren't comfortable giving you oral sex. They thought it was gross. This person is an adult by the way, not a teenager or anything. Would you say that's just fine , I'll live without oral sex for the duration of this relationship?

Some may do just that, keep their wants to themselves so as to not offend or pressure anyone into doing anything they don't want.

I'm a 29 year old women and I won't even date a guy that wasn't really into giving oral sex. It's that important .

It depends how important being able to have sex ( it seems at all) is with her boyfriend. He says it's the blood but even when there's no blood he's not into it. Whatever it is, It needs to be addressed.

Whether she is pressuring him to have sex or trying to talk about their sex life and get some resolution about the frequentcy of sex in their sex life, she has a right to say what she needs and wants from this relationship.

It's not her problem to deal with, it's their problem to deal with.

He may be feelinf depressed and isn't sexually interested right now, maybe he just started having sex with someone else and doesn't like the back and forth. The point is to talk about it with your boyfriend and possibily resolve it.

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I am 26 and I will not even date a girl unless she is willing to let me give her oral VERY frequently (no once or twice a week isn't anywhere near enough for me). It is a simple compatibility issue. So I can see where you are coming from.

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When it comes to sex while on a period, here is the way I feel....Not many men will like the smell of blood or will be fond of having blood on them or soaking a towel beneath them.


So I can see why some men are just disgusted by it. I personally have an aversion to the blood. For the life of me I can't find a way to feel neutral about it like so many women can. I however was also the first one to suggest having sex during my g/f's period. 'I' told her I was okay with it. She had and has no way of knowing that I don't like it.


I do it because of my intensely high libido. I wouldn't want to go 6 days a month with no sex. When I get aroused, I tend not to think about the smell or notice it as much and tend not to care about having blood on me. So the sex is good. I can't say I find it great during her period, but it is better than going without.


As a compromise what I may suggest in the future is what we are already doing. We avoid sex for practical reasons during the phase where she bleeds the most and is in the worst pain (she says it doesn't help her cramps to have sex). The last 2 days or so we go ahead and have sex.


I have seen my g/f thrust her hips toward me with the expectation of receiving oral sex 'after' she has compeltely stopped bleeding. I did not do that for her. Keep in mind that for some women it seems to take a day or three after it is all over for things to smell and taste good down there. just an fyi, since some of you ladies may not have the same olfactory abilities that more sensitive guys have.

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My g/f and I only have period sex when things are too hot to control


Otherwise we tend to stay away from it because the cleanup.


I can def. feel the difference between period sex vs non-period sex... For the fact that your main lubricant is well you know...

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Oh, man, a guy who's squeamish about this is going to be squeamish about a lot of things, and he should find a woman with ideas that match his.


there are some things that can be compromised on and some that can't, it's up to her to decide which type of thing this is.


My husband doesn't care to have intercourse during my monthly, he didn't seem to have any problems changing diapers, being in the delivery room during the birth of our children, or holding my hair back when I had morning sickness. It's not an all or nothing thing, just because he doesn't want to have sex during a woman's period doesn't mean he is "squeamish" about everything, or that he is "bad" or "wrong" or "immature". All it means is that he doesn't want to have sex during a woman's period.

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just because he doesn't want to have sex during a woman's period doesn't mean he is "squeamish" about everything


Clarification: I meant squeamish about other sexual things. If they disagree on this, there'll probably be further areas of disagreement with regard to practices etc. Not judging it, just saying - it's important to be on the same page.

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It is definitely important to be on the same page. I just don't think a man's preference when it comes to sex on a girl's period is any good indication....unless that is a make or break issue for you.


I admittedly don't like anything about a woman's period. But you would be very hard pressed to find anything else sexually that I would be particularly squeamish about or would not want to try. I think if a woman shows me enough enthusiasm about any form of sexual gratification that she likes (barring bestiality and some other truly extreme things) I have and would very much get into it.


Whatever pleases her and does it for her will turn me on in a big way. That is not something I could help even if I tried. And despite my dislike, I would go down on a girl gladly when she is fully on her period. But it would have to drive her crazy and I would need to know she really gets off from it. All it takes is a little planning, possibly even a barrier between me and the bloodiest areas (dental dam maybe or just complete tongue focus on her clitoral region).


So tread carefully when drawing inferences based on a man's likes or dislikes.

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Clarification: I meant squeamish about other sexual things. If they disagree on this, there'll probably be further areas of disagreement with regard to practices etc. Not judging it, just saying - it's important to be on the same page.


it is important to be on the same page always. I agree there. I don't agree with the idea that if they are squemish with a certain act that they will be with others, I haven't found my husband to be uncomfortable with anything in the bedroom other than having sex during my period.


Sorry if it feels like I am jumping on you, but I dislike the stereotypes that get passed around "if he doesn't like this then he is prude"


because it often gets turned around on women "if she won't go down on you, then she isn't any fun in bed ever"

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I have a friend who says its gross... he said he could never have sex when a girl is on the rag.


It doesnt really bother me, lights off... hop in the shower after im done... whatever. If yer in the mood then go for it. But if he isnt down... well thats what those battery things are for.

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Sorry if it feels like I am jumping on you, but I dislike the stereotypes that get passed around "if he doesn't like this then he is prude"


because it often gets turned around on women "if she won't go down on you, then she isn't any fun in bed ever"


Oh, it doesn't feel like you're jumping on me at all. Your insistence on fair-and-equal standards is laudable!


I hesitate to post other practices, b/c I'm guessing you're on the same page and wouldn't want them either, thus it's a non-issue.

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Right, firstly relationships are not just about sex, no, nobody is trying to say that. And whether you have sex during a period or not is a completely personal decision. It can do neither person any harm.


However, the fact that your boyfriend rarely sleeps with you could show that there are underlying stresses in the relationship. My boyfriend stopped sleeping with me for a few months a year and a half into our relationship, and I eventually confronted him about it. Stress can be a big reason for anyone not to want to commit physically, but then I understand how hurtful it can be that your man is choosing to alleviate himself to porn rather than wanting to do it with you. I honestly know that this can be incredibly painful when you are given no reason.


I say speak to him about it. You do have needs, and however stressed he is, there is no need for him to put you under the same pressure.



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