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Upper lip connected to clit?


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The guy I am seeing, told me he read in a magazine that a girl's upperlip is connected to her clit, and when kissing itm would feel really good because of that....? I tried to google for info but havn't found anything...If anyone could give me some more info, that'd be great! Thanks.

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I had read once from a relatively unreliable source that the part of the inner lip bridging to the gum (right under the nose) is high in concentration of CT nerve fibres. Not to say it is connected to the clit, but connected to the brain in a similar fashion as the clit.


Im looking for the article now......

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I read the same thing in MAXIM about 7 years ago. If you want to use that magazine as a definative source for that kind of information then, go right ahead.

It would seem that the upper lip is sensitive but as far as being connected to the clitoris in anyway I would need more definative proof than a mens magazine.

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I personally believe a man's eyes are directly connected to his penis. Every time I see a naked female, I get an erection.


Some study I read also said that a woman's mind momentarily stops during orgasm. I guess, if this were true, it would explain why women lose all logical thought after a kiss.

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Some study I read also said that a woman's mind momentarily stops during orgasm.

i was just reading about that the other day. researchers with EEGs (and an awesome grant) were able to prove that the cognitive brain function ceases for an moment during a female orgasm, but not when one is being faked.
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The guy I am seeing, told me he read in a magazine that a girl's upperlip is connected to her clit, and when kissing itm would feel really good because of that....? I tried to google for info but havn't found anything...If anyone could give me some more info, that'd be great! Thanks.

From now on I will never ever say I've heard it all.


The song actually goes "The knee bone is connected to the thigh bone..." not "The clittity clit is connected to the upper lip."

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