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Will I ever be out of lemons?


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Just a rant! I am so sick of being excited about things only to be handed a bag of lemons in the end. Yes the old adage is "when life hands you lemons make lemonade."



Well I have been handed enough lemons to make lemonade, Lemon Meringue Pie, Lemon Bars, Lemon Bread, and Lemon Drop Martinis. You name it I have had tooooo many lemons to hold.



I have my ok moments where I just plug on through life, but then I get to thinking and get so mad that I am trying to do my best, change old habits, and really truly live a productive life. Only to receive those dang lemons again.



I feel as though soon I may have to buy a warehouse to put all these crappy lemons.



Does anyone else ever feel like this?

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I do elektra,

This year has been the WORST in my entire life. By far the worst. Those lemons keep coming and I keep hitting them back to the tree. I don't want them anymore. I think it helps to vent here about what lemons you have been faced with, I sure feel like doing that.

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What are the lemons you are talking about?


For myself I have had an "eventful" last year and a half. Some loses, and a few near loses more than I would say most people get in such a short time. I am certain many people have similar experiences and some people have much worse. For some reason it has never really got me down.


Could it be that you need something to stimulate growth in your life?

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Lemons come in orchards.


Try not to let it get you too down. In one year, I lost my grandfather I was very close too to cancer, my long term boyfriend died suddenly of a cerebral hemorrhage, I got laid off, had to give my cat back to my parents due to landlord regulations, found myself in dire financial straits...oh, and had a bad breakup not long after I finally had the strength and desire to date someone again after my huge loss....and so on.


But, things improved, life went on, and I learned a LOT in that time frame about what I could handle....and found a lot of crazy strength I never knew I had.


Chin up sweetie, and as hard as it is....think positive. Life really is what we make of it, and create from it.


Sometimes it seems others have it easier...turns out usually they don't. And sometimes people really do escape from the bad things in life it seems...my boyfriend for example has never had ANYONE die that he knows (not family, not friends). He is fortunate in that regard, but in others, I wonder how he will handle it when it does inevitably happen since he has never had to deal with that. But I would say even those whom seem to have it "easy" have often gone through more than you know...but made something beautiful and wonderful even out of the ashes through their hope, and strength and positivity.

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Ok here are the lemons within the last two years:


1 death of a close loved one

4 "its not you it's me" speeches

1 firing from a job

1 job that sucks lemons

1 bank account that if lemons were a commoditey I would be well off however I am not so looking at my account makes my face pucker like I just sucked on a lemon.

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For me the key to happiness is continual learning. I have always loved learning ever since I can remember, heck I used to read encyclopedias before falling asleep. I find this helps me find peace of mind in sour situations mainly because I take the focus off what is happening to me and turn it in to how and what can I learn form it. It allows me to find a postive since learning is almost always a positive in fact for me it is always a positive. Its that silver lining.

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I feel like this as well. I feel like for the past year, whenever I mount some sort of triumph, something happens to knock me right back down.




I know that even though bad luck comes at me sometimes, good luck is not too far behind it. Good things will happen eventually. You just gotta stay positive.


Also... keep trying! Most successful people (financially and otherwise) have gone through times when things seemed hopeless before they found success. So, keep on keeping on! You'll find success eventually.


Be well,


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hang in there sweetie! yeah, sometimes bad luck comes in huge spurts. I had a bad year myself, but things seem to have finally turned around this spring.


anyways, you are strong, you will get through this. just in case, you may want to stay away from any major ventures, like skydiving (like slightlybent's sig said, "if at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.")


you will get through it... just give it time. now might be a good time to try to get "karma" back on your side - go volunteer somewhere, help out your elderly neighbor... let's see if we can't get the universe to give you some extra brownie points

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I had a rather decent year this past year. Some moments were prized Hades, others were like Lucky's charms getting me out of crazy stuff. As a senior in high school this past year I had a lot of school-related injuries and good times. Though I hated my school and didn't much care for it and had rotten classes and a difficult time losing my teacher friend to a different school (and a girl his age), I got lucky with going to another school for 6th and 7th hour for two cool classes I loved, as well as mid-year manipulating my schedule and the counselor into giving me a 4th and 5th hour independent study which also included a half-hour lunch too, meaning I could go home at 10:30 am (only been at the school since 7:40), eat lunch, and not have to be to the other school until 1:00 pm! It was great! What luck there!


However, my job got increasingly more annoying and they started expecting more and taking away more from us and so I had to quit and was never able to get another job. Also injured my legs attempting to play for the school soccer team and wasn't able to walk for two days (nor run for six weeks) nor play at all for the school. Graduation party didn't live up to expectations though I did have a great Prom and the Senior All-Night party was the most fun I've ever had! But I also didn't get into my dream college and so while I got into an excellent school, I still have to go through applications again for a transfer to the other and it will be harder when you are a transfer.


Always trade-offs. Life likes to give you great moments and then tear you down with annoyances. That's why I tend to agree that there must be fate - because no matter how much control we think we have over every little detail of our day-to-day lives, there is always some way that what we expect or want or need is never met. My mother is the type who has not just lemons, but rotten lemons, tossed at her day after day. Catching a break to her would be something like her car insurance has gone down or gas prices drop a dollar! Or she finds she lost ten pounds or something. Those are things that would make her happy! I can't imagine what she'd do if she won the lottery! Well, I do, actually! I'd be going to Hawaii!

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When life hands me lemons I know they cause heartburn.


EH, I know what you've dealt with is hard. You have problems that just defy your efforts. I have some glaring problems of my own that I keep to myself. Every day's a struggle, but I stick with depressed optimism, since I have nothing else.

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I have had my share of lemons over the last few months, in fact, sometimes I feel like I fell asleep and someone beamed me down to Planet Stupid. I have had stupidity from my landlord, stupidity from a relationship and a car accident in which someone wasn't paying attention and crashed into me while I was waiting to turn at an intersection. All of this since April. Now, to top everything off, my father just had major surgery for a cancerous tumour in his colon. Luckily it has not spread anywhere but as a precaution, they will be doing chemotherapy. Yes, I am definitely feeling burnt out.

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you missed my point... it's not the alcohol we need, it's the P-A-R-T-Y attitude. boogie like Snoopy. eat, drink and be merry. kick 'em off and shimmy like there's a giant asteroid due in a week.


what better way to use our time? rolling bandages for the Red Cross? let the people who are already content take care of that. we need dance therapy, babe!

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you missed my point... it's not the alcohol we need, it's the P-A-R-T-Y attitude. boogie like Snoopy. eat, drink and be merry. kick 'em off and shimmy like there's a giant asteroid due in a week.


what better way to use our time? rolling bandages for the Red Cross? let the people who are already content take care of that. we need dance therapy, babe!

So true. Cant beat a good party.

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