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Little Girl Lost or can she be Found?


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Ok I posted this once and pulled it off. I wrote this while at work but it is about well you can interpret it any way you want.



Little girl your smile is so bright

Your eyes are full of love and life



Little girl your laugh is endless

The sound is musical and so infectious



Little girl your dreams are many

They are never ending and they are a plenty



Little girl oh little girl wait where are you off to

Will you be gone long or for only a few



Now I am alone to only see

An older reflection staring back at me



Is that bright eyed little girl ever coming around again

Or was she just a fantastic and glorious apparition

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Wow, now that's called imagination. You are consciously searching for the real you, the one that's been lost for a long time ago. That little girl coming back to you in a way informs you of what's been lost and to go search for it as an adult.


Also in way, it's sorta like an apparition telling you about the "unfinished businesses".


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