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I am confused, does she like me or not?She is makingme crazy


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Well, there is this girl (I dont want to use her real name, I will just call her L) in my university, she has a class with me. I have known her for about a month now. Sometimes I get the feeling that she is always looking at me, I can sometimes notice from the side of my eye that she is looking at me, but when I look at her, she looks away. Other than that I am not noticing any signs.. WELL, we have become good friends, I even took her out to dinner and to a cocktail bar. According to her, she had fun, whether she lied or not, I am not sure. WELL, at the end of the date, I escorted her home half way, since we took the subway, I had to make my way home too, so I would not miss my train. So I just took her to her subway line. As we were waiting for the train to come, she moved a bit closer to me and was looking at me, well I was talking to her, but she pulled out her chap stick and started using it. Did she expect a kiss or something or was that just normal? Since I am a European, Austrian and also LIVE in Austria, it is not tradition like the Americans to kiss on the first date. Just to add something, before the date we were SMSing on our mobile phones and she at first thought this was a group thing, so i said no, I we would go alone and I asked her if it were okay. What she said shocked me.. She said that as long as I am not expecting anything it is okay with her.. Well I replied with a shocking answer and was like how could she think that of me. She wrote back saying that she didnt mean to upset me, she just doesnt know me too well.

Well things have developed. Last weekend L went home for the weekend, she comes from the Czech Repulic, so she went back home to Prag to visit school friends and family, its a 4 hour ride by train. Well this weekend she is going home again. So I have come to a conclusion, IF she really liked me she'd would rather stay and hang out with me. What is killing me, is she always sits next to me in class, I see her starring at me, she always follows me during break.. SO I don't get it, can someone who understands this help me out, PLEASE!!! I swear I am about to get a nervous breakdown here! hehe

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well, i'm not too experienced at this, but by the looks of it, it seems to me that she really is interested in you, but maybe she's just a little shy. she's shy and she expects you to make the first move. because if a girl is interested in you, they really make overt signs that signal that they are interested in you, such as flirting, asking you questions, following you around etc.

if you happen to live in Wien, take her to the Schonbrunn, and walk up the hill, there's a quite a romantic cafe up the hill, which looks like a greek temple from the outside, they sell cakes and coffees and drinks. it's the most spectacular view, looking down into the Viennese district. I thought that spot was the most romantic place to be, at least from all the places i've been.

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