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Is joining a church a good way to take away loneliness

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--I don't want anyone to think I am discouraging the church idea because I'm NOT....necessarily --


Ren - here's MY take. Up to you to take it or leave it.....


...I think you are in a very depressed state of lonliness and are reaching out for some sense of belonging and feeling loved. Whether you can find that from a church community I can't say, but if it will make you feel better, go for it.


There are a lot of singles organizations, meeting groups etc that you could look into joining though. So my suggestion would be to NOT limit yourself to church specifically or solely.


There are people all over the place who get together because of similiar hobbies, interests, religious beliefs etc. I think you should look into the gamut. If you decide on a church that feels right and fills that need for you, more power to you. I'm just saying, look around.

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Hey RW....


Well, the majority of the support groups I attend are centered around Young gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. Once a month I goto PFLAG; and twice a week I goto a young gay men's support group based in my city...


Ren, you should google something in your city. There is a support group for everything. That is how I found out about PFLAG. I highly recommend them. It is just about talking about common experiences and making new friends.


Hope that helps!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is it hypocrytical to go to a church with the aim of meeting some new ppl?

I mean, I'm curious about religon and God and stuff and have just done the Alpha course . . I'm lonely and insecure at the moment and looking for something, I'll be honest . . and I would like to go to a church to try and find out more and see if if will strenghten and consoloidate what little faith and ideas I have . . but also to meet new people . . but then my faith is stronger around Christians . . but then I would feel like a fraud for going to a church cos I'm not a "proper" christian. (I live in England)

What do you guys think?

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Ren, I think it's a great idea for you to start going to church again and feeling more involved. At the times I have felt the most lonely in my life, God was always there, even when no one else was.


The times I spent more time in church and with others who were christian (I am Catholic) are the times I've felt the most blissful about life.

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