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Gifts for 2 guys I don't know well

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Hi all,


I'm going to Ireland on Monday for a couple of weeks to visit some friends. The people I'll be staying with --- 2 of them are my former roomates who are also close friends of mine, 1 of them is a guy I met a couple of times when I was in Cork and would consider him to be a friend but not a close one, and the other guy I don't really know. I'm planning to get them all gifts as a thank you, but am not sure what to get the 2 guys. I'm finding it difficult to decide what to get because they are guys and because I'm not all that close to them. Still, I should get them something as a thank you. Any ideas? On my last night with them, I was planning on taking the 4 of them out to dinner as a thank you. But I don't want to show up empty handed.


So any suggestions on what to get the guys? I thought about getting them some small bottles of Canadian whiskey ( since they are accustomed to drinking Irish whisky, I thought they might want to try some of our stuff ) I'm scared of packing the bottles it in my suitcase in case they break. I can't bring them on the plane because of the new regulations. What do you think of the whisky idea?


Thanks for your feedback!

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you could still do the whiskey, but wrap the bottles well (use a T-shirt) and then stuff it in a small, solid tupperware container. I think that should keep it from potentially breaking. I just put two pieces of framed art in my checked luggage, wrapped them in my clothes, and they both made it through ok!

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