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Tips on how to make it work

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So I recently starting dating this amazing guy, but he just returned to school an hour from where we are from. And in a week I go back to school, which is about 3 1/2 hours from his school. By recently...I mean we've been together for a couple weeks. But the thing is we've been friends for almost 4 years, so we're already close to each other. We're both confident that we can make it till May when I graduate and can come back. The way he puts it, even though he'll miss me and want to be around me, he's just happy that I'm in his life at all. We're going to try to see each other when we can, which may be difficult with our schedules.


My question is, for those of you in LDRs, do you have any advice on how to keep the relationship strong? I know we need to talk about the little things in our life so we stay close, and do thing like send packages and letters to each other. Any other tips though? I don't really know what to expect. I was in an LDR when I first started grad school last year, but it was a horrible relationship to start with and we broke up shortly after I moved. Thanks for your help!

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Hey there!


I was just in a LDR, I recently moved cross-country and now I live 5 minutes away from him! It worked out beautifully because I have been wanting to move out west for some time and I needed a change.


But, we were in a LDR for 5 months before I moved out here. I was in Connecticut so there was no way for us to see one another often. I flew out to see him 4 times and spent a good amount of time with him as well as familiarize myself with the area.


While we were in the LDR, we talked on the phone every day for almost 8 months. We were friends before we decided to take things to the next level. We also IM'ed each other a lot and bought webcams. We also have a private website that only the two of us can access. We have pictures, our dates we went on, virtual dates, things we like to do someday. We would send each other e-Cards, little gifts.


So, it is important to talk all the time, do little things for one another, build the friendship foundation, and be as honest and open as you can. Trust is very important. And finally, both of you need to make the time to see one another and keep in contact. I wish you a lot of luck and success. LDR's CAN work but they cannot be LDRs forever though.

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I met him on the internet actually. We just started chatting and found out we had a lot in common and had some personal issues we were deaking with. So we were helping each other out in that sense and as we were helping one another, we got very close, realized we had feelings for one another. I flew out to see him and we knew we would be good together. Instant attraction.


Thank you for the congrads. I have to say, the whole move (it was cross-country) was an an awesome experience, the drive, the packing, the planning, everything. No problems whatsoever. I really love it out here. But I don't want to highjack the thread. LOL

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