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Hair & Face Questions!

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Well, i have two questions so i thought i would tie them into one thread.


I've noticed that i have been getting some dandruff in my hair and im a little uncomfortable about purchasing head & shoulders or selson blue. I dont want my roomates knowing i have dandruff. eek. Anyone know of shampoo that helps dandruff-if any?


My next question is about acne. i have 2 or 3 zits that never go away on my chin. it seems like whatever i use never seems to work. And then when "that time of the month" comes they get bigger and are more noticeable. Anyone have any suggestions or recommend a certain kind of acne treatment that is effective?

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For your acne, use Neutrogena Clear Pore Cleanser/Mask which has 3.5% benzoyl peroxide ($5 - $8). It helps for me in terms of acne and is just as effective as pro-activ (nearly $50 with shipping) (same active ingredient) for a fraction of the price).

In terms of dandruff, I have no idea.

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Buy the dandruff shampoo and put it in the bottle of your old shampoo, then toss the dandruff sham bottle right in the dumpster and no one will know. You shouldn't avoid helping your scalp because of embarrassment. Dandruff is just dry skin, you might need to use a different shampoo all together. I had severe dry skin all over my scalp, I used Neutrogena T-gel for a short time and then switched to an every day shampoo from Herbal Essense and a light conditioner I've not had any problems in years.


For zits I have a couple different methods. For the really oily one I put camphor on them twice a day until they dry out a little. I pop mine because that usually gets the solid oily core out and helps clear the pore. I then put a combo anti-bacterial cream and pain reliever a few times daily. For the itchy ones I use Hydrocortisone cream, that usually brings down the swelling and redness too. The really painful ones get the anti-septic and Bikizone cream, its a topical anesthetics so it dulls the pain and reduces swelling. I never use any zit specific product because they're mostly acids that tear up my skin and do nothing for relieving zits.

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I've never met anyone who was made fun of because of dandruff...and I'm sure that not all people who use Head & Shoulders have dandruff problems. But I agree with CarnelianButterfly about pouring it into a different bottle -- very easy to do (just make sure that the bottle you're using is clean...I'm usually wary of ingredients mixing...).


As far as the zits, Clinique has a spot acne treatment which usually works for me (just make sure that you use it on the zit only, not on the surrounding area!). Masks are awesome, too, they really take care of the excess oil. Astigents and toners can be helpful after you wash your face -- I think Neutrogena has one for acne-prone skin. And you say that they're just on your chin? Monitor your behavior for a while...perhaps you'll catch yourself resting your chin in your hand frequently? Touching your face on a regular basis can wreak havoc...

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I agree with the buy it and put it in your own shampoo bottle. When I was a teenager I went to camp and I didn't want the people there to know that we used the "cheap" shampoo (because they would make fun of me) so my aunt saved me a bottle from her expensive shampoo and I poured my dollar store brand in it, it worked great! haha I feel like a dork, but who cares......not me.


as far as the skin other than washing everyday with soap special made for your face, you might try to "dry out" the zits with some aftershave (in a crunch I have used mouth wash) it is temporary, but it works if you are on your way to get pictures made or have a date or something.

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