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When running...

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I herd you're suppose to come down on the balls of your feet. I just want to make sure I know what the balls of your feet means, is that the part just after your toes? Also if it is I tried running like that and it felt so uncomftorable... So I dunno if I know exactly what the balls of your feet are. But if I am right is it normal that it feels uncomftorable at first?

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I think that it is the balls of your feet.


All i know of running, if your not landing your feet correctly absorbing the shock, your spine can undergo some damage...


Not sure if this is 100 percent accurate, i have heard it from other runners as well.

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Everyone has their own running gait, depending on body structure, foot structure (ie if you have high arches, low arches), foot pronation, experience and so on.


This is why it is so important to ensure you are wearing the right type of shoes for your running style, to prevent injury and make it more enjoyable for you!


If you are running for longer distances, there is more of a rolling motion of the foot, where you use the length of the foot and it's extension while running. Running on your forefoot/ball of foot for that long would be exhausting, and not very good for your body either in terms of impact. You want to absorb the shock better, and also use the natural advantages of pronation in the foot.


I would say for short sprints you would want to run more on balls of feet and push-off (like a kangaroo does this tends to be more the case for very efficient and elite runners. But for longer distances, you would want to take more natural strides, and run in a way that feels comfortable/natural.

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i've run many thousands of miles, including a few today. the balls would be the forefoot, not the heel, and not up on the toes. but you really should just run so it feels natural. try running on a path, not macadm or pavement for best results and least stress on body.

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i've run many thousands of miles, including a few today. the balls would be the forefoot, not the heel, and not up on the toes. but you really should just run so it feels natural. try running on a path, not macadm or pavement for best results and least stress on body.


Yeah, when I went out for my long run this morning I was thinking of this post and paying attention to how I strike...I strike with the mid-forefoot (some runners strike with the heel) and then roll and push off.


But you definitely should not "force" a stride that is not natural for you as this can cause more injuries, and you do have to ensure you have proper shoes, and replace them every 400 miles (average...more or less depending on your body weight/running style, etc).


And I agree with hardcharger on mixing it up. I do some pavement running hwne necessary, but I prefer to run on trails...more exciting, and you really develop a lot of stabilizer muscles in your foot and ankle as the terrain is uneven.

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arms should be very relaxed, no 90 degree angle, maybe 30-45 or swing straight ahead. arms nowhere near cheeks.

make a relaxed, weak fist. breath deep and slow. running is soo soo good for you. tomorrow i'll be doing a 2 hr triathlon..

hey and don't blayz it up before the run, wait until afterwards...NOT

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It should be what feels comfortable. I think the reason behind running 'on the balls of your feet' is so that you don't run flat footed, slamming your feet flat into the ground, which is bad for your feet, legs and back. If you're not sure what arm position feels natural for you, most people have their arms swinging back and forwards, with the elbows at right angle bend or more bent, and in opposite motion to your feet (i.e. when your right foot is forward your left arm is forward), as this helps keep balance (having right foot/right leg both forward and left foot/left leg back makes you off balance).

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Firstly - if you haven't already done so, get yourself some good running shoes fitted at a proper running shop where they assess your gait.


In addition to that, make sure you warm up properly! I had recurring shin splints for a couple of years, and tried all sorts of things, several different pairs of shoes, but finally realised that the 30 sec warm-up wasn't sufficient. No probs now though, and it makes a huge amount of difference - shin splints are a PITA.


I'm not sure you can actually do very much to change your running style, but if you are getting lower leg injuries it may be that you're over-striding. As you can imagine, the longer the stride you take, the greater the impact force to your foot and lower leg, so shortening it can help. I suspect it will naturally mean you land further forward on your foot too.

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