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me and my girlfriend broke up 4 days ago. We had been together for a year and this both was our longest relationship. We both invested feelings into each other as well as our virginity. 4 days ago she tells me that she loves me but she is not in love with me. She doesnt have feelings for me anymore and it would be wrong of her to drag me along. After sitting down and talking with her i saw there was no way in changing her mind so we ended it with a kiss and a hug. I have been a mess for the past 4 days not wanting to go do anything not having a desire to get out the house. Sure each day is getting better and better but i use to look forward to talking to her for at least 5 min every night and now i dont have her but still miss the fact of talking to her. I cant get over the fact that i cant kiss her whenever i want not to mention other things. i feel like im lonely. My friends have been there for me but i dont want to talk to them as much as i want to talk to my ex gf. All i can think about are the moments we were together and the fun times we had which is making it harder on me to get over her. I need some help in understanding what is happening and how to get use to the fact that it is over. Right now i have no desire to meet another girl. I have no desire in starting another relationship at all. I never had my heart broken this hard.

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It's horrible - and it's stressful for your body, too. While your heart is breaking, be sure your body is getting lots of sleep, vitamins, water. If you don't work out regularly, try jogging or something you like - esp. if you can find a jogging buddy who won't make you talk, or will talk about non-gf stuff or whatever you need.


And give yourself time! One rule of thumb I've heard for starting to gain neutrality is 25% of the relationship time. Hang in there, guy and do what you can for yourself.

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Yes, hang in there buddy! I'm sorry about your relationship coming to an end but be happy she was honest with you about her thought now rather than in say 7 years later like myself.


I was with my "first" for 7 years...love him yes - but never was in love with him and it really did die off. However, I lost 7 years that could have been devoted to someone else.


believe it or not there ARE more fishes in the sea...and you will be surprised to learn later down the road that this heartbreak is making you who you are...and the things you learned in this one...and dare i say other failed realtionships...will make you an exceptional friend, lover, companion to someone special.


Good Luck!

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Man I feel your pain so hard. It takes a long time to get over something like this. All anyone can say is take care of yourself the best you can. If you feel like laying in bed all day, then do that. It is absolute hell, but it gets better.


It takes a long time though. Don't get discouraged, you can handle this. We all fall on hard time, sometimes so hopeless. There is always hope though, always hope your meet someone better, you just have to give it time.


I'm to young to know if the future does truly get better. I just look around though, my parents have been hurt before, but they are happy with each other.


So it is possible to move on and live satisfing life, and you will one day be genuinly happy if you keep your head up. I hope year heart heals fast, stay up.

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  • 8 months later...

im 17 i was in a realtionship for 2 weeks we knew each other in high school and i had a crush on him we began dateing a year after he grad out of high school and i feel in love wiht him now that we have broken up im losted wiht out him i mean i need him he has a gf and im happy for him yea i wont him back but im not going to break them up becase i want him i mean iim 17 and i was in love what do i do i cant get over him i mean i wont him

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I completely understand your feeling. I was in the same situation. When the exs told us that they still love us but isn't in lovw with. Please remember this is end. Please not contact your ex anymore, otherwise you never can get over your ex. I made a big mistake to talk with my ex after breaking, so I am still hurting badly after one year. No matter what cause your breaking up, you have to realize that you ex doesn't have the same feeling for you now.

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I kinda now how you feel. My ex broke up with me cause he doesn't have feelings for me anymore. it hurts so much cause i still love him and would do anything to get him back. He still wants to be friends and even asked to hang out next week. I still want to be friends, but it's gonna hurt knowing I can't hug or kiss him when I see him. I shouldn't see him, but I'm going to act like I'm fine and happy and maybe he will see that. I want him to miss me

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