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Can women blackout or faint during orgasm?


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It happened me once that i everything went a bit blurry and my hearing went a bit fuzzy for a few seconds... when i came to my hands were trembling and i had a slightly numb, tingly sensation over my top lip... Hasn't happened since but sometimes i still get the tingly feeling in my hands and feet....

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  • 2 years later...
It happened me once that i everything went a bit blurry and my hearing went a bit fuzzy for a few seconds... when i came to my hands were trembling and i had a slightly numb, tingly sensation over my top lip... Hasn't happened since but sometimes i still get the tingly feeling in my hands and feet....


Hmmmmm i dont want to be a scare monger Emmie. But if you ever get tingly/numb sensation in your limbs or top lip then you need to see a docter and asked them about it.


The tingling may be a result of a nerve disorder or a circulatory problem or somthing more serious. I only say this because at my college years ago a kid got a tingling on his top lip and arouns his mouth, within 20 mins he lost feeling in his legs, within 9 hours he was paraliysed from the neck down. A virus had got into his spinal nerves and wrecked em.


I am NOT saying you have somthing like that, but tingling is a main symptom of more serious things, please get it checked out, just to be on the safe side.

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  • 1 year later...

I am hoping to contribute to this topic. I am a 49 yr old woman. I have only experienced this with one man and it started when I met him at 39. It was an awesome experience. It doesn't get activated on every orgasm but usually after the 2nd or 3rd. I refer to it as "floating" rather than fainting, because it is like an out of body blissful experience where my entire body relaxes so much I cannot move but I can hear and feel is all. I usually remain in this floating state for 2-3 minutes but it feels much longer. I see nothing but black but it is peaceful and there is nothing visual to analysis. I also have a big grin on my face when I go there cause I am so happy. I have looked all over the net to find others who have had this experience with no success - I must be unique?

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I must state this can only be achieved with me when I know my lover loves me a lot (not just sexual encounters) it's during love making only and I have only had one man love and adore me that much - he enjoys so much giving me pleasure and that's how he gets his pleasure is watching me in bliss and feeding off my energy maybe I amnot so unique but rather he is - especially for a man wouldn't you say?

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  • 2 weeks later...
This thread is inspired by slightlybent, I maintain that women can lose conciousness during great orgasms for several seconds and sometimes longer. Ladies, please share your thoughts and experiences. Thank you.



Thank you.


I am research oriented, and like to work on improving orgasmic statistics.


"First time i had an orgasm was like last week and i was in a doggy style position but lower and when he finished i just layed there paralyzed unable to move or even talk i just made that nose like the one when someone tries to wake u up but you just dont wanna talk then i passed out without even realizing and my "boyfriend" had to pick me up and put me where i was sposed to sleep, id consider myself blackouted because its like i remember but dont, whats funny is it was so intense that he tried to tell me to shush cause i was like screaming basically and i couldnt so i tried to move so it didnt feel as good epic fail"

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  • 4 months later...

Yes... I have blacked out from an orgasm before. My husband said I was moaning really loud but I don't remember moaning or having an orgasm I just had a sense of satisfaction. So in a way you miss out but you feel satisfied nevertheless.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I never thought it possible but as a female had the strongest orgasm i had ever experienced and saw black and was out only for about 6-8 seconds! it's never happened before so i knew i'd have to google this to find anything on it! Too my shock there are loads of threads etc on this subject. As a serious and experienced reply- Yes! it's possible.

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Sounds like my ex. She never responded or moved ever during sex!! LOL!! can't confuse her with jello!!

There have been many times when my wife passed out immediately following an orgasm. For example, she's on top and orgasms, she just lands flat down on me and doesn't move or respond to anything.
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
This thread is inspired by slightlybent, I maintain that women can lose conciousness during great orgasms for several seconds and sometimes longer. Ladies, please share your thoughts and experiences. Thank you.



Thank you.


I am research oriented, and like to work on improving orgasmic statistics.



Yes, it is possible for a women to "pass-out" or be semi-conscious during and after an EO (Extended Orgasm) when women are completely focused on the sensations from her partner the Extended Orgasms/Multiple Orgasms also initiate different breathing, the woman may feel several tingling sensations/electrical pulses or mini explosions throughout her entire body as well as the inability to move for several moments.


The reason this happens is due to the way she is breathing during sex. The deeper and heavier breathing then into quick breathes initiates a transcendence state. This is called Holotropic. When a women is 100% tuned into everything her body is experiencing during sexual arousal, her breathe, the rhythm, connection and her partner the Extended Orgasm can result in euphoric transcendence or state of unconscious.


The nice thing about this happening to your partner male or female is to know that your partner has completely surrendered to you and you gave them the ultimate gift of an Extended Orga(Yes, male's can also reach this state through breathing)



Here is a link to an example of the breathing technique that may be taking place during sexual arousal.



Here is the Research Dissertation on Extended Orgasms with the study of several couple to prove that this can happen. scribd.com/doc/33859472/Expanded-Orgasm-Dissertation-Patricia-Taylor-2


Hope this helps someone that is concerned that it might be a more serious health concern, I would still recommend checking with your doctor to be on the safe side.


Happy EO's to everyone, it is the ultimate!!!



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  • 2 months later...

I found out how to make it happen!...the almost-going-to pass out feeling, I mean. if im sitting on the edge of my bed and getting close to an orgasm, and just as it starts to happen i stand up..thats when i can get the weak lightheaded feeling every time. its kind of hard to describe what its like.


anyway so if anyone wants to see what im talking about. just as it starts to happen, stand up.

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I found out how to make it happen!...the almost-going-to pass out feeling, I mean. if im sitting on the edge of my bed and getting close to an orgasm, and just as it starts to happen i stand up..thats when i can get the weak lightheaded feeling every time. its kind of hard to describe what its like.


anyway so if anyone wants to see what im talking about. just as it starts to happen, stand up.


Sounds like a sudden lack of blood flow to the head causing that.

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  • 1 year later...

My partner and I are into really rough foreplay and sex. He pulls my hair until it starts bleeding, chokes me until I am almost throwing up, slaps me so hard that I can't get up for a minute or two. However a few weeks ago..we were alone and he was just pulling my hair and kissing my neck, the contrast of the intense hair pulling to the point that my neck felt like it would snap in half and his gentle lips slowly caressing the side of my neck was insane. I don't know for how long but I blacked out. When I came back, I saw that I had *** so hard that my jeans were soaking wet.


Then just yesterday, he was choking me as my head was suspended along the edge of the bed and nibbling at my ear. I blacked out again and when I regained consciousness the intensity of the orgasm had me shaking for a good 10 minutes afterwards.


When I say black out, I don't mean that I see black. I see flashbacks from some of the happiest times in my life, so real that it feels I am in them. I know I am alive and I know I am in my senses but it is as if I am lucid dreaming.


Just to clarify, both times we were fully clothed and although he had vaginally stimulated me earlier in our play, my orgasms occurred without any vaginal stimulation.


Is this Le Petit Mort? I do not know.

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