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Can women blackout or faint during orgasm?


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This thread is inspired by slightlybent, I maintain that women can lose consciousness during great orgasms for several seconds and sometimes longer. Ladies, please share your thoughts and experiences. Thank you.


oh, that reminds me: there WAS that whole "fainting during orgasm" thing that you mentioned several times, including in your not-too-subtle thread asking all the girls of ENA to describe their climactic experiences in detail.


did you ever find any medical evidence to support that supposed phenomenon? despite a fair amount of open-minded googling, i did not.


i mean, talk about faking it... yeesh.

Thank you.


I am research oriented, and like to work on improving orgasmic statistics.

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I have almost passed out/fainted. But that's only really happened in the shower and when I orgasm, well, you know not all the blood is in your head and things seem kinda blurry. Though I tend to be careful when I orgasm in the shower because it only happens if I'm standing. So I sit. Last thing I want to do is pass out in the shower. I think it's a combination of the heat of the water and the rush of the orgasm.

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I am research oriented, and like to work on improving orgasmic statistics.


hehe. Taken out of context, that makes for one hell of a funny pick-up line.


ahhk, seriously though, I have never fainted or lost consciousness after an orgasm. I too wonder if someone is faking it up, or what. Perhaps it is a rare phenomenon.

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stay tuned for my two new threads, "who here likes pseudo-necrophilia?" and "how to get women to describe their childhood sexual abuse experiences", coming soon to a forum near you.


while i'm clearing the air, if anybody is receiving unwanted graphically sexual PMs from a certain obsessive ENA member (i do not mean ntg, who for all i know means well), please report this abuse to the mods. i have heard enough about this from way too many friends here, and i'm damn well good and bloody sick of it.

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As a individual that has low blood pressure, I very much think its possible.

I've had near faints a few times when orgasming, I know they were near faints because of my blood pressure issues I'm familiar with the warning signs. An orgasm is a massive disruption to the normal blood flow in the body, fainting happens when there is a lack of oxygen to the brain, which could happen during an orgasm. Its not fun to faint so I hope I never do.

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stay tuned for my two new threads, "who here likes pseudo-necrophilia?" and "how to get women to describe their childhood sexual abuse experiences", coming soon to a forum near you.

Which one do I post in if my story actually is about BOTH threads?


i'm damn well good and bloody sick of it.


And where did you get that sexy faux-british accent from??


ALSO---From Wikipedia link removed

The little death is translation from the French "le petit mort", a popular reference for a sexual orgasm...

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  • 1 month later...

i am almost certain that i blackedout for a few seconds, it was a strange but really amazing feeling. However that is when i have multiple orgasm. im waiting now for the same feeling again (wink, wink to my b/f) hehe, so BOYS: a little bit of advice, when you are stimulating with your fingers and we are about to cum, DONT stop, carry on and sure enough it will lead to multiple orgasms and possibly blackout. it is the most amazing experience.


good luck boys. xx

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  • 4 months later...

I would have previously thought this was all a load of crap... until the other day when it actually happened to me! I found this thread while searching for reasons why this actually happened. I was standing in the shower and it was early in the morning so I hadn't eaten yet. Just as I was about to orgasm I jus apparently went limp over the guy I was with and the next thing I knew I woke up sitting on the floor feeling very weird and dizzy! My conclusion is that my blood sugar was low and all the blood rushing from my head made me blackout for a couple of seconds! The only problem now is that the guy I was with thinks it was because he's got magic hands or something!! It's made him even big headed than he was before!!!

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