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Casual Sex


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Just something to discuss and think about, but what do you think of "casual sex"?


Personally, I don't think its possible. I've never even considered the possibility of casually having sex with another person because I can't see how someone can be intimate with a complete stranger. Even when this happens, often times one individual develops feelings for the other.


Anyway, what is your opinion of casual sex? I don't think it exists, but if you can explain to me how to get it I'm willing to listen!

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Yes it still exists, some people just know how to block out all feelings. Personally though, the sex just isn't going to live up to sleeping with someone you really care and feel for though, it's just not going to be the same. I know the difference in just kissing when I'm kissing a girl I really care about compared to just making out, it's not nearly as passionate...so neither would the sex be.

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I've slept with 2 guys that I wasn't dating. It was mucho fun. Yes, it was better when I really cared about the other person, but I still thoroughly enjoyed myself.


I think it's fully possible to do with it going any farther relationship wise. But only if you can both agree to that.

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Everyone keeps mentioning STD's but what's the difference between casual sex and relationship sex? They still have the same potential to carry disease. Just because you're in a LTR doesn't mean the other person is disease free. There is also the possibility of you partner cheating.


If you use a condom you shouldn't have much of a problem with either. I know they're not 100% safe, but they are the best thing available.

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My biggest issue with casual sex and STD's is that if a person is willing to engage in casual sex with you, then who else has he/she been willing to have sex with before YOU came in the picture. On the other hand, if the person is willing to wait till a relationship is formed with exclusivity, then that person is probably someone who does not sleep around, thus lessening his/her chances of having some type of STDs


That's my take on it.

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I think casual sex is great... if you're a sexually transmitted disease looking for a new host.


You just dont need to have casual sex to get an sexually transmitted infection. No matter who you sleep with, the proper precautions need to be taken. There are plenty of people who have gotten STIs from their partners because their partners were not aware of what they had, as some STIs do not show symptoms.


Casual sex is rarely just casual typically you know the person in some capacity. Now there are times when it can be completely casual as two people just meet and have sex, and if you dont take the proper precautions then you are engaging in high risk behavior.

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I fully agree with you, Daywalker. Actually, in Holland there was an article in the newspaper on how people in relationships often just decide not to use condoms anymore after a while. Without getting tested, that is. I think that is riskier than having casual sex with proper precautions.


I think the risk is more of an emotional nature. I have had a couple of short term flings, I enjoyed it, but I know if I had felt more than that or stayed longer in that situation, I would have been more attached than I wanted and end up getting hurt.

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Very true....funny how couples often do decide to do away with condoms after being together and exclusive for a long time.....i would consider myself a very safe sex conscious person but i did just that after being with my ex for 2 years or so.


My opinion of casual sex has changed a lot lately......its all hypothetical for me though as ive never been involved in it. I used to feel strongly that it was wrong and pointless to sleep with someone you dont care about/ love. However it was easy for me to say this then as i was in a loving relationship. Since ive been single now for a year and really know what it is like to miss being touched and kissed, i'm beginning to think it might be worth a shot!


Well, probably not! i very rarely meet anyone who interests, attracts, impresses me enough to kiss let alone have sex with.....but its interesting for me to notice ive begun to understand how people do it now that the comfort of my own relationship has been removed, im much less judgmental.

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I'm not for casual sex...I am just too scared of diseases.


Friends with benefits are cool...Because atleast you know the person.


However, there is that emotional attachment that develops with a friend, because you see them all the time...


Some people look at sex as just sex...I don't see it that way.

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