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Lets Be Friends !!!!!!!!! ????


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I think that line gets used a lot when breaking up. Sometimes the person who says it really wants to remain friends, but a lot of the time the person is just trying to be nice.


I think though that realistically, friendship after a break up does not always work out. There's just too many emotions and feelings involved.


So, no, I don't think it's the best way to end a relationship. I think you just need to be honest and if there's no chance of you wanting to get back together, then don't give that person hope by saying you still want to be close with them.

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That is possibly the worst line ever to end a relationship with.


If it ends badly it seems slimy.

If one is still in love with the other it can create false hope.


Maybe if you see each other again after all the hurt is passed and are actually capable of it - then it's not so bad.




I think to end with honesty and a lack of patronising is the best you can hope for.

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Thanks so far.



How about


" Its not you, its me "




" I need some space"




" Its moving too quickly "




" Im too stressed for a relationship with you right now"




" I want to be with myself for a while "










or .......................................... ;-) ????????????????





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Its just a nice way of continuing the torture of the person getting dumped.


If you want out, say "I don't think this is working, I think we need to break up".


I agree except I would be more definite. "This isn't working for me and I want to break up." Saying "I think" leaves the impression that there may be a chance for fixing it.

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"It's not you, it's me"


That's the worst break up line in my opinion. It's never about just one person.


"I need some space"


That's a better line to use. However, if you don't ever want to get back together, then don't use that line. That line only makes it seem like there's a chance of getting back together.


"I'm too stressed for a relationship right now"


Same answer as above.


"I want to be by myself for awhile"


Same as above..



Are you looking for the right way to end your relationship, or what?

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My ex used this one on me when she knew I arrived to end it all... she told me that


"I love you but i'm not in love with you" .. and I later found out she had cheated on me..


by using that line u kind of make the other part want to break up so perhaps use that

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I agree except I would be more definite. "This isn't working for me and I want to break up." Saying "I think" leaves the impression that there may be a chance for fixing it.



I agree 100%. Yet it takes great strength of character, backbone and belief to deliver a sentance like this.


In my mind one of the reasons for this is that the *dumper* is still not 100% or as you guys have rightly pointed out still has an emotional attactment to the dumpee, that results in some of the most mind blowing, head twisting comments that anyone can come up with.


As such I love this


The noun Freudian slip has one meaning:

link removed a slip-up that (according to Sigmund Freud) results from the operation of unconscious wishes or conflicts and can reveal unconscious processes in normal healthy individuals





" Its not me, its YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " Doh !







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"It's not you, it's me"


That's the worst break up line in my opinion. It's never about just one person.


"I need some space"


That's a better line to use. However, if you don't ever want to get back together, then don't use that line. That line only makes it seem like there's a chance of getting back together.


"I'm too stressed for a relationship right now"


Same answer as above.


"I want to be by myself for awhile"


Same as above..



Are you looking for the right way to end your relationship, or what?



No, just throwing it out there.



I hope it helps someone, because it happens everyday and SHOULD be addressed.










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It's just a way to be nice so it looks like you two will always have something with each other. Bunch of crap


I agree that it's a bunch of crap. I'm friendly with exes if I happen to bump into them. But if they were mean to me...they're not my friend. If they want me and I don't want them....they're not my friend. Vice-versa...still not my friend.

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Point really is its largely irrelevant what someone says. Its all abou tlistening and translating. Things like:


-Lets be friends.

-I think WE need a break.

-Its not you its me.

-Its not the right time.

-I am not sure how I feel about you.

-I love you but am not IN love with you.

-My dog died.

-MY cat died.

-My goldfish is sick.



Allllll mean the same thing. Breakup and when that occurs walk the other way as hard as it is. If it was a moment of craziness and they want you back they will come back regardless and they will find you. However generally speaking if someone thinks the world of you, would they REALLY risk losing you?

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"Let's be friends" has got to be my least favorite. Give me a sec to dislike you, for crying out loud.


Clear and direct is best. And, using 'I' rather than 'we' or 'you'. If you're making the decision, admit it, don't push it back on the other person, fate, the gods, circumstance, whatever.


yeah...allow the person the dignity of quick comprehension.

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My all-time favorite from the ex:

I will get whatever I want and since you want to pursue your career, I think it's best we go our own ways.


Let's be friends though until either of us find someone else and then we can no longer talk.


Does it get better than that?

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Allllll mean the same thing. Breakup and when that occurs walk the other way as hard as it is. If it was a moment of craziness and they want you back they will come back regardless and they will find you. However generally speaking if someone thinks the world of you, would they REALLY risk losing you?


Absolutely 100% agree Tyler. The above should be put somewhere prominent on eNot. It explains everything in one paragraph. All, the NC, fun& games!, heartbreak, healing -everything. It's hard to see it when in the throes of emotional turmoil but it really is as simple as that. That is what a breakup is. eNot is brilliant of course for helping with the pain of it all, but it really is very straightforward when you think about it.

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i honestly don't think there's a "best" break-up line...i mean...its gonna hurt either way, and honestly, i'd just be nice about breaking it off...the whole friends deal just pisses me off when someone says that to me. i dunno. that might just be me...its sounds like that rattle at the end of the tail....like sticking a: "no offense"..."oh yeah, you're as ugly as heck...but you know, no offense..." hahaha. i don't think it helps.




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