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How much am I supposed to weigh??

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Being 5'6", a healthy weight for you is probably somewhere between 118 and 148 pounds. Where you fall in that range depends on your bone structure, muscle mass, etc. Muscle is a funny thing...it weighs more than fat, but looks leaner, and is obviously healthier, too. So somebody can weight more, but still be skinnier...


Now if I could only convert some of my fat into muscle, lol...

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Yeah, fitness is confusing, and experts are constantly coming up with conflicting views about what's good and what's bad...I hear you on the thigh issue...I'd love to gain a few pounds if it meant losing a couple of inches...Weight is just a number anyway, nobody needs to know it

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If you do tone up, you'll weigh more at the same size because muscle is denser than fat. Weight is less important than body fat, which you can look up how to do all the measurements. Also, you need to look at your overall health, women require body fat to function properly (periods and nutrient absorption). If you do start working out make sure you drink lots of water, also a pint of water is 1lb of weight so if you drink the recommend 64oz of water daily thats 4lbs of weight fluctuations daily.

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Don't weigh at all. Numbers just confuse things.


Find activities you like, and ease into doing them regularly. And expect your thighs to get toned, but don't be surprised if they seem even bigger as your whole body gets more muscular. Look at ways to make them one of your best assets - show them off. A friend of mine is in super shape and has a =huge= posterior. She learned to love it and really makes it work for her. She's hot, and I've never once heard a guy say "but she has such a big tush!" My mom thinks she has proportionately big thighs, but she's lean and curvy and looks great.

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Here is a link to BMI tables. A healthy BMI (body mass index) is between 20-25. So, aiming for 124 - 155 is probably the right range for you. However, that is just a rough guide. It also depends on your muscle content and your frame.


Make sure to talk to your doctor about this subject!


good luck

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Instead of going by weight alone, you should go by how you feel, by increasing fitness and by improving your diet.


As others suggested, height alone cannot determine what you should weigh, as we also have different frames, muscle density and so forth. Even BMI cannot always be precise as muscle weight tends to skew it. However, it can serve as a rough guide, particularly if you are not very muscular or fit at this time, and give you a good idea of your "health range".


I just would not worry so much about weight, instead use other "guides" for your progress - such as how you fit into clothes, how comfortable you finally feel wearing that new top that shows off your shoulders, etc. Even small goals like running a 5K can be great motivation boosters and increase confidence as you reach that goal.


Incorporate a mix of cardio (for fat burning, heart health), weight training (for tone, to increase metabolism and to feel good - in studies, women whom lifted weights regularly reported higher self confidence and self esteem after a few weeks), and flexibility & core training (for leaness, balance and to prevent injury, and to calm the mind to if you can! Yoga and pilates are good). You don't need to do a LOT, but do it regularly as part of your day. Make small changes like parking further and walking, taking the stairs. And of course....make sure you are eating healthy! Limit refined foods, cut out processed junk, stick to veggies/fruits, lean meat, low fat dairy, complex carbs and so on.


At 5'4", I weigh about 123ish, but I also have a lot of muscle, particularly in my legs, due to the activities I do plus weight training. In fact when buying jeans/pants, while my waist is quite small, I can have a tough time as I have curvier legs due to the muscle tone in my quads/hamstrings (which is fine by me, as I formerly had "chicken legs" when younger which I hated!). I look quite a lot thinner though, and people generally figure I weigh less because muscle does take up less space and is leaner.

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Just excercise 3-5 times a week, and eat only when you are hungry (not when youre bored lol I know everyone does it) Also try to eat healthy foods.


If you need to lose weight just stop when you think you look good. People don't see some scale number when they look at you, they see you and your body. So focus more on the physical beauty and health not just some number from a scale.

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