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ex gone psycho...advice needed

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i am 18 years old and i posted about my breakup not long ago. my ex is a police officer and he has gone mad. i was with him for 10 months and the first 4 were amazing but it went wrong from there. he started to be cold and horrible and taunt me. he slagged me in front of his colleagues. he would tell me that i was worthless and that i was lucky to have him cause no guy would want me and i started to believe him. he raised his hand on me a few times and yet i decided to stay cause i thought i could change him...


he dumped me two weeks before my final exam. i was always compared to his ex and it seems like she couldnt put a foot wrong. he has gone back to her but hasnt left me alone. i had to switch off my phone during my exams.

in one of the texts he threatened to kill himself if i didnt call back. he lives around the corner from me so he used to stand outside my house.


i have moved to dundee to be with my aunt n uncle since i will be going to uni but i would have moved a lot nearer the time but i had to get away from him. he taunts me saying he is a police officer so no one can do anything to him. on the advice of someone i called his boss to tell him about him stalking me...i am terrified cause he has a good reputation and he has made my image so bad to the others i am unsure as to whether they will believe me and if they do it will tarnish his career and he will blame me..i am soo scared.

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This website from the Scottish Executive explains how to make a complaint against a police officer. I think you should probably proceed on this basis rather than seeing his boss.


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How can I make a complaint?


If you think a police officer has behaved wrongly on duty or has committed an offence you can:

  • write to the Chief Constable of the police force concerned, or give the details at any police station (or to any police officer), or ask a solicitor, your MSP or your local councillor to take the matter up with the Chief Constable on your behalf, or contact the local Procurator Fiscal if it appears the officer may have broken the law, or
  • speak to someone at the Citizen's Advice Bureau who will also be able to give you the names and addresses of the people or places mentioned in this leaflet
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Dear this is horrible. Especially because he is a police officer. What you may need to do is go to his Chief or even to internal affairs and report this. He is terrorizing you and this needs to stop immediately.


Who cares if it tarnishes his career. He is supposed to be an upstanding citizen and protect the welfare of his community. He is doing neither right now. He is abusing you and the power that he has.


If you still have any texts, phone messages, or emails SAVE THEM... You must stop this NOW before something horrible happens.

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thank you..i am soo scared right now. his boss sounded surprised. he has a good reputation and anyone who met him would never think of him being capable of this. its only me he does this to. i jump every time my phone rings thinking its him and that he is going to abuse me for doing this..

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Get some advice as to whether it is legal to record a phone conversation in Scotland without the other person knowing. If it is, then try recording him when he does that.


Does he leave abusive messages on the answer machine?


Make sure you make a record of every time he is abusive. Keep a diary.

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i made the mistake of not keeping them...it came to a point where he bombarded my inbox with so many of them i just deleted them without reading them. i blocked him after i got my exam results just there.


Sometimes you can still recover deleted emails if you havent cleared out your trash can. Check and see. Or if you responded to any of his emails check your sent box. You would have his emails in there too.

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