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Crohn's Disease


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My friend had it at university. We all thought he was really lazy because he didnt say he had it at first. But he told me some days he would wake up and his legs wouldnt work. He'd just spend the whole day in bed. He was very driven because he would always talk about not having much time- I dont know if he meant in terms of being able to use his body or his life. I never researched it until now!!

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I do know that they had told my aunt that one of the worst things for a victim of Crohn's is to get pregnant. She got pregnant on birth control and had to have an abortion or otherwise risk her life.


My mother was diagnosed at the age of 13, she has 4 children. So I am not too sure what is up with the above information. As to the OP, yes, I am very familiar with Chron's disease as my mother has it.

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One of my friends (actually an ex from high school) has it, as does his brother. I also had two coworkers whom have it.


They have to watch what they eat....they tend to have rather bland diets, and there are some additional concerns as well, but are able to live quite full lives.


And I don't believe that whole pregnancy thing at all, both those coworkers had children for example. While there are maybe risks of further irritation, or special precautions, I have never heard that a Crohn's patient should NOT get pregnant or have children! Obviously if you were very very ill it may not be wise, but that is same with anything...I just don't think a broad "you should not have kids" rule is the way to go...

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I didn't know that. I knew she had told me that it wasn't safe at all for her to get pregnant with it. I thought she had meant ALL Crohn's patients but I misunderstood. I'm sorry.


that's okay, we all learn something new everyday. We had to postpone a move once because my husband's doctor said his crohn's was too bad to add any more stress. It could be that she was pretty sick, and pregnancy isn't exactly easy (but you know that.)

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that's okay, we all learn something new everyday. We had to postpone a move once because my husband's doctor said his crohn's was too bad to add any more stress. It could be that she was pretty sick, and pregnancy isn't exactly easy (but you know that.)


Yeah, she does have it pretty bad so that might be why. I definitely know that pregnancy isn't easy but it's definitely a joy knowing my son is growing in me.

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I have a baby and I had severe Crohn's/had surgeries and whatnot... but yeah it's deifnitely tricky with pregnancy and all that, my doc was worried about my son being a preemie.. either way he was a chubby/healthy 9lbs!!!

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