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best way to go

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Please consider looking toward the future. Think of all the things you wouldn't be able to do if you were dead. I was suicidal, I hated it. Things do get better trust me. Hey if it makes you feel any better I have never kissed a guy or been kissed. Let that give you hope. If you were dead you never would be able to kiss a girl. Just think of that, please.

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best of all, am a virgin, never even kissed a girl. i'm painfully shy and have got nothing to live for.


oh, what the... what are you talking about? you have your first kiss and your first to look forward to! why in God's name would you wanna miss out on THAT??? wouldn't a little patience be a better idea than inflicting the agony and horror on your parents of finding your bloody corpse and having to call the police to take it away?


three little words, my friend: "online dating service". there are plenty of equally shy girls out there who would be THRILLED to hear from you.


don't argue, just do it.


on your mark, get set, go!

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I feel pretty much like you do, slightly different background, but I wouldn't want to die for no reason - to end it all would be completely pointless - if I were going to do something like that I would like it to be by saving someones life, at least that was I would, and my family would know it wasn't for nothing

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All I know is that discussing different ways to die doesn't make a person more interesting. I love being on my own and reading, but when people hear that somebody has commited suicide, they aren't thinking about how you did it. They aren't thinking about something that trivial at all.


I'm not going to tell you that you have the rest of your life to look forward to, that much is obvious. I would tell you to get involved in something like a book club maybe, where you can meet people with similar interests, make friends and learn that there are ways to be interesting and sensational without taking ones own life, or even discussing how to....

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