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Want Him To Miss Me

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Been seeing someone for a couple months. Things are going well, but we are not exclusive yet. I am going away until next week...and I hope he misses me.

Whats the best thing to do? Tell him i am going away? Or just go away without notice and hope he sees my absense? Which is more effective?


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Suppose you go away without telling him and he assumes he has been dumped - because why else would someone he has been seeing for a couple of months disrespect him like that.


And suppose he decides that since he has been unceremoniously dumped he may as well go and find a new girlfriend?

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OK, which guy is this? Because since July 23rd, you've posted about three different men. The reason I ask is my response would be different based on which guy we are talking about here. Or is this someone new?


A. The Online Guy

I am interested in someone I met online. We really click. We have spoke on the phone various times and exchanged pix. We've been doing this for cliose to a year. I know he likes me a lot but we have both never met someone in this fashion before.


I am not sure how to proceed. I don't want to be this indefinete email friend. I truly want something with this guy. What can I do to make him feel better

about taking this further?

B. The Married Guy "J"

I work with the public..in a store. I have been there almost two years, and last year I met a guy "J" who I am EXTREMELY attracted to. The sparks were flying. Anyway, I don't see him all that often because my schedule changes often. The thing is..J is married and has three boys. His wife and sons come in on occasion as well.



C. The divorced father of 3

Been seeing a divorced father of 3 kids for a couple months. He's been divorced since November, and his kids are a priority which I find extremely appealing, though I have no kids of my own.






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