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Would you sleep with a hooker?


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I am very selective about the sexworkers I'm going to spend my money on If they get good reviews What I look for is that they are attractive (obviously they need to be if they want any bussiness) if they got good reviews wern't clock watchers and were locatated in a good area I'll visit them and a good escort is like a good cigar I'm willing to travel

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I've slept with hookers before, I'm a uni student, and split up from my girlfriend of 3 years 4 months ago.


I've had a number of offers to get into relationships - i don;t want to hurt no one by not showing them attention, I don't have the time for a true relationship, I'm at uni 4 days and work 3 days a week, so my whole week is busy.


However I do miss sex, so visiting an escort is the best way for me.


I only plan on doing this while I'm so busy, and I also check online for the escorts, to make sure there not... dodgy.


I'm not proud of it, but again I'm not ashamed.

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LB - most of them become hookers for either thier lust for sex, desperatly need money, or something that happened during childhood. I sure as hell would never like to become one... its so degrading (trust me on that) but alot of people do it simply because they feel like they have to inorder to get something.


Money, respect, friends... or jsut pleasure. Naturally the problem is with AIDS and all that kind of crap. Perhaps the one good thing is that it is a natural deturrent to alot of people wanting to become hookers (most male teenagers for a start...)


As for if i'd sleep with one. I really dont know if i would. I just dont know.

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LB - most of them become hookers for either their lust for sex, desperately need money, or something that happened during childhood. I sure as hell would never like to become one... its so degrading (trust me on that) but a lot of people do it simply because they feel like they have to in order to get something.


Money, respect, friends... or just pleasure. Naturally the problem is with AIDS and all that kind of crap. Perhaps the one good thing is that it is a natural deterrent to a lot of people wanting to become hookers (most male teenagers for a start...)


As for if I'd sleep with one. I really don't know if i would. I just don't know. Proberly not, thanks to AIDS.

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Yes I have slept with a hooker, would I do it again? I'm not planning on it anytime soon since I have a girlfriend right now. My first sexual experience was actually with a hooker I was 25 years old and had spent the last 6 years in the Navy. I had just left the Navy and was working towards a degree in marine biology. I decided to visit an escort While I was in New York attending a marine convention. My rationale was I'm all alone in this city I'm horny...who's gonna know? So I went online, looked a few ads picked one I liked phoned her up She sounded very nice and pleasant on the phone She told me the price I told her where I was staying, and she agreed to meet me later that night.


I guess I decided to go the hooker route because I just didn't have the time or the patience for dating I was a virgin and the older I got the more sexually frustrated I was getting. I had spent 6 years in the Navy, Grew up in a strict christian home, I didn't have my first alcoholic drink or say my first curse word until I was in the Navy. I was totally sheltered. I just wanted to do something different and off the wall something crazy I had Navy buddies who would see escorts all the time and weren't even ashamed to admit it all.


I was terribly nervous I just didnt know what to expect what if she was really mean and unfriendly? what if she was a cop? what if I couldn't get it hard? My stomach was getting really tight and I was wondering if I was about to make a big mistake. I was ready to just phone her and call the whole thing off part of me almost didn't want her to show up at my door.


I felt ALOT better once she showed up She was a true professional She made me feel comfortable in a matter of seconds We had our "session" as we like to call it and it was marvelous She had am amazing body was very enthusiastic and gave me an amazing blowjob. I just had to tip her when we were finished. I have to say my first experience was with a hooker and it was rather positive. It's something I'm not proud of but I feel under the circumstances I was in it was necessary I'm older now I have a steady girlfriend who I have been seeing for a year now. I don't see anything wrong with a man going to a prostitute.

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Yes I have slept with a hooker, would I do it again? I'm not planning on it anytime soon since I have a girlfriend right now.


Does your girlfriend know about this piece of your history?


I guess I decided to go the hooker route because I just didn't have the time or the patience for dating I was a virgin and the older I got the more sexually frustrated I was getting.


Have you dated or had a girlfriend before you used the hooker route?


I had spent 6 years in the Navy, Grew up in a strict christian home, I didn't have my first alcoholic drink or say my first curse word until I was in the Navy. I was totally sheltered. I just wanted to do something different and off the wall something crazy I had Navy buddies who would see escorts all the time and weren't even ashamed to admit it all.


You grew up in a strict and sheltered environment. Did you know the Lord, or was God real to you at any point? Was it your parent's faith shoved down your throat, or was it your own?




I felt ALOT better once she showed up She was a true professional She made me feel comfortable in a matter of seconds We had our "session" as we like to call it and it was marvelous She had am amazing body was very enthusiastic and gave me an amazing blowjob.


When you say blowjob, you mean oral sex. Some people seem to suggest that if you dont have vaginal sex (full service), then you would still be a virgin. Some people go as far as to say that the sexual experience with a hooker is so false that it's just a step above masturbating, so a loss of virginity there wouldn't count.


But, one thing you said there that makes sense, enthusiasm is very important quality in a girl, whether she's a normal girl or a hooker, even more important than appearances. If someone is there that just looks like 'she has to do it', then you dont want to have anything to do with her.


I just had to tip her when we were finished. I have to say my first experience was with a hooker and it was rather positive. It's something I'm not proud of but I feel under the circumstances I was in it was necessary I'm older now I have a steady girlfriend who I have been seeing for a year now. I don't see anything wrong with a man going to a prostitute.


Sure, sexual frustration is a horrible thing, so you feel that by going to a prostitute, that relieved your sexual frustration. So, if you have money, you can bail yourself out of sexual frustration by using a prostitute.


Do you feel more confident with your girlfriend having been with a prostitute before as opposed to being a virgin seeing your girlfriend probably did it with other people before you?

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Have you ever heard of LSD? Its commanly known as Acid, the drug was used for interrogation and mind control by the government. It was also supposed to help the men's minds become keen. However it had a bad effect and was removed from usage. LSD go lose and the public got its hands on it, using common products they turned LSD into a horrible drug.


If you dont already know LSD aka Acid, can be take in through the skin and you only need a small dose. A single drop on your forehead can leave you tripping for 8 to 14 hours depending upon the amount you take. Someone can brush up against you and your skin can absorb LSD (Acid) and next thing you know your fighting off a demon thats opened the gates and hell and its trying to take you into it.


While the CIA did experiement with LSD as an interrogation and mind control drug, they found it ineffective. LSD is not used for controlling people.


The drugs used to "drug" someone are the ones that will render them passive and docile. Stupified. These would have to be depressants and include a large range of substances from alcohol, to tranquilizers, to opioids (i.e. heroin). You're not going to successfully rape someone if they are running around screaming at demons.


For the record, drugs like LSD offer glimpses of both heaven and hell.

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On prostitution...


There is a dark and light side to prositution.


Where prostitution is legal, prostitutes are subject to regular STD testing, health care and education. They always use condoms and practice safe sex. Your chances of catching a disease from a prostitute like this are far less than with some one night stand picked up from a local club, and maybe even less than with your girlfriend.


Where prostitution is illegal, and/or where women are forced into prostitution, things can be more of a gamble. Often they are not properly educated in safe sex, and are also more likely to be IV drug users, and take personal risks with their health. Some may be willing to forgo use of condoms for some sexual acts if offered more money, and hence are more likely to acquire an STD and/or pass one on to a client.


As for frequency of prostitution, I suspect that men may be more likey to frequent prostitutes where prostitution is illegal. For one thing, it has more of a forbidden fruit allure when it is illegal. Secondly, it would be more clandestine. Where prostitution is illegal, prostitutes have to operate far more discretely, perhaps out of their apartment. Where is it legal, they would operate out of a bordello in a designate section of town.


If a man is visiting the red-light district, it is fair to assume that he may have been associating with a prostitute. If the prostitute he visits is in his own neighborhood or near his workplace, then it would be far less obvious.


thereforeeee, if you despise the thought of your boyfriend or husband from hooking up with a prostitute, then you should really support the idea of legalized and regulated prostitution in your area. It would make things less tempting for him.

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legalized prostitution? in what countries? Thailand? Where children are forced into prostitution? If my country legalizes prostitution, I'm moving.


Are you saying that a woman who has sex 10 times a night gets checked out 10 times for STDs that night? How often do they even test for STDs. The only difference between a hooker and a onenight stand @ a bar is the price.


I would never touch a prostitute. not only because of the risk of STDs, because I think it's morally wrong, and degrading to both parties. what would your future wife/gf think about you if they knew you visited hookers... nasty


Man it's sad thinking our society has little to no more morals left.

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legalized prostitution? in what countries? Thailand? Where children are forced into prostitution? If my country legalizes prostitution, I'm moving.


What country are you in?


Are you saying that a woman who has sex 10 times a night gets checked out 10 times for STDs that night? How often do they even test for STDs. The only difference between a hooker and a onenight stand @ a bar is the price.


Excellent point. I don't know how I would feel if I went with a woman knowing she went with 10 other guys the same day, and countless others prior to that, and saw 'evidence of traffic' on her. It would likely be disgusting.


I would never touch a prostitute. not only because of the risk of STDs, because I think it's morally wrong, and degrading to both parties. what would your future wife/gf think about you if they knew you visited hookers... nasty


People do not think about future wife or gf when they are visiting a hooker. Look at Tsark's example, brought up in a strict religious home, likely never had experience with a girl before and wanted to try this out. People reach low points in their life where they think they'll never find a future gf or wife, where even such a thought is a positive fantasy. It's like saying, how would you tell your future gf or wife if you went bankrupt, or if you were homeless at some point in your life and was begging for change, things happen which cause desperate people to do desperate things I guess.


Man it's sad thinking our society has little to no more morals left.


This is the oldest profession on record, so it never had any morals to start with.

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legalized prostitution? in what countries? Thailand? Where children are forced into prostitution? If my country legalizes prostitution, I'm moving.


Are you saying that a woman who has sex 10 times a night gets checked out 10 times for STDs that night? How often do they even test for STDs. The only difference between a hooker and a onenight stand @ a bar is the price.


I would never touch a prostitute. not only because of the risk of STDs, because I think it's morally wrong, and degrading to both parties. what would your future wife/gf think about you if they knew you visited hookers... nasty


Man it's sad thinking our society has little to no more morals left.


You obviously didn't read what I wrote. I said legalized and regulated prostitution, as they have in the Netherlands (Amsterdam) as well as some other first world countries. Forced slave-labour prostitution is like comparing a child-labour sweat-shop to the modern work-place.


A prostitute that services ten clients per day and practices safe sex every single time (no exchange of body fluids, no kissing, oral sex and penetration only involving condoms) is far less likely to contract or transmit an STD than a woman who sleeps with only five different men per year, but is more lax in her safe sex practises.

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I think it's immoral to tell women what they can and cannot do with their bodies.


If that's the case, what about suicide? if a person wanted to kill themselves, would you just say, "okay go ahead, it's your life"


what about people who do drugs and alcohol. Is it 'moral' we let them just do whatever they want. "hey it's your body, take as many drugs as you want"


that's just ridiculous.

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If that's the case, what about suicide? if a person wanted to kill themselves, would you just say, "okay go ahead, it's your life"


what about people who do drugs and alcohol. Is it 'moral' we let them just do whatever they want. "hey it's your body, take as many drugs as you want"


that's just ridiculous.


It is illegal to commit suicide, but it's not illegal to try. So that's basically the most pointless law out there.


If someone chooses to commit suicide, I think they have every right to do that. It's their life and they should choose whether or not to live it.


Alcohol is also legal.


And I feel that drug use should be decriminalized. Manufacturing, smuggling and selling drugs should certainly be illegal. But not the use of drugs.


It's not society's place to tell us what we can do with our bodies, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else, we are of legal age, and we have legal mental capacity.

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It is illegal to commit suicide, but it's not illegal to try. So that's basically the most pointless law out there.


If someone chooses to commit suicide, I think they have every right to do that. It's their life and they should choose whether or not to live it.


Alcohol is also legal.


And I feel that drug use should be decriminalized. Manufacturing, smuggling and selling drugs should certainly be illegal. But not the use of drugs.


It's not society's place to tell us what we can do with our bodies, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else, we are of legal age, and we have legal mental capacity.


wow... I'm glad you're not responsible for our law making, BUT i never mentioned anything about the law.


So.... drug dealing is illegal you say. So what's the difference between a drug dealer and a hooker selling her body for sex? You are dealing sex in other words. How do hookers know if what they're doing is not damaging a marriage or children.


Hookers are SEX DEALERS.


And I can't believe you even tried the 'trying to commit suicide is not illegal' argument. I never even said anything about it being illegal or not. What you're saying is, it's morally acceptable for that person to take his/her own life. Do you not know how many people have attempted suicide? Do you not know how many of these people eventually got help, and ended up leading long and happy lives? If it was up to you, you'd leave these people to just die because you don't care! You don't care about others, you think 'hey it's their life, do whatever they want'.


I would love to see you raise children, "oh samantha, you want to be a hooker? Go right ahead, it's your life, you could use the extra money" "Oh jimmy, you're taking meth? alright if that's what makes you happy..."


puuuhh leeeeeezeeeeee

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i never mentioned anything about the law.



And I can't believe you even tried the 'trying to commit suicide is not illegal' argument. I never even said anything about it being illegal or not.


I thought the last 2 pages of this thread were about the legality of prostitution. I'm not exactly off topic here.


I never even said anything about it being illegal or not. I would love to see you raise children, "oh samantha, you want to be a hooker? Go right ahead, it's your life, you could use the extra money" "Oh jimmy, you're taking meth? alright if that's what makes you happy..."


puuuhh leeeeeezeeeeee


I am expecting my first child in 4 months and I am going to be an awesome mother, thank you very much.

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My jurisdiction has soliciting for prostitution either way to be illegal, while paying for sex behind doors is not, which leads way for advertisement on papers, presumably because the street sex trade concept is unsafe in comparison to this.


That is an interesting concept, about the sex and drug thing, in one sense, it all seems like a vice concept, most prostitutes or hookers use their money to buy drugs because they dont like their work, and most of their johns are really supporting a drug habit, so the money appears to be circulating in some vice type of way and ultimately going into drugs.


If I were to be idealistic about it, I would think that all johns are innoscent virgins looking for experience or who are single for a long time and need a break, while every escort/hooker is raising tuition fees or trying to raise money for charity, but for the most part it doesn't work that way and even that conception may be a fantasy and is not how it really works.

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I thought the last 2 pages of this thread were about the legality of prostitution. I'm not exactly off topic here.


I am expecting my first child in 4 months and I am going to be an awesome mother, thank you very much.


first of all, you avoided all my questions. would you honestly let your kids be involved in prostitution and/or drug addictions then? lol, you can't say no, or else your previous posts about 'let them do whatever they want' is totally invalid. and you can't say yes, or else that would make you a horrible mother, and i hope child services gets notified right away.

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first of all, you avoided all my questions. would you honestly let your kids be involved in prostitution and/or drug addictions then? lol, you can't say no, or else your previous posts about 'let them do whatever they want' is totally invalid. and you can't say yes, or else that would make you a horrible mother, and i hope child services gets notified right away.


The comment about me being a horrible mother and you calling child services is obviously quite offensive, so I won't even comment on that.


All I can say is that there is a huge difference between the obligation of society to control its citizens, and the obligation of a parent to raise healthy, happy, functional children.

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Hey guys, looks like there is a cat-fight on here, look at these two women beating each other up. Crazey Amber vs. gattsuga.


Can we all have civilised discussions in here?


We should be debating whether cat-fights like this should be legal or illegal. Come on girls, we have to take this outside, I'm sorry. You are both right - happy?

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The comment about me being a horrible mother and you calling child services is obviously quite offensive, so I won't even comment on that.


All I can say is that there is a huge difference between the obligation of society to control its citizens, and the obligation of a parent to raise healthy, happy, functional children.



okay, I didn't mean any offense, and apologize if I caused any. However, what about those people who did not live in a functional family, and ended up homeless and in the streets. I say society has an obligation to help these people, even if they don't think they need it. I don't think hookers are sex starved people, who love sleeping with men and make money. They probably do it for the money! You might think this is a reasonable profession, but a moral person, I don't think, would agree.


you know the saying, the world would be a better place if we all helped each other.


If you want to talk about laws, well laws are there to protect people. Speeding is illegal... why is that? protection. prostitution is illegal... why? protection.


protection from what? from STIs, from physical abuse, from degrading society.

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Hey guys, looks like there is a cat-fight on here, look at these two women beating each other up. Crazey Amber vs. gattsuga.


Can we all have civilised discussions in here?


We should be debating whether cat-fights like this should be legal or illegal. Come on girls, we have to take this outside, I'm sorry. You are both right - happy?


Who's fighting? I'm just voicing my opinion about the obligation of society to control its citizens. I don't think it's nice to insult people.


But I can't allow you to say I'm right. Nobody ever agrees with my opinion and I'd like to keep in that way

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Hey guys, looks like there is a cat-fight on here, look at these two women beating each other up. Crazey Amber vs. gattsuga.


Can we all have civilised discussions in here?


We should be debating whether cat-fights like this should be legal or illegal. Come on girls, we have to take this outside, I'm sorry. You are both right - happy?



why do men love 2 women fighting?

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