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Would you sleep with a hooker?


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quotes from hazey_amber


"I used to work in an underground afterhours club where I became friends with many escorts. I can honestly tell you that they were depressed and miserable. They had alot of self-hate and had to numb themselves just to get through a day's work. These were sexy, high-class escorts - not crackwhores on the street"



I live in Toronto where the sex industry is booming. Commercial sex isn't very hard to come by (no pun intended) where ever you live. I have made friends with many escorts as well (some of which I used their services) and I have asked them about their work many of them already have jobs and do escort work on the side. They enjoy it They enjoy making their own hours They enjoy the freedom it gives them they enjoy the fact that they can earn more money in one hour then a lot of people do in an entire week. These women got into the sex industry on their own it was their own descision. They don't deal with agencies or pimps they work independently and they have total control and yes they are very sexual. Yes they're escorts who are miserable and hate what they do. I've met them as well. Fact is a lot of people hate their jobs and are miserable. factory workers, coal miners, roofers, farm labourers, millions of people do jobs they hate so they can put food on the table. They have to numb themselves to get through a day's work as well Yet nobody is stigmatizing the work they do or calling their industries evil and corrupt.


"No, trust me, it's not. Any kind of prostitute is risky and certainly not safe or clean. Please don't kid yourself."


You can't really use that as an argument. Life is full of risks. Everything we do entails risk. If you want to be totally safe from everything lock yourself in your house and never leave. Driving down the street is a risk to I suppose you would never get into a car? Meeting some random woman at a club or rave is certainly a risk. You don't know if they have an STD or are a total phycho A professional sexworker is more likely to protect herself then a sexually active adult because she's having more sex. Having sex is her job so of course she's concerned with her safety and the safety of her client. She's going to protect her assets.


"Absolutely. Not to be treated like a discardable piece of meat."


Who said anything about treating them like a discardable piece of meat? Men discard women all the time in relationships. The same way gold digging women discard men they were just using for their money. You're not discarding a prostitute if you paid her for her services. It's perfectly acceptable to treat a escort like a professional who's providing you a service for money because afterall that is what they are doing.


"Well, in my opinion, they should go to jail. But that's just my humble opinion."


Right... and a kid who is caught with a joint should be locked up as well While alcohol which contributes to far more deaths remains legal.. I get it. There is nothing wrong with a professional relationship with a sexworker as long as she is of legal age and it is consentual and safe. The only circumstances in which a sex customer should face legal implications is if the sexworker is underage or they're is violence threats intimidation. etc. other then that it is wrong to punish someone for a victimless crime. If you think by locking up sexworkers and sex clients and keeeping sexwork so stigmatized you're going to make things better you're sadly mistaken. This makes it harder for women to get out of the business if they want to quit more dangerous to seek help from the police if they are being abused, threatened, or defrauded and more difficult to find other work if they quit. If you want to improve the lives of sexworkers (especially the ones who are forced into it by violence and starvation) I believe there social status as people need to be improved. The more control a sexworker has over her working conditons the safer she will be. Sure you can keep it illegal but that doesn't mean it's going to go away Smoking Marajuana and underage drinking are illegal but that still doesn't stop people from doing it.

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Right... and a kid who is caught with a joint should be locked up as well While alcohol which contributes to far more deaths remains legal.. I get it. .


I hope not because I would have gone to jail long ago.. yummy pot.



If you think by locking up sexworkers and sex clients and keeeping sexwork so stigmatized you're going to make things better you're sadly mistaken.


Not the sexworkers, just the Johns. And that's my personal opinion, based on what I view to be moral and definitly not based on the current criminal system, since you cannot go to jail for sleeping with a prostitute.


Sure you can keep it illegal but that doesn't mean it's going to go away Smoking Marajuana and underage drinking are illegal but that still doesn't stop people from doing it.


I think that prostitution, as well as the use of drugs should be decriminalized. I also think that Johns, as well as drug dealers, should be illegal and punished. (But not pot dealers 'cuz pot should be a totally legal substance in my opinion).

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First you say that anyone who visits a prostitute should be thrown in jail now you say it should be decriminalized interesting. I'm sure sexworkers will appreciate their clientele being thrown in jail. That's just great for business.



I feel that it is morally wrong to pay someone for sex. However, I do not think that it is morally wrong to sell your body.


I think it is society's responsibility to prevent people from inflicting harm on other people. But not to prevent people from inflicting harm on themselves. I also think that it is morally wrong to take advantage of someone else in a vulnerable position, but it is not morally wrong to let yourself become vulnerable.


Make any sense? That,s just the way I see it.

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I feel that it is morally wrong to pay someone for sex. However, I do not think that it is morally wrong to sell your body.


I think it is society's responsibility to prevent people from inflicting harm on other people. But not to prevent people from inflicting harm on themselves. I also think that it is morally wrong to take advantage of someone else in a vulnerable position, but it is not morally wrong to let yourself become vulnerable.


Make any sense? That,s just the way I see it.


It's ok for a woman to sell sex but it's not ok for someone to buy it? No that doesn't make much sense I'm afraid. I really don't see how buying sex is anymore morally inferior then selling it. We're not talking about inflicting harm on someone we're talking about paying for sex. if you believe it's morally wrong that's fine. Your entitled to your beliefs and I'm sure you're not the only one who thinks that but If I visit a escort I have no intention of hurting her in anyway. Once the health and safety measures are out of the way and some chemistry has been established we can began our session. Once finished I pay her for her time and services have a shower bid my farewell to her and leave and I'm home in time for Leno now please explain to me how I've "inflicted harm" on her and why I should go to jail

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. Once finished I pay her for her time and services have a shower bid my farewell to her and leave and I'm home in time for Leno now please explain to me how I've "inflicted harm" on her and why I should go to jail


There's not much to explain. It boils down to your own opinion on what has been discussed in this thread. If you feel that these men or women are happy and safe doing what they are doing, then you won't feel as if you are doing any harm. If you feel, as I do, that at least the great majority of them have been thrown a lot of curve balls by life and are extremely unhappy and in a lot of pain, then it is harmful.


Agree to disagree?

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There’s not much to explain. It boils down to your own opinion on what has been discussed in this thread. If you feel that these men or women are happy and safe doing what they are doing, then you won’t feel as if you are doing any harm. If you feel, as I do, that at least the great majority of them have been thrown a lot of curve balls by life and are extremely unhappy and in a lot of pain, then it is harmful.


Agree to disagree?


Fine, agree to disagree

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I read on an escort board about someone who claimed to lose their virginity with an escort at the age of 21 and described the experience in his own words as "disgusting".


I've also read about another guy who went to an escort past 30 y/o and didn't have anything really positive to say about the experience. Basically, you are stimulated to some degree that's just a step above masturbating - but the business nature of it undermines any intimacy - or you are given just enough to go back for more, but it's not a satisfying type of experience.


The thing is, I'm sort of lucky in a weird sense being a virgin, because, I dont know what I'm missing - that's why it's just better to marry one time so you'd have guaranteed sex with one person for life, just makes more sense.


"Disgusting" is what he said of it. Why would he say that? He said, better to go to a massage parlour than an escort, you'll get better experience/connection overall.

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How about sleeping with a girl that sleeps with you because you're taking her to expensive reastaurants, buy her clothes or pay rent for her apartment...

What about a girl that you met in a bar, have a one night stand and in the morning she asks you for some money for teh medicine for her sick grandmother...is she a hooker?

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What about a girl that you met in a bar, have a one night stand and in the morning she asks you for some money for teh medicine for her sick grandmother...is she a hooker?


Are you making this up? Because that would be really funny. I want to be friends with this girl. She sounds fun.

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The point asul100 is trying to make is the same one I've been making It's never for free. Men pay for it one way or another. The only difference is that a prostitute is upfront about it and you can't fault her for her intentions because she's just making a living.


Luke Skywalker, I agree prostitutes they're not for everyone. I'm not suggesting that every man should visit one However, I don't believe its wrong for a man to visit one. and I certainly wouldn't blame a guy for going to one. We all have needs and going to a prostitute will not turn you into some dehumanizing animal. It all depends on many factors whether or not the experience of going to a prostitute is going to be enjoyable. the sexworker, the client, chemistry, etc. Some people morally object to it others are apalled or uncomfortable by the idea of going to a hooker. Heck, Some men are uncomfortable purchasing a playboy in a store let alone going to a hooker. to each their own. I've vistited escorts in the past. Some experiences were more pleasurable then others.

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The point asul100 is trying to make is the same one I've been making It's never for free. Men pay for it one way or another. The only difference is that a prostitute is upfront about it and you can't fault her for her intentions because she's just making a living.



Excuse me??? I give it for free, trust me. I am no prostitute in any way whatsoever.

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Excuse me??? I give it for free, trust me. I am no prostitute in any way whatsoever.



LOL Struck a nerve did I? There is no need to be so defensive. I never called you a prostitute. A prostitute provides sex in exchange for money. It's a service it's as simple as that.

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LOL Struck a nerve did I? There is no need to be so defensive. I never called you a prostitute.


Not really, since I don't know you and will never sleep with you.


I just feel sorry for guys who feel that all men pay for sex. That's so nasty and I wonder how you can respect any girl you sleep with, thinking that way. Or even yourself?


A prostitute provides sex in exchange for money. It's a service it's as simple as that.


Thank you for the economics lesson.

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No you don't know me and I never asked if I could sleep with you. However you can keep telling yourself that if it will boost your ego. You can lecture me about respect and women's rights You can feel sorry for me all you want. Fact is I don't have to justify myself to you. I'm not asking for your approval and I certainly don't need it.



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Like Charlie Sheen said, you don't pay a hooker for sex, you pay her to go away afterwards.


I haven't seriously considered going that route yet, but the aging process slowly destroys us all. The day will come (barring premature death or the mother of all medical breakthroughs) when any remotely attractive girl will get creeped out just from me looking at her or talking to her, much less trying to date her or have sex with her.

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I'm going to deflect going to an escort next month or negate the possibility. I"ve decided rather than spending money that way, that I may just buy a product from this site link removed and upgrade to ultimate program.


That way, I would not inflict moral damage on myself by potentially losing my virginity to a total stranger who is doing like a zillion guys and paying for it, but at worst, will just listen to someone give me advice or whatever about scoring natural babes. If I'm motivated enough to pay for an escort, then I should be motivated enough to try that program out.


The person behind the program, Payton Kane, suggests, that while it's cool to sleep with a hooker, it's really humiliating to the psyche as a man that you had to pay for it - you feel, very, very bad once it sinks in - 'you had to pay for this'. So, I'll spare myself the humiliation and forget about this idea for now.

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The person behind the program, Payton Kane, suggests, that while it's cool to sleep with a hooker, it's really humiliating to the psyche as a man that you had to pay for it - you feel, very, very bad once it sinks in - 'you had to pay for this'.



Really? I would have thought it would make you feel ... i don't know.. kind of like powerful. (not exactly but something like that.)

Sleeping with a hooker is one of my favorite fantasies for that reason.

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Really? I would have thought it would make you feel ... i don't know.. kind of like powerful. (not exactly but something like that.)

Sleeping with a hooker is one of my favorite fantasies for that reason.


I've heard that it is a disgusting experience to go with a hooker by sources from an escort review board. A guy there said, go to a massage parlour, dont waste your virginity on a hooker because it's disgusting.


I'm not taking any sides here for purposes of argument.


The hooker is the one making the money - that's arousing the basic carnal lust out of a vulnerable and unsuspecting guy to take advantage of him for profit. How would that make me feel powerful - my sex-drive is being used to make someone money in that arrangement.

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I guess it all depends on your prespective and mindset. It maybe "disgusting" to lose your virginity to a hooker but whose to say it wouldn't be to lose it to a stranger? or a girlfriend? My friend lost his virginity at 25, and he also said it was disgusting but he didn't lose it to a hooker. He lost it to some woman he met online. For me it was never about power or humiliation or lowering my worth as man because I had to "pay for it" or all that man's phyce stuff. I never bought into that and never will. I was horny and I just didn't have the time to date women. After my divorce, I wasn't too excited about reentering the dating scene anyway. I wasn't interested in another long term relationship and I can't stand bars and clubs. so sexworkers seemed like the most appealing choice. It's something I don't do regularly but my experiences have been pretty positive.

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I guess it all depends on your prespective and mindset. It maybe "disgusting" to lose your virginity to a hooker but whose to say it wouldn't be to lose it to a stranger? or a girlfriend? My friend lost his virginity at 25, and he also said it was disgusting but he didn't lose it to a hooker. He lost it to some woman he met online.


I dont know. If you are able to meet women online and have sex, then that sounds cheaper than using hookers. All you have to pay is the dating service.


I'll have to make a thread about what makes sex disgusting since that seems interesting.


For me it was never about power or humiliation or lowering my worth as man because I had to "pay for it" or all that man's phyce stuff. I never bought into that and never will. I was horny and I just didn't have the time to date women.


Well, that will go for you because you had a wife, you experienced attraction, etc... For me, it would be ego-damaging because I never really experienced anyone who was sexually attracted to me (although I have never expressed sexual attraction to anyone), and it would likely damage the psyche to feel I would have to pay for someone to act that way.



After my divorce, I wasn't too excited about reentering the dating scene anyway. I wasn't interested in another long term relationship and I can't stand bars and clubs. so sexworkers seemed like the most appealing choice. It's something I don't do regularly but my experiences have been pretty positive.


Alright, although it seems that I would prefer to meet a stranger online than to actually pay someone directly act a certain way, I'd like to know there is some sincerety or authenticity.


But then again, suppose I meet someone online who just feels sorry for me, given the type of profile I'm putting on, and puts up an act anyway. I don't know.

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Luke Skywalker, I understand where you are coming from, Yes, I HAD a wife LOL a friend once said "you don't truly pay for sex until you are married" My ex and I a lot of problems throughout our marriage and there were times where she didn't want to touch me. I can tell you right now that was very ego damaging. Heck I was tempted to go to a hooker while I was married! but I didn't start visiting sexworkers til after my divorce. and My friend did have to pay he took her out to dinner several times. this girl wasn't exactly stable there was a lot of drama in the relationship. For me visiting sexworkers is just liberating and covenient I don't look at is as an alpha male ego thing i look at it as a service im paying for. but that's just how I look at it I guess. I'm not telling you to go the hooker route. Your prespective and circumstances aree different then mine So telling you to go to a hooker would be rather presumptious.

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Your prespective and circumstances aree different then mine So telling you to go to a hooker would be rather presumptious.


The escort review boards seem to give an excellent indicator of which SP would likely make the experience disgusting or really good, if I were to go that route.


What is likely disgusting about using an escort - one that is not reputable, is if she doesn't clean up after herself from the last client - then I could imagine that would seem to be very disgusting if it's a revolving door type of thing.

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