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Would you sleep with a hooker?


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Servicing a need or intimacy and love with another human being.


Hookers service like a mechanic to your car. The commodity is their body.


I'd like to think that in a loving relationship the bodies of those involved are not objectified like that, brought down to a common economic tag.


Some things are better when given freely, and I would never pay for. Sex is one of those things.


Edit: I do think that prostitutes are one of the oldest forms of 'therapists' for broken souls, kinda like the local bartender.

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Do you know that nowadays prostitution has evolved?


They could be even be rented out on monthly basis. They could be your temprorary sex partner, or you could even sub rented them to other clients for a fee.


Yikes....This really disgust me.

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Some things are better when given freely, and I would never pay for. Sex is one of those things.


I'd like to throw in a wrench to this discussion and say that hookers is a guy thing rather than a ladies thing. Here are the following reasons:


- A woman can pick up a guy at anytime to have sex with her. Even the ugliest and fattest women out there can easily find any guy to do it with her, even hot studs. A guy on the other hand has to have confidence, game and all that other stuff, or they are just left behind and are looked at like a creep if they are desperate for sex and asking women for it.


- Women are 'wired' differently and like to have an emotional connection preceded by a sexual one - while men can go for anonymous sex - or that would appeal to them.


These are the two premises that I find it funny that any female would say that they would never pay for sex. Most hookers/escort's clients out there are male, so it seems on the majority to be a guy's thing.


Edit: I do think that prostitutes are one of the oldest forms of 'therapists' for broken souls, kinda like the local bartender.


Agreed with that. The irony is, most of the clients of prostitutes, contrary to belief are married men or men that have girlfriends that want a bit of spice or variety in their life without worrying about some other girl hanging on to them.


I'd be the best candidate for using a prostitute because I'm 30 y/o, and have never fondled, kissed or had sex with any woman and dont have a clue, so to speak, but I've never been with one. Most people would say it seems dangerous to have sex with someone who doesn't want you, and only cares about your money because it leads to 'mental masturbation' - but on the other hand, having sex itself (hopefully safe), may take some of the 'mysteque' away concerning women.


I dont see a prostitute as 'miracolously' changing me, and making me some sort of confident Don-Juan for just doing her - as I'd likely feel worst off since I had to pay for something. I'm sure there has to be some women out there who would want to connect with me anyway - but I'd have to lose all faith with God in the area of women (which I'm not too far away from) to seriously consider that. The only tiff with that, is if you concede you cant trust God in one area of life and use a prostitute because of lack of faith or non-confidence in God in the area of finding a suitable match, and trust Him elsewhere, then it's some selective faith - and can faith be selective - that's another argument in itself.


I may say, well, 30 years has passed and I've never had a girlfriend, I've prayed about it, well, if God's going to ignore this prayer, I'll ignore some of the holy guidelines then, right?


I'd wonder if any Christians have had this problem with their faith of have gone this far - that would be interesting. As to those without any moral or ethical compunction to considered a prostitute escort - I guess there is no argument about that as it's quid pro quo arrangements - you pay something, you get something, she gets money, she gives something, simple as that.

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I know a guy that really likes me, he has no chance though because I know he's slept with prostitutes. He's "dirty", so are most men that have had one night stands, over 10 sex partners, and such.


He told you? Duh.


Well, I dont seem to have a chance with anyone anyway, and would have nothing to lose by going with a prostitute except for money and I'd be under breach of my own faith - but I could ask God to forgive me, right? See, that's the thing, always this 'forgivenss cushion' - like, God will understand - when the bible clearly says that this is a temple defiling sin and God doesn't take any sin lightly - or it wouldn't be a sin in the first place. I likely have no concept of what I'm thinking about - until it's too late.


I dont know, I feel so naive, innoscent and green, and think if I just do it, even with a hooker that will change me or something, maybe just in my head - or maybe it will be too much for me and I'll end up in a madhouse, who knows? I'm certainly tempted, but have never actually been to one despite being able to afford a fix if I wanted to. I'd likely suffer temptation next month to go to an ethnic Indian hooker, because I seem to have problems with Indian women - but temptation is usually fought anyway.

Temptation to know forbidden things, like sex. Outside of marriage - forbidden.

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I could never do that because it would be too damaging to my ego to have to pay someone for sex, even if Im not getting it on my own, Id rather stay at home and masturbate and have my dignity.

That said Ive done things compareable to prostitution in the past and I regret it but at the time it seemed like a good idea. You just have to realize you cant undo the past and forget about it and go on.

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Eh, i disagree. When you meet the right person the best part about the relationship is not owing anyone anything...


commitment is a form payment my friend.

Correction, IF you meet the right person IF This is reality not a fairy tale Many marriages end in divorce. If you manage to find the "right person" and stick with them that's great, but many of us aren't that lucky . Then they're relationships that are co dependent relationships where the couple is only together for financial reasons or for the sake of children. most men who go to hookers are already married or have gfs ironic isn't it?

in some cases marriage is just a form of legalized prositiution.

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Please avoid sex with a prostitute. Her life is a mess...don't add to it.



how are you adding to her "mess" if you're paying her? if anything you're providering with bussiness. money she can use to pay rent, buy groceries etc.

I really don't see how keeping prostitution so stigmitized (and in most caes illegal) suppose to help anything This makes it harder for women to seek legal or other kinds of asistance if she's being abused or ripped off or she wants to quit. I have nothing against people who wouldnt go to hookers simply because they believe it wouldnt be right for them or they have religious or moral objections it it, fine however, i don't believe going to a prostitute makes you a disgusting pervert with no morals or a desperate loser.

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commitment is a form payment my friend.

Correction, IF you meet the right person IF This is reality not a fairy tale Many marriages end in divorce. If you manage to find the "right person" and stick with them that's great, but many of us aren't that lucky . Then they're relationships that are co dependent relationships where the couple is only together for financial reasons or for the sake of children. most men who go to hookers are already married or have gfs ironic isn't it?

in some cases marriage is just a form of legalized prositiution.


I can't even begin to explain what's wrong with what you wrote

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I can't even begin to explain what's wrong with what you wrote


There is nothing wrong with what I wrote. It is simply what I believe If you disagree with my statments that's your prerogative. however I know plenty of guys who are divorced and I know guys who complain that they don't get any from their wives unless they wash the car, mow the lawn find a cure for cancer etc. A good friend of mine had his bussiness go under. then guess what happened? his girlfriend packed up and left him high and dry.

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Hi guys, I am new here. I haven't read all the postings on this topic but in relation to the question, Would you sleep with a hooker?.... I wouldn't. A quick romp is not satisfying and I would be left feeling I had lost something.... my dignity, my values etc. Another thing you have to think of, besides the obvious STD risk is that you are contributing to the sex trafficking and drugs trade and to human misery.


The other thing is, directed at Luke Skywalker here... please be aware that a hooker is a 'real person' with real feelings and emotions just like you. It is just that they aren't selling you that coz it aint free.



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When people think hooker they immediately picture the streetwalking crackwhore. While I agree these women are pretty much walking death. "human misery" and human traffiking" are only one side of it alot of escorts actually do enjoy what they do and If you pay more and go with a clean professional escort your odds of catching something are zero. because a professional is going to insist on using a condom and gets tested Sex is her job of course she's going to protect herself. That's actually safer then picking up some girl at rave. and the great thing about an escort is that you don't have to worry about calling her back. I always hear "oh hookers are human beings with feelings" and blah blah" yes that's true hookers are human beings and they deserve to be treated with dignity and respect and so do the people who visit them. Your values are your values but keeping sexwork so stigmatized is something I don't agree with.

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I don't actually feel respect or dignity knowing my husband visited a hooker. In fact, I am pretty devastastated. I have also lost quite a bit of respect for my husband too, sadly. I have also known escorts; quite a few actually and never once did they tell me they enjoyed it. In fact, most of the escorts I met were quite disrespectful when discussing their clients later on! These were the clean, professional girls who insisted on using a condom etc. These girls found that a little cocaine or booze made it all the more acceptable to them.

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I never said it's ok for a married man to visit a hooker. but unfortunetly it DOES happen. if a man needs to look for garatification outside his marriage then clearly they're deeper problems at hand. What happened between you and your husband is your business. I know several escorts and none of them do drugs and they do enjoy what they do very much. otherwise they wouldn't be in it. One of them actually does it as a part time job she says her clients are perfect gentlemen who are very pleasant to be around. and she's actually very selective over who she chooses as her clients.

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alot of escorts actually do enjoy what they do


I used to work in an underground afterhours club where I became friends with many escorts. I can honestly tell you that they were depressed and miserable. They had alot of self-hate and had to numb themselves just to get through a day's work. These were sexy, high-class escorts - not crackwhores on the street.



That's actually safer then picking up some girl at rave. and the great thing about an escort is that you don't have to worry about calling her back.


No, trust me, it's not. Any kind of prostitute is risky and certainly not safe or clean. Please don't kid yourself.


hookers are human beings and they deserve to be treated with dignity and respect .


Absolutely. Not to be treated like a discardable piece of meat.


and so do the people who visit them.


Well, in my opinion, they should go to jail. But that's just my humble opinion.

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