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Would you sleep with a hooker?


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I dont think that making fun of the prostitutes is nice at all. Like Bruce stated above some of them cant help it because they were tricked into it by their pimps, and someone else stated that others were "sex slaves".


Why make fun of them if they cant control the situation they are in? so why make fun of all of them?


But see it was their decision to lack morals/values, it's not like someone put a gun on them and told them "If you don't sleep around, you'll die", they did it b/c they simply wanted to, out of selfishness. Yes, sex is something very serious and yet they chose to just do it with withever walks around, they're just degrading themselves!!!!!!!!!!


Think of it, what if they one day wanna really have a serious relation or even have kids of their own, then what story would their partners know, that they're number #30+ in sex, what about the story they would be telling their children. Boy that would be mess up. That's why I stated earlier DISCARD all hookers!!!!!!

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But see it was their decision to lack morals/values, it's not like someone put a gun on them and told them "If you don't sleep around, you'll die", they did it b/c they simply wanted to, out of selfishness. Yes, sex is something very serious and yet they chose to just do it with withever walks around, they're just degrading themselves!!!!!!!!!!


Think of it, what if they one day wanna really have a serious relation or even have kids of their own, then what story would their partners know, that they're number #30+ in sex, what about the story they would be telling their children. Boy that would be mess up. That's why I stated earlier DISCARD all hookers!!!!!!


You can not tell me that you havnt watched the news where females are being kidnaped and brought to different countries to be sold into prostitution. Not everyone has a choice, if you were kidnapped and drugged I bet that the mormal issue wouldnt be a problem, its survival. Youd prolly keep on living hoping that your loved ones would find you and bring you home. I bet thats how every last one of them feels, so you or the person next to you or the person next to them has no right to say that they do it because they "want to" or because they are "selfish".


Why? Becuase you dont know them, you dont know whats in their mind. Even if they hadnt been kidnapped and brought to another country maybe their brainwashed. People get brainwashed everyday so why cant a prostitue be brainwashed by someone? What if from an early ago a girl is raped and beaten by her family, told that shes worth nothing and is the scum of the earth. As she grows up she hears it more and more as people continue to abuse her in any way they can.


She runs away one night because the school keeps telling the students how happy life she be and such and she wants a happy life. So she runs. Runs right into the hands of a bad pimp to secretly starts injecting her with drugs so that shes addicted and stuck. Are you going to blame her and call her selfish because she was born into a bad family?


Have you ever heard of LSD? Its commanly known as Acid, the drug was used for interrogation and mind control by the government. It was also supposed to help the men's minds become keen. However it had a bad effect and was removed from usage. LSD go lose and the public got its hands on it, using common products they turned LSD into a horrible drug.


If you dont already know LSD aka Acid, can be take in through the skin and you only need a small dose. A single drop on your forehead can leave you tripping for 8 to 14 hours depending upon the amount you take. Someone can brush up against you and your skin can absorb LSD (Acid) and next thing you know your fighting off a demon thats opened the gates and hell and its trying to take you into it.


I brought this up because people CAN drug others without them knowing. So the situation I brought up above CAN happen and does.


Lotsa Love

Rain Gate

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This may sound impossible to some women and most men, but there are guys like me that could never, ever have sex with a stranger never mind a prostitute..

That is not strange. I have limits myself. If I meet someone and we are extremely attracted to each other, then yes I would have a safe one night stand.


But not with a prostitute. I KNOW I won't enjoy sex with someone I am paying. It's more than "you know what" in "you know where" contact to me. It has to be like that song. "Feeeelings! Whoa whoa whoa feelings!"

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One of the guys that works with my dad was married for 30 years. His wife had gained over 400 lbs. over a few years and that was maybe about 10 years ago. They physically couldn't have sex.


So he turned to a hooker in Camden, NJ (one of the biggest drug cities in America). After 4 years of only going to the one hooker, they fell in love and are now married. I've met her a few times. She's a very nice person and has NEVER been addicted to drugs.


I didn't know that she had been a hooker and I asked her what she did for a living and she just simply said, "I was a prostitute." She went on to tell me that when she was younger, she despritely (spelling?) needed money to put food on the table for her two younger siblings when they're mother was dying and she offered sex. When she realized how much money she could make, she became a regular prostitute. She said that she ALWAYS used condoms with her "clients" and that she hated the fact that she had made it her living, but she didn't regret it.


She was tested every month for any STD's and she never got one.


Not all prosititutes are as bad as you think.

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I kind of agree with Eto. If there is mutual consent. However, i know of alot of guys who have visitied propstitutes in Holland and places like Thailand and my view is that it's a pandora's box. The guys i'm talking about were in no way desperate and could have 'got it for free' but wanted to actually experience paying someone to do this. I think it's a fantasy for alot of young men! especialy those with money to burn constantly looking for the next kick with their friends.



I have to rent the movie Hostel near the end of this month. It's premised on a bunch of guys going to Holland for sex, and get lured with the idea of cheap or free sex with some East European girls, but get more than they bargained for.


The movie Hostel is actually based on real events of Northern Thialand so there could be a modicum of truth to it.

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I dont think its right for anyone to judge other people and label them. Prostitution may not be legal in some places but provides a basic service to some needy people. Men who sometimes have been regected hundreds of times and the only small piece of happiness of this it may not be moral but what is moral.

Moral is a human idea which does not occur in other animals. While its okay for a woman to go out with an old ugly guy for his money isnt that prostitution but in a difference. I work on this principle if I want a service doing and someone is willing to do that service and if both deemed it safe and suitable then its okay.

Prostitution though is a last resort obviously for some men who feel that money is the only way to experience some aspect of this act that they have pitiously been withheld from.

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going to a hooker is wrong yet going to a club and picking up a total stranger taking them home and having your way with them is considered perfectly okay? you don't know that person for all you know they could have an STD so morally, what's the difference? "Why pay for it when you can get it for free" FREE?? LOL HA! sex is never for free, you're paying for it one way or another dating and relationships aren't exactly cheap you know. and if all your looking for is a quick lay going to a hooker is a heck of a lot easier then dating a girl for 3 weeks or trying your luck at the bar scene buying drinks, using pick up lines wondering if anything you're doing is even paying off just because a guy goes to a hooker doesn't necessarily make him a loser or desperate. Ironically, a lot of these guys are already married or have girlfriends just because you're with someone doesn't mean you're getting sexual gratification. That's considered cheating and I don't condone that type behaviour however for those who are single and just looking for a good time and it's safe, and consentual and it's with an adult why not? Maybe they want live out their fantasies with a beautiful drop dead gorgeous woman they normally wouldnt have access to or they just don't wanna have to deal with all the hassles that comes with relationships and dating and just want hassle free convenent sex. or maybe they just don't have "game" or whatever you wanna call it and they decide to use the services of a hooker this DOES NOT make them horrible disgusting bad people would you prefer it if they were out raping and molesting women instead? if a guy wants to visit a prostitute that's his right and it's his money.


I'm aware of STDs however if you pay more and go with a professional escort type you won't catch anything because these women are not only tested regularly they insist on using a condom in my opinion that's actually safer then just going to a bar and picking up some random girl. becase you're dealing with a woman who's protecting her assets since sex is her profession she's concerned with her own safety as well as the safety of her client

To be honest I have more respect for hookers then I do for some women I know They're some women I know that I would never pay to have sex with but I would certainly pay them to go away.


that's my rant feel free to disagree with me if you want, I really don't care it's my opinion.

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Yeah, I'm cursed with a teenie weenie, and because of that no "legitmate girl" would willingly have sex with me, so I am forced to live a life of hookers. I haven't slept with a hooker yet but will soon when I get enough cash. image removed


By the way, it sure must be nice to be a woman. Getting paid to have sex! Or getting paid to dance around a poll having fun and getting exercise, raking in thousands per night.

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Yeah, I'm cursed with a teenie weenie, and because of that no "legitmate girl" would willingly have sex with me, so I am forced to live a life of hookers. I haven't slept with a hooker yet but will soon when I get enough cash. image removed


First - I think that what others have said in the "size" thread has gone in one ear and out the other with you. You telling yourself that no "legitimate girl" would have sex with you is becuase you have a self esteem problem. Maybe if you just learn to love yourself a little before blaming females for your our self esteem problems things would get better.


Sleeping with a hooker will only cause you to hate yourself more, if you think a normal everyday female is thinking "Horrible thoughts" about your penis what do you think a hooker is going to think? *shakes her head*


By the way, it sure must be nice to be a woman. Getting paid to have sex! Or getting paid to dance around a poll having fun and getting exercise, raking in thousands per night.


Second - Do you really think that *all* hookers have sex for the money or the pleasure? I dont think so. Some females are kidnaped and brought to other countrys where they are sold to their "pimps" who force them to have sex to "pay off their debt" while others are so drugged up that they dont even know what they are doing half the time.


OH YEA! ITS SSSOOO AWESOME to dance around a poll and have perverts droll because the moneys SO good. ¬___¬ Come on, what makes you think that? If they really made thousands per night do you think they'd be doing it 5 to 7 nights a week?


Lotsa Love

Rain Gate

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What kinds of guys go to hookers? all types and they're not all disgusting perverts with no morals either a lot of them are just average ordinary joes who just want to have some no strings attached unadulterated fun. Does this make them bad people? no. some guys go to strip bars others go on the internet and some like to go to escorts if a woman isn't uncomfortable selling sex. then why should a man be uncomfortable buying it?


I'm not saying that going to a hooker is the solution to everything because it's not however people really do need to lighten up

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I have hired two prostitutes. The first one was in Vegas and she was beautiful, had a great body, and gave me the best oral sex I've ever had. The second one was in my home town and was not quite as enthusiastic as the first one. I used protection both times and have no STD's. At the time, I was very inexperienced having only been with one woman. I wanted to experience more than one woman in my life time, and I feel very justified in what I did. I am not proud of it, but I don't regret it. I would not recommend others try it if they are not comfortable with the idea. I felt it was something I had to do since I'm not a player and not very aggressive with the ladies.


Hey buddy, I've just been browsing through this thread, I"m not sure if you are still here or not, but here goes. Just a few questions:


At what age did you decide to use these two prostitutes or what state in your life? No STD's and used protection?


So, you are not a player, not aggressive with the ladies, and thereforeeee that was the premise that you decided to do that - or the 'justification' behind doing that - so, guys who are not aggressive with ladies and are not players are justified in considering a hooker.


You know, I tend to have a double-standard. On hand, when I date girls, I like to think of myself as being exclusive with them, yet on the other hand, I dont care about hookers being exclusive with me like being their only client (never used one yet though), but in crossing some lines of thought together, I've come to accept to lower my standards with some girls who may be going with other guys where I just have to wait my turn rather than interpreting that as rejection. After all, one has to wait their turn when using a hooker anyway, and the same would apply to some normal girls who have allot of guy friends or are loose I suppose.

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I see no point in guys sleeping with hookers, for one you have to be a desperate one to resort to a hooker, mainly because there are plenty of average (excuse me if i offend anyone, not intentional) * * * * * * out there that will sleep with anyone or anything and not charge.


Yes, people should send out personal ads on the internet, and use all available natural routes first before resorting to hookers.


Thats just what I dont understand, why pay when you can always get it for free?


That is not a fair statement. Some people may say that women are technically never free. You either pay in the form of your time, emotional investment, drama, with no guarantee you'll get anything at the end of the day, or you simply take some money from your wallet and buy something without any BS (assuming there are good reviews about the particular escort). There are other types of women who are gold diggers and simply play guys for their money. With the hooker, you at least know how much money you are spending for what you are expecting to get.



and the big big reason I dont get is people are putting their lifes in danger and possibly their loved ones at risk of only god knows what just for a few minutes of pleasure so not only are you having to pay money you're also paying with your life and your loved ones life and anyone you may happen to be with in the future.


Putting their lives in danger? There are plenty of things that can already do that. The food that people eat, anti-biotics, drug, lots of stuff in the environment already do that. What's the number one killer in North America - I'm sure it's not an STD, but something related to the lifestyle of what people eat, drink and exercise.



Because condoms ARENT 100% protective against everything out there. So anyone who is thinking of sleeping with a hooker, think twice?


That's right - but condoms reduce risks. I mean if you go with one too many hookers, the chances of it breaking are different than if you just go with one or a few unless you are very unlucky. But you could put more than one condom on, you could put two, or six or eight condoms on cant you?

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That is not a fair statement. Some people may say that women are technically never free. You either pay in the form of your time, emotional investment, drama, with no guarantee you'll get anything at the end of the day, or you simply take some money from your wallet and buy something without any BS (assuming there are good reviews about the particular escort). There are other types of women who are gold diggers and simply play guys for their money. With the hooker, you at least know how much money you are spending for what you are expecting to get.


"What's the difference between having sex with your girlfriend, and having sex with a hooker? - Hookers are cheaper."

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a man goes to an escort does his thing with her pays her then leaves. it was safe consentual, and fun why should he feel guilty? why should he have to justify himself TO ANYONE he didn't hurt anyone Should a man feel bad for going into a resteraunt and buying a meal because he's hungry instead of "getting it for free" LOL whatever and the whole "hookers are diseased" argument is a lark you're more likely to catch something from a girl at a bar/rave/club then you are from a professional sex worker

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