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Would you sleep with a hooker?


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You lost your Visa card in a hooker?!


Man payment methods sure have changed.



Is this a joke. I've never used a hooker or escort service in my life, that's why I'm still a Virgin - V-card -. Using a hooker to lose virginity in exchange for losing money and contracting STD and potentially HIV/AIDS, sounds like a very bad idea.

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Definitely not. "Moral" reasons aside, here, there are a quite a few Eastern European women lured here with promises of well-paying jobs, but when they get here they are sold into a form of forced prostitution slavery. They don't even get paid (they are told that they have to work of the debt they've incurred getting over here). I suppose that isn't moral reasons aside, just a different type of morals.


In any case, with no way of knowing whether a prostitute is willingly doing it or not, it would be out of the question. (Not that I would anyway, but this would really make it quite impossible and disgusting for me).

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I see no point in guys sleeping with hookers, for one you have to be a desperate one to resort to a hooker, mainly because there are plenty of average (excuse me if i offend anyone, not intentional) * * * * * * out there that will sleep with anyone or anything and not charge. Thats just what I dont understand, why pay when you can always get it for free? and the big big reason I dont get is people are putting their lifes in danger and possibly their loved ones at risk of only god knows what just for a few minutes of pleasure so not only are you having to pay money you're also paying with your life and your loved ones life and anyone you may happen to be with in the future. Because condoms ARENT 100% protective against everything out there. So anyone who is thinking of sleeping with a hooker, think twice?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there,


Just want to say that I recently found out that my boyfriend had slept with a prostitute whilst away working for a couple of months.


Apart from all the usual emotional turmoil - humiliation, heartbreak, anger and complete confusion - it totally makes me sick that he actually paid someone to have sex - I honestly can't get over it.: confused:


He is completely full of remorse, he's sorry and is begging me not to leave him, he loves me, he's made one terrible mistake, learnt his lesson and will never do it again and although I have no doubt that this is true - I feel that I have no choice - even though I do love him, I hate what he's done.


All I want to say is, honestly - if anyone ever does find themselves in a position where they think they won't get found out - think very, very carefully. The truth has a habit of coming out. I think there is some kind of belief amongst some men (and I really am saying only some because I know there are a lot of decent, faithful men out there) - that having sex with a prostitute is not actually cheating because there is no emotional connection - it's a "business transaction". I can tell you from my point of view it most definitely is cheating and you cannot imagine the humiliation of finding out that your boyf had sex with a dirty ho. If you love someone - why would you want to put them through that?


My boyfriend has lost me now and even if we did stay together - how could things ever be the same? They won't and thereforeeee it's time for me to move on - painful and horrible as the whole thing has been - I'm sure there will be a valuable lesson for me when I come out the otherside of this.


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To be honest, I know a few guys who've hired hookers. I know even more guys who've frequented "strip clubs" and have taken offers from the girls for 'extras'.


You get to know these things when you have a lot of guy friends. The one thing that was fluent with every guy that had 'paid for it', was that they weren't of the utmost integrity, and never a person I'd consider dating (and I am in no way judgemental - it was their personalities that made them unattractive). I suppose the reason I think it's so hilarious when someone says, "nothing really happens in strip clubs", is because I know better. I wish I didn't, but unfortunately, I do.


I think that sort of thing happens more often than any of us would like to know about. I certainly wouldn't.


To answer the original question: I don't want to sound like a conceited jerk, but in no way would I ever have to pay for sexual encounters. I've never even remotely considered it.

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What if you were in a foreign country, say Holland, where prostitution is legal and regulated? With out having to worry about disease and not having to pay as much, why not give it a try? As the saying goes, when in Rome do as the Romans do.

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I am a firm believer in freedom. Providing you aren't hurting another I feel strongly that you should do as you wish. Moral judgment is so relative. Realize that at birth your mind is a blank slate. You are conditioned by family, religion, or whatever to consider this right and that wrong. Is there really anything wrong with paying another person for sex if there is mutual consent? NO! You'd pay for a masage wouldn't you?

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I kind of agree with Eto. If there is mutual consent. However, i know of alot of guys who have visitied propstitutes in Holland and places like Thailand and my view is that it's a pandora's box. The guys i'm talking about were in no way desperate and could have 'got it for free' but wanted to actually experience paying someone to do this. I think it's a fantasy for alot of young men! especialy those with money to burn constantly looking for the next kick with their friends.

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I am a firm believer in freedom. Providing you aren't hurting another I feel strongly that you should do as you wish.

Oh I agree with that alright... You should be *allowed* do as you wish, but I think the question was about people's own opinions of it...


Of course, you don't always know if they are doing it of their own free will.

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Hi guys - thought I'd throw in my two quid about my experiences with this interesting issue.


I've been to Amsterdam twice in the past few months, and as someone said previously hoes are 100% legal. The take regular STI tests, only accept 'customers' if they wear a rubber. Hells they even pay taxes lol.


In case you're wondering, I've never been with a hoe (there are many other 'distractions' in Amsterdam aside from hookers) and I don't think I ever would. I would feel like I'm be failing in my duties as a male in the hight of my sexual prime. I mean it's kinda cheating if you just pay for it?


Having said that... when I was walking through the red light district, smiling and waving politely at the hoes, I was well tempted! Some of them were incredibly hot, like model hot.


And to everyone that says 'BUT BRUCE LOL WHY NOT JUST SLEEP WITH AN 'AVERAGE' GIRL FOR FREE LOL' - there is no such thing as free. Part of the appeal of a hooker is that there is no attachment, no expectations post coitus, no paying for dinner at expensive restaurants, no meeting the parents and so on.


Finally, to those who say it's fine as long as both parties agree... whilst that does in a way make sense, I think you need to look a bit deeper. For example, a minority of hoes are forced into the business by scumbag, armtwisting pimps. They might be threatened or even intentionally given coke so they get hooked on it, so they rely on their pimp for a fix.


She might say 'yes' but deep down she's saying 'sigh'.


Think about it.



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Sex is a sacred act for me... I wouldn't prevert it by doing it with someone I wasn't very deeply connected to... or had to pay off... >_>



I also wouldn't like the idea of what I could be supporting by paying. Not to mention the cleanliness factor...


You lost your Visa card in a hooker?!

Man payment methods sure have changed.

LMAO here...

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I'm not sure about you, but if I were dying from a disease I'd sure as hell not be bagging hookers. I'd bungee jump.


I agree with this statement, if I was going to die Id do something I always wanted to do and live the rest of my life to the fullest. No sense in crying over the fact your going to die and go pay someone for sex.


To answer the original question, No I would not pay to have sex with anyone. I think sex is a serious thing that should be taken serious. Yes you can have fun and such but that doesnt mean you cant be safe about it.


I dont think that making fun of the prostitutes is nice at all. Like Bruce stated above some of them cant help it because they were tricked into it by their pimps, and someone else stated that others were "sex slaves".


Why make fun of them if they cant control the situation they are in? It like making fun of a rape victim because she was exited through the wrong door at the mall parking lot. I know there are some prostitutes out there who do it because of the money, then others who prolly feel like they have no other way to make money, so why make fun of all of them?


Lotsa Love

Rain Gate

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