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Would you sleep with a hooker?


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I'm a 30 y/o virgin who has never kissed or got laid with any girl, and think that I would be very vulnerable to the idea of getting laid with a hooker as a means of expression my sexuality if I'm phobic about doing so with real people. The real question is if a hooker is a safe venue to express sexuality without being rejected, or without someone calling the cops on you. That is a debatable idea. This is how I would apply the rationale in my case. However, having a 'friend' out there right now is a deterrance to that thought, I also have some nice cousins - and if word got around that I went with a hooker, I would lose face with my parents, family and female friends that I have that I'm currently going out with.


Of course, I've heard that people who have had sex with hookers dont have a satisfying sexual experience and that of course, it's all 'mental masturbation' to believe there is anything more than a business relationship. People are looking for making love, or some bond or connection, but how can you have that with someone whose only interest is in your wallet? They have said sex with a hooker is just one up from masturbating on porn.


So in answer to your question, I really dont know, if I have nothing to lose, and I want to get laid and have some cash, at the right time, then I could be tempted.


In the past, I was constantly fantasing about it, but always had little or no money, and was worried I'd be to broke to be laid. As of recent, however, the interest on that stuff has nose-dived and I'm honestly not intereted at this time of even thinking about the hooker/escort thing at all.

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Although I do have fun with them. I live 2 blocks away from one of the biggest drug cities in America and there are always atleast 10 hookers on the corner. I love to yell things at them when we drive by them haha.

That made me LOL


That sounds like fun. I wanna do that!!!



Oh, and to answer your question... No.

I won't even sleep with my boyfriend. I will only sleep with him when we're married.

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The most important thing that would deter me and should deter anyone else is the hit to my self esteem. The fact that you had to pay for something that you could get on your own if you were willing to obtain the skills and rely on your personality. Sleeping with a hooker is a self re-enforcing downward spiral.


Sleeping with prostitute -> Less self esteem -> less success with women in general.

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The most important thing that would deter me and should deter anyone else is the hit to my self esteem. The fact that you had to pay for something that you could get on your own if you were willing to obtain the skills and rely on your personality. Sleeping with a hooker is a self re-enforcing downward spiral.


Sleeping with prostitute -> Less self esteem -> less success with women in general.


But your self-esteem would have to hit the rocks in order to go with a hooker in the first place, you cant lose any further self-esteem if you have none to start with.

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I will never pay for sex from a hooker.


1. Its a lot cheaper and safer to buy porn, and I've always been the type to save money if I can do it myself.

2. Hookers carry the most fascinating diseases known to man. I wouldn't sleep with one for free unless I knew I'd be dying soon.

3. I've slept with a hooker before, but we recently broke up and thats why I'm on this forum; I had no idea she was one until it was too late.

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I have hired two prostitutes. The first one was in Vegas and she was beautiful, had a great body, and gave me the best oral sex I've ever had. The second one was in my home town and was not quite as enthusiastic as the first one. I used protection both times and have no STD's. At the time, I was very inexperienced having only been with one woman. I wanted to experience more than one woman in my life time, and I feel very justified in what I did. I am not proud of it, but I don't regret it. I would not recommend others try it if they are not comfortable with the idea. I felt it was something I had to do since I'm not a player and not very aggressive with the ladies.

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But your self-esteem would have to hit the rocks in order to go with a hooker in the first place, you cant lose any further self-esteem if you have none to start with.

Oh no way, you have to have low self esteem to get a hooker, but it'll go way lower once you did it. It's would be like verifying all of the negative things you think about yourself.

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Never say never. I don't think I would unless I was old, desperate and even the I'd only go through an escort agency. I think there are enough guys out there who would sleep with anything that I wouldn't have to pay for it. I sincerely hope that day never comes.


I do know a couple of guys who frequent these agencies and one picked up gential warts and the other peed blood for a week but never saw a doctor. It's definitely not the safest thing to do.

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I do know a couple of guys who frequent these agencies and one picked up gential warts and the other peed blood for a week but never saw a doctor. It's definitely not the safest thing to do.


Yeah, sounds risky. They cant sue the escort agency for negligance because everyone will know they went with a hooker - so that's like legal blackmail. So I assume they all must have used condoms. There are worst diseases out there like AIDs and stuff, and even condoms aren't 100% foolproof. Losing a V-card in exchange for that crap, yuck.

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