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My new girlfriend has no pubicc hair ( she is 31), I asked if she had it removed but she told me that it never grew in. I dont believe her she has laser removal reatment on her legs and underarms. So me tends to think she has it lasered off too. What do you think.

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I don't know if it is possible for pubic hair to have never grown in or not . ,Since she obviously reached puberty it would seem only likely that she has had pubic hair also , if she had other body hair as well and has had it removed.


Does it bother you one way or the other whether she has pubic hair or not ??

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I don't know. I am sure there could be some people who have never grown pubic hair, there seems to be a condition for everything.


At the end of the day what does it really matter though. Your g/f told you what she wanted to tell you.

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Alopecia universalis, an inability to grow hair could be a disorder that is a possible the cause for lack of hair on the body. It can be localized to any part of the body that grows hair or general to the whole body. It doesn't necessarily extend to all areas, so it is possible she never had hair because the disorder often begins during adolescence when pubic hair normally starts to show up. It maybe something she should see a doctor about, because it could lead to baldness.

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When I was a teenager, 4 or 5 times my pubic hair all fell out during stressful times, and it has happened twice in adulthood....


Don't know why, but it sure saved money on razors.


Maybe she lost it and dosen't want to say because you might think something is wrong with her...

Or maybe she is a dirty liar and dosen't want to tell you that her laser-ist is a mustachioed-Antonio-Banderas look-alike who personally prepares the area to be lasered with the utmost care and concern for the needs of his client... (oops, sorry, that was MY fantasy... please disregard)

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Or maybe she is a dirty liar and dosen't want to tell you that her laser-ist is a mustachioed-Antonio-Banderas look-alike who personally prepares the area to be lasered with the utmost care and concern for the needs of his client... (oops, sorry, that was MY fantasy... please disregard)


That is way too funny!!!

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