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How could my period be this LATE!?


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Okay, I know I post a lot of threads on here, but honestly... it's just because it is a lot easier to ask all of u at eNot Alone for advice, than it is for me to ask people here.


So, my period is officially a week late. Yes my boyfriend and I are very sexually active. This is the first time that my period has come late, usually it comes the one or two days after it did the month before. Like in June, I got it on the 29th, July was one the 1st, so I should of had it on the 2nd.


In the last month, my boyfriend and I have had sex, multiple times. Each time though, we used a condom, and he didn't even come close to finishing inside of me. (we like oral sex, so he was nowhere near my "area" when finishing)


I am just wondering if anyone out there has any theory as to HOW my period can be this late all of a sudden. I haven't had a lot of stress lately or anything. I want to just take a pregnancy test, but 1) I don't know how I could of gotten pregnant this past month and 2) My boyfriend is on a trip and won't be back for another week. If I had to take a PT, if it were to end up positive, he is someone I want there. I wouldn't want to have to wait another week, worrying about how he would react and everything else.


I am just so confused, any advice you could give would seriously be SO appriciated!

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Have you changed your diet or done something different?

I was skipping periods even without stress because women in my family have erratic cycles.


You should take a PT just to be sure, if you had sex, you are at risk of pregnancy. If you want to wait for your BF to take it, assume its positive until then and take care to eat right and not use medications that are harmful to fetuses.

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I have wnet there with my wife. but before we where married. The best bet is to take the pregnancy test, comdomes are not 100% You can wate for him to come back to take one though, and I think he will be ok with it. He might freak I know I did but I got over it quickly and he should too. After that scare my wife went on the shot. So we wont have that happen for a secound time Good Luck

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Based on the fact that you used condoms and he also did not ejaculate even while in the condom, makes it very unlikely you are pregnant- but not impossible. If the condom was faulty, and pre-ejaculate (which still contains small amounts of sperm) got through....it's still possible to get pregnant.


If it were me- I'd take the test right away- I'd want to know. A week of waiting would kill me. But it's up to you.


Your period could be late for other reasons. link removed




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Hey Pitt,


Yeah, I would take a test now, because the wait would be even worse for me than not knowing. Besides, if it is negative, that will be a load of your mind, right?


Many things can change your period - illness, change in weight/exercise routine/diet, living with a new group of women, stress, infection, birth control (hormonal), and so forth.


Of course, there is always a chance of pregnancy, even if you used condoms and without ejaculating while in you, as pre-ejaculate can contain some amounts of sperm...while condoms are relatively effective, they are definitely not 100% either, the error rate is based on how well/properly you use them and of course there is the odd faulty one out there (myself and one of my siblings were both faulty condom babies!).


So, I would suggest a test now, just to know one way or the other...unless you really want to wait. If it's negative, I would just...relax...you are late enough it should be accurate now. If it is positive, well, then it will be time to sit down with your boyfriend and discuss the next step.


Good luck,



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I haven't been eating any differently recently than I have all summer, but yes. I am acting like I am pregnant until I either get my period or take a pregnancy test


that happened to me a lot between my first pregnancy and my second, I think I was thinking about it so much that I subconsciously made my period late, once it was 3 weeks late, I took the test and the day after I started (everytime I would take a test the day after I would start, until I got preg. with the second one)


maybe go to the doctor to check things out for sure though.

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